blob: 2f6bc773e65a4aa09be126ee6d3a7e03e106afcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.identity.account;
using fuchsia.auth;
using fuchsia.identity.keys;
using fuchsia.sys;
/// A protocol to receive events when the authentication state of an account
/// changes.
/// AuthListeners may be registered through the `AuthTarget` protocol and this
/// registration also defines the types of authentication state changes that
/// should be sent to the listener.
/// All methods include an empty response to follow the "Throttle push using
/// acknowledgements" FIDL design pattern.
protocol AuthListener {
/// A method that is called when the AccountListener is first connected.
OnInitialize(struct {
auth_state AuthState;
}) -> ();
/// A method that is called when the authentication state of the account
/// changes.
OnAuthStateChanged(struct {
auth_state AuthState;
}) -> ();
/// A protocol that is extended by other protocols defining an entity
/// (referred to as the "target") with an authentication state, such as a
/// Fuchsia account or persona.
/// AuthTarget defines a set of methods to monitor the current authentication
/// state of an entity and to request changes in that authentication state.
protocol AuthTarget {
/// Returns the current `AuthState` of the target.
/// `scenario` The scenario to produce the authentication state for.
/// Returns: `auth_state` The target's current authentication state.
GetAuthState(struct {
scenario Scenario;
}) -> (struct {
auth_state AuthState;
}) error Error;
/// Connects a channel that will receive changes in the authentication
/// state of the target.
/// `listener` The client end of an `AuthListener` channel
/// `initial_state` If true, the listener will receive the initial auth
/// state in addition to any changes.
/// `granularity` An `AuthChangeGranularity` expressing the magnitude of
/// change in authentication state than should lead to a
/// callback
RegisterAuthListener(resource struct {
scenario Scenario;
listener client_end:AuthListener;
initial_state bool;
granularity AuthChangeGranularity;
}) -> (struct {}) error Error;
// TODO( Add methods that request in increase in the authentication
// state or authentication for a particular event.
/// A protocol that exposes information about the personae and recovery account
/// for a Fuchsia account and provides methods to manipulate these. It also
/// exposes a writable data directory.
/// An Account provides access to sensitive long term identifiers and is only
/// intended only for use by a small number of trusted system components.
protocol Account {
compose AuthTarget;
// Note: a LocalAccountID accessor method may be added if and when the
// first valid use case arrives.
/// Returns a human readable name for the account. Account names are set by
/// a human and are not guaranteed to be meaningful or unique, even among
/// the accounts on a single device.
GetAccountName() -> (struct {
name string:MAX_NAME_SIZE;
/// Returns the account's lifetime.
GetLifetime() -> (struct {
lifetime Lifetime;
/// Returns a vector of all the personae defined for the account.
/// NOTE: Currently all Fuchsia accounts have exactly one persona.
GetPersonaIds() -> (struct {
persona_ids vector<LocalPersonaId>:MAX_PERSONAE_PER_ACCOUNT;
/// Connects a channel to read properties of and access tokens for
/// the default persona for the account.
/// `persona` The server end of a `Persona` channel
/// Returns: `id` The identifier for the default persona
GetDefaultPersona(resource struct {
persona server_end:Persona;
}) -> (struct {
id LocalPersonaId;
}) error Error;
/// Connects a channel to read properties of and access tokens for
/// one of the personae for the account.
/// `id` The persona's identifier as returned by GetPersonaIds()
/// `persona` The server end of a `Persona` channel
GetPersona(resource struct {
id LocalPersonaId;
persona server_end:Persona;
}) -> (struct {}) error Error;
// TODO( Add methods to create, delete, and manage personae.
/// Returns the service provider account that can be used to access the
/// Fuchsia account if more direct methods of authentication are not
/// available, provided such an account exists.
/// Returns: The `ServiceProviderAccount` used for recovery if one exists
GetRecoveryAccount() -> (struct {
account box<fuchsia.auth.ServiceProviderAccount>;
}) error Error;
/// Sets the service provider account that can be used to access the Fuchsia
/// account if more direct methods of authentication are not available.
/// `account` The `ServiceProviderAccount` to use as the recovery account.
/// This must be an existing account that has already been
/// provisioned on the current device using TokenManager.
SetRecoveryAccount(struct {
account fuchsia.auth.ServiceProviderAccount;
}) -> (struct {}) error Error;
/// Returns all authentication mechanism enrollments.
GetAuthMechanismEnrollments() -> (struct {
enrollments vector<AuthMechanismEnrollmentMetadata>:MAX_AUTH_MECHANISM_ENROLLMENTS;
}) error Error;
/// Create a new enrollment of the provided authentication mechanism,
/// and add it to the account.
/// `auth_mechanism_id` The identifier of the authentication mechanism to
/// use for the enrollment.
/// Returns: The `AuthMechanismEnrollmentId` of the created enrollment.
// TODO(dnordstrom): Define and document how to authenticate prior to making
// changes to the enrollment set.
CreateAuthMechanismEnrollment(struct {
auth_mechanism_id AuthMechanismId;
}) -> (struct {
enrollment_id AuthMechanismEnrollmentId;
}) error Error;
/// Remove an authentication mechanism enrollment for the account.
/// `enrollment_id` The id of the enrollment to remove.
// TODO(dnordstrom): Define and document how to authenticate prior to making
// changes to the enrollment set.
RemoveAuthMechanismEnrollment(struct {
enrollment_id AuthMechanismEnrollmentId;
}) -> (struct {}) error Error;
// TODO(dnordstrom): Add support for modifications and/or replacement of
// enrollments.
/// Lock an account. After a successful call, all Account and Persona
/// channels for this account will be terminated. If storage unlock is not
/// enabled for the account, a FailedPrecondition error is returned.
// TODO(dnordstrom): Document the side effects on underlying storage that
// may still be in use by the client.
Lock() -> (struct {}) error Error;
/// Connects a channel to access a data directory of the account. The directory is
/// writable, and is initially empty for a newly created account. The
/// directory is persisted according to the lifetime of the account and is
/// never modified by the account system.
/// NOTE: This method should only be called by the root session
/// component instance. Multiple component instance clients are not yet
/// supported.
/// `data_directory` The server end of a `` channel
// TODO( Support multiple component instance clients.
GetDataDirectory(resource struct {
}) -> (struct {}) error Error;
/// A protocol that exposes basic information about a Fuchsia persona and access
/// to the authentication tokens that are visible through it.
/// Note a Persona purposefully does not provide access to a long term
/// identifier for the persona. This is to support components in the system that
/// work with short lived identifiers (e.g. SessionManager), but note that long
/// term identifiers can usually still be derived via the TokenManger protocol.
protocol Persona {
compose AuthTarget;
/// Returns the lifetime of this persona.
GetLifetime() -> (struct {
lifetime Lifetime;
/// Connects a channel to acquire and revoke authentication tokens for
/// service provider (aka cloud service) accounts that are visible through
/// this persona.
/// `application_url` A url for the Fuchsia agent that this channel will be
/// used by. Applications are only allowed to access
/// tokens that they created.
/// `token_manager` The server end of a `TokenManager` channel
GetTokenManager // TODO( Migrate token manager to a more appropriate form
// of software identity. This is likely to be some verifiable
// representation of the organization that wrote the software, such as
// a URL domain.
(resource struct {
application_url fuchsia.sys.component_url;
token_manager server_end:fuchsia.auth.TokenManager;
}) -> (struct {}) error Error;
/// Connects a channel to access and manage key material that is consistent
/// across all devices with access to this persona.
/// Persona key storage is a very limited resource. Only a small number of
/// core components should use KeyManager, often in order to supply more
/// scalable forms of synchronization to other applications (e.g. Ledger).
/// `application_url` A url for the component that this channel will be
/// used by. Applications are only allowed to access
/// their own keys.
/// `key_manager` The server end of a `KeyManager` channel
GetKeyManager // TODO( Migrate key manager to a more appropriate form
// of software identity. This might be a set of whitelisted URLs or a
// simple enum.
(resource struct {
application_url fuchsia.sys.component_url;
key_manager server_end:fuchsia.identity.keys.KeyManager;
}) -> (struct {}) error Error;