blob: 65937c01df4801ea05e98840bb99aec2b2f6080f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.settings;
/// Settings related to input to the device.
/// Supported SettingsEpitaph enums:
protocol Input {
/// Gets the current |InputDeviceSettings|. Returns immediately on first call;
/// subsequent calls return when the value changes.
/// If this call fails, it is considered a fatal error and the channel
/// will be closed.
[Transitional = "Will be deprecated in favor of Watch2"]
Watch() -> (InputDeviceSettings settings);
/// Sets |InputDeviceSettings|. Any field not explicitly set in the table
/// performs a no-op, and will not make any changes.
[Transitional = "Will be deprecated in favor of SetStates"]
Set(InputDeviceSettings settings) -> () error Error;
/// Gets the current |InputSettings|. Returns immediately on first call;
/// subsequent calls return when the value changes. To find the state of a
/// specific device, the devices vector contained in settings can be iterated
/// through to find a specific [DeviceType]. If there are multiple devices of
/// the same [DeviceType] the [InputDevice]'s device_name can be examined to
/// find the specific device.
/// If this call fails, it is considered a fatal error and the channel
/// will be closed.
[Transitional = "Future replacement for Watch"]
Watch2() -> (InputSettings settings);
/// Requests software input devices to set their software state. May
/// not necessarily change the overall state of the device, depending on
/// the hardware state. Will modify the software state of the existing
/// device if a known device_name and device_type are passed. Otherwise
/// it will add a new input device. Devices not included in the SetStates
/// call will not be modified.
[Transitional = "Future replacement for Set"]
SetStates(vector<InputState>:MAX input_states) -> () error Error;
/// A series of flags determining the state of an input device mute toggle.
bits ToggleStateFlags : uint64 {
/// The input device exists and is neither muted nor disabled.
/// The input device is being used.
ACTIVE = 0x02;
/// The input device could be available if it was enabled, but it is muted.
MUTED = 0x04;
/// The input device is permanently disabled, e.g. by policy.
DISABLED = 0x08;
/// The state cannot be determined.
ERROR = 0x10;
enum DeviceType {
enum DeviceStateSource {
/// Settings related to device input. New format for InputDeviceSettings.
/// InputSettings contains a list of input devices, e.g. Microphone and Camera
/// devices. There may be multiple devices of each type. If so, they will be
/// differentiated by the device_name. If there is only one device of a certain
/// [DeviceType], then the name defaults to the same as the device type, e.g.
/// DeviceType::Microphone -> "microphone".
table InputSettings {
1: vector<InputDevice>:MAX devices;
/// Contains the information for an input device. The device is uniquely identified
/// by the combination of device_name and device_type.
table InputDevice {
/// Uniquely identifies a device within a device type.
1: string:MAX device_name;
/// The type of input device (e.g. camera, microphone).
2: DeviceType device_type;
/// The state for each individual [DeviceStateSource].
3: vector<SourceState>:MAX source_states;
/// The software toggle states which are allowed to be changed for a device.
4: ToggleStateFlags mutable_toggle_state;
/// The overall state of the device, considering the combination
/// of the source states.
5: DeviceState state;
/// Holds the state for an |InputDevice|.
table DeviceState {
/// Controls the on/off state of the input device.
1: ToggleStateFlags toggle_flags;
/// Describes what the |source|'s |state| is.
table SourceState {
1: DeviceStateSource source;
2: DeviceState state;
/// A subset of |DeviceState|'s properties that clients may pass to change the
/// software state of an InputDevice.
table InputState {
1: string:MAX name;
2: DeviceType device_type;
3: DeviceState state;
// To-be-deprecated API below
/// Settings related to audio input. Replacement for fuchsia.settings.AudioSettings.input.
table InputDeviceSettings {
1: Microphone microphone;
/// Settings related to the microphone.
table Microphone {
/// Whether the microphone is muted.
/// This is only tracking the software mute state. The service will pick up the hardware state
/// and combine the two states to find the overall state. If either software or hardware is
/// muted, the overall state is muted. The two may be different if the device should not
/// listen regardless of hardware state, or if the software state is unmuted and the user
/// turns the microphone off.
1: bool muted;