blob: 9101bb2dc8609964cdd059f9a0899e11ab4e198e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# NOTE: if you touch this file, please add this line to your commit
# description so that the vim3 tests are run as we do not run vim3 tests in CQ
# by default.
# Cq-Include-Trybots:,core.vim3-debug,core.vim3-vg-debug
# BoardInformation for Product Assembly
board_information_for_assembly = "//boards/vim3/board_information.json5"
board_name = "vim3"
board_description = "A generic vim3 device"
board_configs += [ "//build/config/arm64:cortex-a53" ]
_common_bootfs_deps = [
board_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_bootfs_labels -= [ "//src/power/power-manager:base_config" ]
board_bootfs_labels += [ "//src/power/power-manager:vim3_config" ]
board_zedboot_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_recovery_bootfs_labels += _common_bootfs_deps
board_driver_package_labels += [
board_package_labels += [
# Board file adds vulkan VCD that lets vulkan tests work on systems with Mali GPUs.
board_has_libvulkan_arm_mali = true
firmware_prebuilts_path_suffix = ""
firmware_prebuilts = [
type = ""
path = "//prebuilt/third_party/firmware/vim3/u-boot.bin.unsigned"
partition = "bootloader"
use_gigaboot = false
use_vbmeta = true
avb_key = "//src/firmware/avb_keys/vim3/vim3-dev-key/vim3_devkey_atx_psk.pem"
avb_algorithm = "SHA512_RSA4096"
avb_atx_metadata =
# partitions for fx flash to flash
zircon_a_partition = "zircon_a"
zircon_b_partition = "zircon_b"
zircon_r_partition = "zircon_r"
vbmeta_a_partition = "vbmeta_a"
vbmeta_b_partition = "vbmeta_b"
vbmeta_r_partition = "vbmeta_r"
fvm_partition = "fvm"
active_partition = "a"
fastboot_product = "galilei"
# For VIM3, FVM partition uses all of the remaining eMMC. However, the total size of the eMMC
# storage maybe 16G or 32G depending on whether it is a basic or pro version. In addition,
# the actual size of the user block allocated by Fuchsia can be further different. (i.e. 'lsblk'
# shows a 29G size user block for the 32Gb version). To avoid the risk of overflowing
# available size, here we set it to be the same as sherlock (3280mb), which is clearly safe
# and sufficient for now.
fvm_emmc_partition_size = 3439329280
# Supports only physical devices.
board_is_emu = false
board_is_phys = true
images_config_label = "//boards/images:vim3"
partitions_config_label = "//boards/partitions:vim3"
partitions_config_contents +=
[ "//prebuilt/third_party/firmware/vim3/u-boot.bin.unsigned" ]
zedboot_images_config_label = "//boards/images:zedboot_vim3"
bringup_images_config_label = "//boards/images:bringup_vim3"
bringup_fastboot_images_config_label = "//boards/images:bringup_fastboot_vim3"