blob: d09c46788637078ae317cc3919e71913654a761c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sys2;
using fuchsia.component;
using fuchsia.io2;
/// Declares a capability defined by this component.
type CapabilityDecl = flexible union {
1: service ServiceDecl;
2: protocol ProtocolDecl;
3: directory DirectoryDecl;
4: storage StorageDecl;
5: runner RunnerDecl;
6: resolver ResolverDecl;
/// Declares a service capability backed by this component.
/// To learn more about services, see:
type ServiceDecl = table {
/// The name of this service.
1: name;
/// The path to the service in the component's outgoing directory.
2: source_path string:fuchsia.component.MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// Declares a protocol capability backed by this component.
/// To learn more about protocols, see:
type ProtocolDecl = table {
/// The name of this protocol.
1: name;
/// The path to the protocol in the component's outgoing directory.
2: source_path string:fuchsia.component.MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// Declares a directory capability backed by this component.
/// To learn more about directories, see:
type DirectoryDecl = table {
/// The name of this directory.
1: name;
/// The path to the directory in the component's outgoing directory.
2: source_path string:fuchsia.component.MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The maximum rights that can be set by a component using this directory.
3: rights fuchsia.io2.Rights;
/// Declares a storage capability backed by a directory from which data, cache,
/// or meta storage can be offered.
type StorageDecl = table {
/// The name of this storage
1: name;
/// The provider of the backing directory capability relative to the
/// component itself. Must be `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
2: source Ref;
/// The name of the directory capability from `source` that backs the
/// storage.
3: backing_dir;
/// The subdirectory of the source directory that will back the storage
4: subdir string:fuchsia.component.MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// This enum determines how to key a component's isolated storage directory.
/// Each option corresponds to a different key'ing strategy.
/// This field is required.
5: storage_id StorageId;
/// Declares which identifier to use to key a component's isolated storage directory.
type StorageId = strict enum {
/// Isolated storage directories are keyed using a component's instance ID specified in the
/// component ID index. Components which are not listed in the index cannot use or open this
/// storage capability.
/// Isolated storage directories are keyed using a component's instance ID if one is specified
/// in the component ID index. Otherwise, a component's relative moniker from the storage
/// capability is used to key its isolated storage directory.
/// Declares a runner capability backed by a service.
type RunnerDecl = table {
/// The name of this runner.
/// Must be non-empty, unique among runners declared in the same `ComponentDecl`.
1: name;
/// The path to the runner protocol in the component's outgoing directory.
2: source_path string:fuchsia.component.MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// Declares a resolver which is responsible for resolving component URLs to actual components.
/// See `fuchsia.sys2.ComponentResolver` for the protocol resolvers are expected to implement.
type ResolverDecl = table {
/// The name of this resolver.
/// Must be non-empty, unique among resolvers declared in the same `ComponentDecl`.
1: name;
/// The path to the resolver protocol in the component's outgoing directory
2: source_path string:fuchsia.component.MAX_PATH_LENGTH;