blob: 9196e375e73051f9d2a7cdf0df255a2f2515c2be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{Context, Error},
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy, ClientEnd},
ComponentControllerEventStream, ComponentControllerMarker, ComponentRunnerMarker,
ComponentRunnerProxy, ComponentStartInfo,
fidl_fuchsia_data as fdata, fidl_fuchsia_process as fprocess, fidl_fuchsia_test as ftest,
fuchsia_runtime as fruntime, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
/// Handles a single `ftest::SuiteRequestStream`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `test_url`: The URL for the test component to run.
/// - `program`: The program data associated with the runner request for the test component.
/// - `namespace`: The incoming namespace to provide to the test component.
/// - `stream`: The request stream to handle.
pub async fn handle_suite_requests(
test_url: &str,
program: Option<fdata::Dictionary>,
namespace: ComponentNamespace,
mut stream: ftest::SuiteRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(event) = stream.try_next().await? {
match event {
ftest::SuiteRequest::GetTests { iterator, .. } => {
let stream = iterator.into_stream()?;
handle_case_iterator(test_url, stream).await?;
ftest::SuiteRequest::Run { tests, options: _options, listener, .. } => {
let starnix_runner = connect_to_protocol::<ComponentRunnerMarker>()?;
let namespace = namespace.clone()?;
let program = program.clone();
run_test_cases(tests, test_url, program, listener, namespace, starnix_runner)
/// Runs the test cases associated with a single `ftest::SuiteRequest::Run` request.
/// Running the test component is delegated to an instance of the starnix runner.
/// # Parameters
/// - `tests`: The tests that are to be run. Each test executes an independent run of the test
/// component.
/// - `test_url`: The URL of the test component.
/// - `program`: The program data associated with the runner request for the test component.
/// - `listener`: The listener for the test run.
/// - `namespace`: The incoming namespace to provide to the test component.
/// - `starnix_runner`: A proxy to the starnix runner's `ComponentRunner`.
async fn run_test_cases(
tests: Vec<ftest::Invocation>,
test_url: &str,
program: Option<fdata::Dictionary>,
listener: ClientEnd<ftest::RunListenerMarker>,
namespace: ComponentNamespace,
starnix_runner: ComponentRunnerProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let run_listener_proxy =
listener.into_proxy().context("Can't convert run listener channel to proxy")?;
for test in tests {
let (case_listener_proxy, case_listener) = create_proxy::<ftest::CaseListenerMarker>()?;
let (test_stdin, _) = zx::Socket::create(zx::SocketOpts::STREAM).unwrap();
let (test_stdout, stdout_client) = zx::Socket::create(zx::SocketOpts::STREAM).unwrap();
let (test_stderr, stderr_client) = zx::Socket::create(zx::SocketOpts::STREAM).unwrap();
let stdin_handle_info = fprocess::HandleInfo {
handle: test_stdin.into_handle(),
id: fruntime::HandleInfo::new(fruntime::HandleType::FileDescriptor, 0).as_raw(),
let stdout_handle_info = fprocess::HandleInfo {
handle: test_stdout.into_handle(),
id: fruntime::HandleInfo::new(fruntime::HandleType::FileDescriptor, 1).as_raw(),
let stderr_handle_info = fprocess::HandleInfo {
handle: test_stderr.into_handle(),
id: fruntime::HandleInfo::new(fruntime::HandleType::FileDescriptor, 2).as_raw(),
ftest::StdHandles {
out: Some(stdout_client),
err: Some(stderr_client),
let (component_controller, component_controller_server_end) =
let ns = Some(ComponentNamespace::try_into(namespace.clone()?)?);
let numbered_handles =
Some(vec![stdin_handle_info, stdout_handle_info, stderr_handle_info]);
let start_info = ComponentStartInfo {
resolved_url: Some(test_url.to_string()),
program: program.clone(),
outgoing_dir: None,
runtime_dir: None,
starnix_runner.start(start_info, component_controller_server_end)?;
let result = read_result(component_controller.take_event_stream()).await;
/// Reads the result of the test run from `event_stream`.
/// The result is determined by reading the epitaph from the provided `event_stream`.
async fn read_result(mut event_stream: ComponentControllerEventStream) -> ftest::Result_ {
let component_epitaph = match {
Some(Err(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { status, .. })) => status,
result => {
"Didn't get epitaph from the component controller, instead got: {:?}",
// Fail the test case here, since the component controller's epitaph couldn't be
// read.
match component_epitaph {
zx::Status::OK => {
ftest::Result_ { status: Some(ftest::Status::Passed), ..ftest::Result_::EMPTY }
_ => ftest::Result_ { status: Some(ftest::Status::Failed), ..ftest::Result_::EMPTY },
/// Lists all the available test cases and returns them in response to
/// `ftest::CaseIteratorRequest::GetNext`.
/// Currently only one "test case" is returned, named `test_name`.
async fn handle_case_iterator(
test_name: &str,
mut stream: ftest::CaseIteratorRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut cases_iter = vec![ftest::Case {
name: Some(test_name.to_string()),
enabled: Some(true),
while let Some(event) = stream.try_next().await? {
match event {
ftest::CaseIteratorRequest::GetNext { responder } => {
responder.send(&mut cases_iter)?;
mod tests {
use {
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy_and_stream, create_request_stream},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
/// Returns a `ftest::CaseIteratorProxy` that is served by `super::handle_case_iterator`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `test_name`: The name of the test case that is provided to `handle_case_iterator`.
fn set_up_iterator(test_name: &str) -> ftest::CaseIteratorProxy {
let test_name = test_name.to_string();
let (iterator_client_end, iterator_stream) =
.expect("Couldn't create case iterator");
fasync::Task::local(async move {
let _ = handle_case_iterator(&test_name, iterator_stream).await;
iterator_client_end.into_proxy().expect("Failed to create proxy")
/// Spawns a `ComponentRunnerRequestStream` server that immediately closes all incoming
/// component controllers with the epitaph specified in `component_controller_epitaph`.
/// This function can be used to mock the starnix runner in a way that simulates a component
/// exiting with or without error.
/// # Parameters
/// - `component_controller_epitaph`: The epitaph used to close the component controller.
/// # Returns
/// A `ComponentRunnerProxy` that serves each run request by closing the component with the
/// provided epitaph.
fn spawn_runner(component_controller_epitaph: zx::Status) -> ComponentRunnerProxy {
let (proxy, mut request_stream) =
fasync::Task::local(async move {
while let Some(event) =
request_stream.try_next().await.expect("Error in test runner request stream")
match event {
ComponentRunnerRequest::Start {
start_info: _start_info, controller, ..
} => {
.expect("Could not close with epitaph");
/// Returns the status from the first test case reported to `run_listener_stream`.
/// This is done by listening to the first `CaseListener` provided via `OnTestCaseStarted`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `run_listener_stream`: The run listener stream to extract the test status from.
/// # Returns
/// The status of the first test case that is run, or `None` if no such status is reported.
async fn listen_to_test_result(
mut run_listener_stream: ftest::RunListenerRequestStream,
) -> Option<ftest::Status> {
match run_listener_stream.try_next().await.expect("..") {
Some(ftest::RunListenerRequest::OnTestCaseStarted {
invocation: _,
std_handles: _,
}) => match listener
.expect("Failed to get case listener stream")
.expect("Failed to get case listener stream request")
Some(ftest::CaseListenerRequest::Finished { result, .. }) => result.status,
_ => None,
_ => None,
/// Spawns a task that calls `super::run_test_cases` with the provided `run_listener` and
/// `runner_proxy`. The call is made with a test cases vector consisting of one mock test case.
fn spawn_run_test_cases(
run_listener: ClientEnd<ftest::RunListenerMarker>,
runner_proxy: ComponentRunnerProxy,
) {
fasync::Task::local(async move {
let _ = run_test_cases(
vec![ftest::Invocation {
name: Some("".to_string()),
tag: Some("".to_string()),
async fn test_number_of_test_cases() {
let iterator_proxy = set_up_iterator("test");
let first_result = iterator_proxy.get_next().await.expect("Didn't get first result");
let second_result = iterator_proxy.get_next().await.expect("Didn't get second result");
assert_eq!(first_result.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(second_result.len(), 0);
async fn test_case_name() {
let test_name = "test_name";
let iterator_proxy = set_up_iterator(test_name);
let result = iterator_proxy.get_next().await.expect("Didn't get first result");
assert_eq!(result[0].name, Some(test_name.to_string()));
async fn test_case_enabled() {
let iterator_proxy = set_up_iterator("test");
let result = iterator_proxy.get_next().await.expect("Didn't get first result");
assert_eq!(result[0].enabled, Some(true));
/// Tests that when starnix closes the component controller with an `OK` status, the test case
/// passes.
async fn test_component_controller_epitaph_ok() {
let proxy = spawn_runner(zx::Status::OK);
let (run_listener, run_listener_stream) =
.expect("Couldn't create case listener");
spawn_run_test_cases(run_listener, proxy);
assert_eq!(listen_to_test_result(run_listener_stream).await, Some(ftest::Status::Passed));
/// Tests that when starnix closes the component controller with an error status, the test case
/// fails.
async fn test_component_controller_epitaph_not_ok() {
let proxy = spawn_runner(zx::Status::INTERNAL);
let (run_listener, run_listener_stream) =
.expect("Couldn't create case listener");
spawn_run_test_cases(run_listener, proxy);
assert_eq!(listen_to_test_result(run_listener_stream).await, Some(ftest::Status::Failed));