blob: 573a14dacce213ce904c9317ef0e84042ba58ade [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::bail;
use argh::FromArgs;
use gnaw_lib::CrateOutputMetadata;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
/// update OWNERS files for external Rust code
/// This tool relies on GN metadata produced from a maximal "kitchen sink" build. When run
/// outside the context of `fx update-rust-3p-owners`, it also relies on being run after
/// `fx update-rustc-third-party`.
struct Options {
/// path to the JSON metadata produced by cargo-gnaw
metadata: PathBuf,
/// path to the ownership overrides config file
overrides: PathBuf,
/// path to out/default (or the equivalent for the current build)
out_dir: PathBuf,
/// number of threads to allow, each thread runs 0-1 instances of GN at a time
num_threads: Option<usize>,
/// path to the prebuilt GN binary
gn_bin: PathBuf,
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let Options { overrides, metadata, gn_bin, out_dir, num_threads } = argh::from_env();
if let Some(num_threads) = num_threads {
OwnersDb::new(overrides, metadata, gn_bin, out_dir)?.update_all_files()
struct OwnersDb {
/// metadata about external crates, indexed by crate name
external_crates: Vec<CrateOutputMetadata>,
/// metadata about external crates, indexed by //absolute GN target with versions
crates_by_versioned_gn_target: BTreeMap<String, CrateOutputMetadata>,
/// metadata about external crates, indexed by //absolute GN target, no versions
crates_by_top_level_gn_target: BTreeMap<String, CrateOutputMetadata>,
/// explicit lists of OWNERS files to include instead of inferring, indexed by crate name
overrides: BTreeMap<String, Vec<PathBuf>>,
metadata_path: PathBuf,
gn_bin: PathBuf,
out_dir: PathBuf,
impl OwnersDb {
fn new(
overrides: PathBuf,
metadata_path: PathBuf,
gn_bin: PathBuf,
out_dir: PathBuf,
) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let overrides: BTreeMap<String, Vec<PathBuf>> =
let external_crates: Vec<CrateOutputMetadata> =
let crates_by_versioned_gn_target = external_crates
.map(|metadata| (metadata.canonical_target.clone(), metadata.clone()))
.collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>();
let crates_by_top_level_gn_target = external_crates
.filter_map(|metadata| {
metadata.shortcut_target.as_ref().map(|t| (t.clone(), metadata.clone()))
.collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>();
Ok(Self {
/// Update all OWNERS files in //third_party/rust_crates.
fn update_all_files(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
eprintln!("Updating OWNERS files...");
.filter(|metadata| metadata.path.starts_with("third_party"))
.map(|metadata| self.update_owners_file(metadata))
/// Update the OWNERS file for a single 3p crate.
fn update_owners_file(&self, metadata: &CrateOutputMetadata) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let file = self.compute_owners_file(metadata)?;
let owners_path = metadata.path.join("OWNERS");
if !file.is_empty() {
std::fs::write(owners_path, file.to_string().as_bytes())?;
} else {
eprintln!("\n{} would be empty, ensuring deleted", owners_path.display());
fn compute_owners_file(&self, metadata: &CrateOutputMetadata) -> anyhow::Result<OwnersFile> {
if let Some(krate_overrides) = self.overrides.get(& {
Ok(OwnersFile {
path: metadata.path.join("OWNERS"),
includes: krate_overrides.iter().map(Clone::clone).collect(),
source: OwnersSource::Override,
} else {
/// Run `gn refs` for the crate's GN target(s) and find the OWNERS files that correspond to its
/// reverse deps.
/// cargo-gnaw metadata encodes version-unambiguous GN targets like
/// `//third_party/rust_crates:foo-v1_0_0` but we discourage the use of those targets
/// throughout the tree. To find dependencies from in-house code we need to also get reverse
/// deps for the equivalent target without the version, e.g. `//third_party/rust_crates:foo`.
fn owners_files_from_reverse_deps(
metadata: &CrateOutputMetadata,
) -> anyhow::Result<OwnersFile> {
let targets = Self::toolchain_suffixed_targets(
let deps = targets
.map(|target| self.reverse_deps(target))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
let mut includes = BTreeSet::new();
for dep in &deps {
let included = self.owners_file_for_gn_target(&*dep)?;
if should_include(&included) {
Ok(OwnersFile {
path: metadata.path.join("OWNERS"),
includes: includes
.filter(|i| !metadata.path.starts_with(i.parent().unwrap()))
source: OwnersSource::ReverseDependencies { targets, deps },
fn toolchain_suffixed_targets(versioned: &str, top_level: Option<&str>) -> Vec<String> {
let mut targets = vec![];
add_all_toolchain_suffices(versioned, &mut targets);|t| add_all_toolchain_suffices(t, &mut targets));
/// Run `gn refs $OUT_DIR $CRATE_GN_TARGET` and return a list of GN targets which depend on the
/// target.
fn reverse_deps(&self, target: &str) -> anyhow::Result<BTreeSet<String>> {
gn_reverse_deps(&self.gn_bin, &self.out_dir, target)
/// Given a GN target, find the most likely path for its corresponding OWNERS file.
fn owners_file_for_gn_target(&self, target: &str) -> anyhow::Result<PathBuf> {
// none of the metadata we have emits toolchain suffices, so remove them. the target
// toolchain is the default toolchain so we don't encounter an targets suffixed that way
let target = if let Some(idx) = target.find(GN_TOOLCHAIN_SUFFIX_PREFIX) {
} else {
Ok(if target.starts_with(RUST_EXTERNAL_TARGET_PREFIX) {
// if the target is for a 3p crate it might not have an owners file yet, so we don't
// want to rely on probing the filesystem. instead we'll construct a path *a priori*
if let Some(krate) = self.crates_by_versioned_gn_target.get(target) {
} else if let Some(krate) = self.crates_by_top_level_gn_target.get(target) {
} else {
bail!("{} not in {}", target, self.metadata_path.display());
} else {
// the target is outside of the 3p directory, so we need to probe for the closest file
let no_slashes =
target.strip_prefix("//").expect("GN targets from refs should be absolute");
// remove the target name after the colon
let path_portion = no_slashes.rsplitn(2, ":").skip(1).next().unwrap();
let mut target = Path::new(path_portion);
while !target.join("OWNERS").exists() {
target =
target.parent().expect("we will always find an OWNERS file in the source tree");
/// Fully qualified GN targets have a toolchain suffix like `//foo:bar(//path/to/toolchain:target)`.
/// We need to remove these suffices from targets when looking them up in our JSON metadata because
/// cargo-gnaw doesn't emit toolchains in its metadata.
/// Fuchsia's toolchains are by convention all currently defined under `//build/toolchain`.
const GN_TOOLCHAIN_SUFFIX_PREFIX: &str = "(//build/toolchain";
/// Prefix found on all generated GN targets for 3p crates.
const RUST_EXTERNAL_TARGET_PREFIX: &str = "//third_party/rust_crates:";
fn add_all_toolchain_suffices(target: &str, targets: &mut Vec<String>) {
// TODO( support querying explicitly for both linux and mac
// TODO( support querying explicitly for both x64 and arm64
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
const HOST_ARCH_SUFFIX: &str = "x64";
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
const HOST_ARCH_SUFFIX: &str = "arm64";
// without a suffix, default toolchain is target
// we can only query for linux on a linux host and for mac on a mac
targets.push(format!("{}(//build/toolchain:host_{})", target, HOST_ARCH_SUFFIX));
targets.push(format!("{}(//build/toolchain:unknown_wasm32)", target));
enum OwnersSource {
/// file is computed from reverse deps and they are listed here
ReverseDependencies { targets: Vec<String>, deps: BTreeSet<String> },
/// file is computed from overrides in //third_party/rust_crates/owners.toml
impl OwnersSource {
fn is_computed(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, OwnersSource::ReverseDependencies { .. })
struct OwnersFile {
path: PathBuf,
includes: BTreeSet<PathBuf>,
source: OwnersSource,
impl OwnersFile {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
const HEADER: &str = "\
# TO MAKE CHANGES HERE, UPDATE //third_party/rust_crates/owners.toml.
impl std::fmt::Display for OwnersFile {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
if self.source.is_computed() {
writeln!(f, "{}", HEADER)?;
for to_include in &self.includes {
write!(f, "include {}\n", to_include.display())?;
fn gn_reverse_deps(
gn_bin: &Path,
out_dir: &Path,
target: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<BTreeSet<String>> {
let output = Command::new(gn_bin).arg("refs").arg(out_dir).arg(target).output()?;
let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout.clone())?;
if !output.status.success() {
if stdout.contains("The input matches no targets, configs, or files.") {
// the target exists in the filesystem but isn't in the existing build graph
return Ok(Default::default());
bail!("`gn refs {}` failed: {:?}", target, output);
let revdeps: BTreeSet<String> = if stdout.contains("Nothing references this.") {
} else {
fn should_include(owners_file: &Path) -> bool {
let owners_file = owners_file.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
// many of these repos aren't open
!owners_file.starts_with("vendor") &&
// we don't ever need to include the root OWNERS file
owners_file != "OWNERS"
mod tests {
use super::*;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use serial_test::serial;
use std::{path::PathBuf, process::Command};
#[serial] // these tests mutate the current process' working directory
fn parse_gn_reverse_deps() {
let mut expected = BTreeSet::new();
assert_eq!(get_rev_deps("pass", "//foo"), expected);
#[serial] // these tests mutate the current process' working directory
fn parse_gn_empty_reverse_deps() {
assert_eq!(get_rev_deps("empty", "//foo"), Default::default());
#[serial] // these tests mutate the current process' working directory
#[should_panic] // if the target is altogether missing, it should return an error
fn parse_gn_target_isnt_in_build() {
get_rev_deps("missing", "//foo");
fn get_rev_deps(test_subdir: &str, target: &str) -> BTreeSet<String> {
let original_test_dir = PATHS.test_base_dir.join(test_subdir);
let test_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let test_dir_path = test_dir.path().to_path_buf();
let out_dir = test_dir_path.join("out");
copy_contents(&original_test_dir, &test_dir_path);
copy_contents(&PATHS.test_base_dir.join("common"), &test_dir_path);
// cd to test directory so the below command *and* those in `gn_reverse_deps()` share cwd
std::env::set_current_dir(&test_dir_path).expect("setting current dir");
// generate a gn out directory
.expect("generating out directory")
// parse the reverse deps
gn_reverse_deps(&PATHS.gn_binary_path, &out_dir, target).expect("getting reverse deps")
fn copy_contents(original_test_dir: &Path, test_dir_path: &Path) {
// copy the contents of original test dir to test_dir
for entry in walkdir::WalkDir::new(&original_test_dir) {
let entry = entry.expect("walking original test directory to copy files to /tmp");
if !entry.file_type().is_file() {
let to_copy = entry.path();
let destination = test_dir_path.join(to_copy.strip_prefix(&original_test_dir).unwrap());
.expect("making parent of file to copy");
std::fs::copy(to_copy, destination).expect("copying file");
println!("done copying files");
/// All the paths to runfiles and tools which are used in this test.
/// All paths are absolute, and are resolved based on knowing that they are all
/// beneath the directory in which this test binary is stored. See the ``
/// file for this test target and the corresponding `host_test_data` targets.
/// Note that it is not possible to refer to paths inside the source tree, because
/// the source infra runners only have access to the output artifacts (i.e. contents
/// of the "out" directory).
struct Paths {
/// `.../host_x64`
test_root_dir: PathBuf,
/// `.../host_x64/test_data`, this is the root of the runfilfes tree, a
/// path //foo/bar will be copied at `.../host_x64/test_data/foo/bar` for
/// this test.
test_data_dir: PathBuf,
/// `.../host_x64/test_data/tools/auto_owners/tests`: this is the directory
/// where GN golden files are placed. Corresponds to `//tools/auto_owners/tests`.
test_base_dir: PathBuf,
/// `.../host_x64/test_data/tools/auto_owners/runfiles`: this is the directory
/// where the binary runfiles live.
runfiles_dir: PathBuf,
/// `.../runfiles/gn`: the absolute path to the gn binary. gn is used for
/// formatting.
gn_binary_path: PathBuf,
/// Gets the hermetic test paths for the runfiles and tools used in this test.
/// The hermetic test paths are computed based on the parent directory of this
/// binary.
static PATHS: Lazy<Paths> = Lazy::new(|| {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let first_arg = dbg!(std::env::args().next().unwrap());
let test_binary_path = dbg!(cwd.join(first_arg));
let test_root_dir = test_binary_path.parent().unwrap();
let test_data_dir: PathBuf =
[test_root_dir.to_str().unwrap(), "test_data"].iter().collect();
let test_base_dir: PathBuf =
[test_data_dir.to_str().unwrap(), "tools", "auto_owners", "tests"].iter().collect();
let runfiles_dir: PathBuf =
[test_root_dir.to_str().unwrap(), "test_data", "tools", "auto_owners", "runfiles"]
let gn_binary_path: PathBuf = [runfiles_dir.to_str().unwrap(), "gn", "gn"].iter().collect();
Paths {
test_root_dir: test_root_dir.to_path_buf(),