blob: 53cc889b63a29de4ad7cfa30735dc5bbc6ea1c81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.update.installer;
/// Monitors a single update installation attempt.
/// Clients interested in receiving progress information for an update attempt
/// should implement this protocol and provide the client end to
/// [`Installer.StartUpdate`] or [`Installer.MonitorUpdate`].
protocol Monitor {
/// Receives a status update for this installation attempt.
/// This request will be called for all state changes, skipping none.
/// However, message delivery is throttled by the rate at which the
/// implementation acknowledges the messages.
/// The throttled delivery doesn't impact the underlying state of the
/// [`Installer`]. It does not wait for any acknowledgements before it
/// moves on to the next state in its state machine. The [`Installer`] will
/// simply queue up the states for the [`Monitor`] implementor to receive.
/// During states with data that changes as the updage progress, the
/// [`Installer`] may, at its discretion, collapse redundant information
/// like the fraction completed, in the event that the [`Monitor`]
/// implementation is not responding to the `OnState()` requests in a timely
/// manner.
/// + request `state` The new state of the update installation attempt.
/// - response The implementation is ready to receive the next
/// [`State`] from the [`Installer`].
OnState(State state) -> ();
/// The set of states that a [`Monitor`] can receive during an update
/// installation attempt.
/// An installation attempt ends when it enters a terminal state, denoted below
/// as the states on the right-hand side of the diagram with no arrows leading
/// out of them.
/// # State Machine Diagram
/// ```
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// | prepare |---->| fail_prepare |
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// |
/// v
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// | fetch |---->| fail_fetch |
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// |
/// v
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// | stage |---->| fail_stage |
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// |
/// | +----------------+
/// +------------->| complete |
/// | +----------------+
/// v
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// | wait_to_reboot |---->| defer_reboot |
/// +----------------+ +----------------+
/// |
/// | +----------------+
/// +------------->| reboot |
/// +----------------+
/// ```
union State {
/// Fetching required metadata to begin the update and verifying system
/// state.
/// Next States:
/// * `fetch` system is ready to install the update.
/// * `fail_prepare` on error.
1: PrepareData prepare;
/// Fetching packages and kernel images.
/// Next States:
/// * `stage` required assets are ready to be staged for next boot.
/// * `fail_fetch` on error.
2: FetchData fetch;
/// Writing kernel images and preparing to switch over to the new system.
/// Next States:
/// * `wait_to_reboot` if a reboot is necessary to complete the update.
/// * `complete` if no reboot is necessary to complete the update.
/// * `fail_stage` on error.
3: StageData stage;
/// The system is configured to boot the updated OS on next boot, and the
/// installer is waiting for the trigger to reboot the system.
/// Next States:
/// * `reboot` when the installer decides it is time to initiate the reboot.
/// * `defer_reboot` if the initiator specifically requests to not reboot.
4: WaitToRebootData wait_to_reboot;
/// The installer has initiated a system reboot into the updated OS.
/// **This is a terminal state**
5: RebootData reboot;
/// The initiator specifically requested to skip the reboot, but a reboot is
/// still required to complete the update.
/// **This is a terminal state**
6: DeferRebootData defer_reboot;
/// The update is complete and no reboot was required.
/// **This is a terminal state**
7: CompleteData complete;
/// An error occured while preparing the install.
/// **This is a terminal state**
8: FailPrepareData fail_prepare;
/// An error occured while fetching the required artifacts.
/// **This is a terminal state**
9: FailFetchData fail_fetch;
/// An error occured while staging the new OS.
/// **This is a terminal state**
10: FailStageData fail_stage;
/// Data associated with [`State.prepare`].
table PrepareData {
/// Data associated with [`State.fetch`].
table FetchData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
/// Data associated with [`State.stage`].
table StageData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
/// Data associated with [`State.wait_to_reboot`].
table WaitToRebootData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
/// Data associated with [`State.reboot`].
table RebootData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
/// Data associated with [`State.defer_reboot`].
table DeferRebootData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
/// Data associated with [`State.complete`].
table CompleteData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
/// Data associated with [`State.fail_prepare`].
table FailPrepareData {
1: PrepareFailureReason reason;
/// Data associated with [`State.fail_fetch`].
table FailFetchData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
3: FetchFailureReason reason;
/// Data associated with [`State.fail_stage`].
table FailStageData {
1: UpdateInfo info;
2: InstallationProgress progress;
/// Metadata for an update. Once a field is populated during an installation
/// attempt, the value will not change.
table UpdateInfo {
/// The total number of bytes that may be downloaded to apply this update.
/// Optional, the installer may not be able to provide this value.
1: uint64 download_size;
/// Current progress for an installation attempt.
table InstallationProgress {
/// The fraction [0-1.0f] of the installation that has been completed.
1: float32 fraction_completed;
/// The number of bytes downloaded during this installation attempt. Less
/// than or equal to [`UpdateInfo.download_size`] and only present if that
/// field is also present.
2: uint64 bytes_downloaded;
/// The set of values provided when an installation attempt fails on [`State.prepare`].
enum PrepareFailureReason {
/// The prepare failed because of some other reason.
/// The prepare failed because the system does not have enough space to fetch
/// the update package.
/// The prepare failed because the system cannot downgrade across a version boundary. Not all
/// unsupported downgrades will fail with this error -- just the ones the system can detect. For
/// more context, see [RFC-0071](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/
/// The set of values provided when an installation attempt fails on [`State.fetch`].
enum FetchFailureReason {
/// The fetch failed because of some other reason.
/// The fetch failed because the system does not have enough space to fetch a package.