blob: 6bbc4a411e29281badacaaf5517024c0db20085a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "connection.h"
#include <endian.h>
#include "command_channel.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "lib/async/default.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/log.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/hci.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/status.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "transport.h"
namespace bt::hci {
// Production implementation of the Connection class against a HCI transport.
class ConnectionImpl final : public Connection {
ConnectionImpl(ConnectionHandle handle, LinkType ll_type, Role role,
const DeviceAddress& local_address, const DeviceAddress& peer_address,
fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci);
~ConnectionImpl() override;
// Connection overrides:
fxl::WeakPtr<Connection> WeakPtr() override;
bool StartEncryption() override;
State state() const { return conn_state_; }
// Sends HCI Disconnect command with |reason|. Takes over handling of HCI
// Disconnection Complete event with a lambda so that connection instance can be safely destroyed
// immediately.
void Disconnect(StatusCode reason) override;
void set_state(State state) { conn_state_ = state; };
// Start the BR/EDR link layer encryption. |ltk_| and |ltk_type_| must have already been set and
// may be used for bonding and detecting the security properties following the encryption enable.
bool BrEdrStartEncryption();
// Start the LE link layer authentication procedure using the given |ltk|.
bool LEStartEncryption(const LinkKey& ltk);
// Called when encryption is enabled or disabled as a result of the link layer
// encryption "start" or "pause" procedure. If |status| indicates failure,
// then this method will disconnect the link before notifying the encryption
// change handler.
void HandleEncryptionStatus(Status status, bool enabled);
// Request the current encryption key size and call |key_size_validity_cb|
// when the controller responds. |key_size_validity_cb| will be called with a
// success only if the link is encrypted with a key of size at least
// |hci::kMinEncryptionKeySize|. Only valid for ACL-U connections.
void ValidateAclEncryptionKeySize(hci::StatusCallback key_size_validity_cb);
// HCI event handlers.
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnEncryptionChangeEvent(const EventPacket& event);
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnEncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEvent(const EventPacket& event);
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnLELongTermKeyRequestEvent(const EventPacket& event);
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnDisconnectionCompleteEvent(const EventPacket& event);
// Checks |event|, unregisters link, and clears pending packets count.
// If the disconnection was initiated by the peer, call |peer_disconnect_callback|.
// Returns true if event was valid and for this connection.
// This method is static so that it can be called in an event handler
// after this object has been destroyed.
static CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnDisconnectionComplete(
fxl::WeakPtr<ConnectionImpl> self, ConnectionHandle handle, fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci,
const EventPacket& event);
fit::thread_checker thread_checker_;
// IDs for encryption related HCI event handlers.
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId enc_change_id_;
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId enc_key_refresh_cmpl_id_;
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId le_ltk_request_id_;
// The underlying HCI transport.
fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci_;
State conn_state_;
// Keep this as the last member to make sure that all weak pointers are
// invalidated before other members get destroyed.
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<ConnectionImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
namespace {
template <
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult (ConnectionImpl::*EventHandlerMethod)(const EventPacket&)>
CommandChannel::EventCallback BindEventHandler(fxl::WeakPtr<ConnectionImpl> conn) {
return [conn](const auto& event) {
if (conn) {
return ((conn.get())->*EventHandlerMethod)(event);
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kRemove;
} // namespace
// ====== Connection member methods =====
std::string Connection::LinkTypeToString(Connection::LinkType type) {
switch (type) {
case Connection::LinkType::kACL:
return "ACL";
case Connection::LinkType::kSCO:
return "SCO";
case Connection::LinkType::kESCO:
return "ESCO";
case Connection::LinkType::kLE:
return "LE";
ZX_PANIC("invalid link type: %u", static_cast<unsigned int>(type));
return "(invalid)";
// static
std::unique_ptr<Connection> Connection::CreateLE(ConnectionHandle handle, Role role,
const DeviceAddress& local_address,
const DeviceAddress& peer_address,
const LEConnectionParameters& params,
fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(local_address.type() != DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(peer_address.type() != DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR);
auto conn = std::make_unique<ConnectionImpl>(handle, LinkType::kLE, role, local_address,
peer_address, std::move(hci));
return conn;
// static
std::unique_ptr<Connection> Connection::CreateACL(ConnectionHandle handle, Role role,
const DeviceAddress& local_address,
const DeviceAddress& peer_address,
fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(local_address.type() == DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(peer_address.type() == DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR);
auto conn = std::make_unique<ConnectionImpl>(handle, LinkType::kACL, role, local_address,
peer_address, std::move(hci));
return conn;
std::unique_ptr<Connection> Connection::CreateSCO(hci::LinkType link_type, ConnectionHandle handle,
const DeviceAddress& local_address,
const DeviceAddress& peer_address,
fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci) {
ZX_ASSERT(local_address.type() == DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR);
ZX_ASSERT(peer_address.type() == DeviceAddress::Type::kBREDR);
ZX_ASSERT(link_type == hci::LinkType::kSCO || link_type == hci::LinkType::kExtendedSCO);
LinkType conn_type = link_type == hci::LinkType::kSCO ? LinkType::kSCO : LinkType::kESCO;
// TODO(fxb/61070): remove role for SCO connections, as it has no meaning
auto conn = std::make_unique<ConnectionImpl>(handle, conn_type, Role::kMaster, local_address,
peer_address, std::move(hci));
return conn;
Connection::Connection(ConnectionHandle handle, LinkType ll_type, Role role,
const DeviceAddress& local_address, const DeviceAddress& peer_address)
: ll_type_(ll_type),
peer_address_(peer_address) {
std::string Connection::ToString() const {
std::string params = "";
if (ll_type() == LinkType::kLE) {
params = ", " + le_params_.ToString();
return fxl::StringPrintf("(%s link - handle: %#.4x, role: %s, address: %s%s)",
LinkTypeToString(ll_type_).c_str(), handle_,
role_ == Role::kMaster ? "master" : "slave",
peer_address_.ToString().c_str(), params.c_str());
// ====== ConnectionImpl member methods ======
ConnectionImpl::ConnectionImpl(ConnectionHandle handle, LinkType ll_type, Role role,
const DeviceAddress& local_address,
const DeviceAddress& peer_address, fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci)
: Connection(handle, ll_type, role, local_address, peer_address),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
auto self = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
enc_change_id_ = hci_->command_channel()->AddEventHandler(
kEncryptionChangeEventCode, BindEventHandler<&ConnectionImpl::OnEncryptionChangeEvent>(self));
enc_key_refresh_cmpl_id_ = hci_->command_channel()->AddEventHandler(
le_ltk_request_id_ = hci_->command_channel()->AddLEMetaEventHandler(
auto disconn_complete_handler = [self, handle, hci = hci_](auto& event) {
return ConnectionImpl::OnDisconnectionComplete(self, handle, hci, event);
// Allow packets to be sent on this link immediately.
hci_->acl_data_channel()->RegisterLink(handle, ll_type);
ConnectionImpl::~ConnectionImpl() {
if (conn_state_ == Connection::State::kConnected) {
// Unregister HCI event handlers.
fxl::WeakPtr<Connection> ConnectionImpl::WeakPtr() { return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); }
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult ConnectionImpl::OnDisconnectionComplete(
fxl::WeakPtr<ConnectionImpl> self, ConnectionHandle handle, fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci,
const EventPacket& event) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.event_code() == kDisconnectionCompleteEventCode);
if (event.view().payload_size() != sizeof(DisconnectionCompleteEventParams)) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "malformed disconnection complete event");
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
const auto& params = event.params<DisconnectionCompleteEventParams>();
const auto event_handle = le16toh(params.connection_handle);
// Silently ignore this event as it isn't meant for this connection.
if (event_handle != handle) {
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
bt_log(INFO, "hci", "disconnection complete - %s, handle: %#.4x, reason: %#.2x",
bt_str(event.ToStatus()), handle, params.reason);
// Stop data flow and revoke queued packets for this connection.
// Notify ACL data channel that packets have been flushed from controller buffer.
if (!self) {
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kRemove;
// Peer disconnect. Callback may destroy connection.
if (self->peer_disconnect_callback()) {
self->peer_disconnect_callback()(self.get(), params.reason);
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kRemove;
void ConnectionImpl::Disconnect(StatusCode reason) {
ZX_ASSERT(conn_state_ == Connection::State::kConnected);
conn_state_ = Connection::State::kWaitingForDisconnectionComplete;
// Here we send a HCI_Disconnect command without waiting for it to complete.
auto status_cb = [](auto id, const EventPacket& event) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.event_code() == kCommandStatusEventCode);
hci_is_error(event, TRACE, "hci", "ignoring disconnection failure");
auto disconn = CommandPacket::New(kDisconnect, sizeof(DisconnectCommandParams));
auto params = disconn->mutable_payload<DisconnectCommandParams>();
params->connection_handle = htole16(handle());
params->reason = reason;
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "disconnecting connection (handle: %#.4x, reason: %#.2x)", handle(), reason);
// Send HCI Disconnect.
hci_->command_channel()->SendCommand(std::move(disconn), std::move(status_cb),
bool ConnectionImpl::StartEncryption() {
if (conn_state_ != Connection::State::kConnected) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "connection closed; cannot start encryption");
return false;
if (ll_type() != LinkType::kLE) {
return BrEdrStartEncryption();
if (role() != Role::kMaster) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "only the master can start encryption");
return false;
if (!ltk()) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "connection has no LTK; cannot start encryption");
return false;
return LEStartEncryption(*ltk());
bool ConnectionImpl::BrEdrStartEncryption() {
ZX_ASSERT(ltk().has_value() == ltk_type().has_value());
if (!ltk().has_value()) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "connection link key type has not been set; not starting encryption");
return false;
auto cmd =
CommandPacket::New(kSetConnectionEncryption, sizeof(SetConnectionEncryptionCommandParams));
auto* params = cmd->mutable_payload<SetConnectionEncryptionCommandParams>();
params->connection_handle = htole16(handle());
params->encryption_enable = GenericEnableParam::kEnable;
auto self = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
auto status_cb = [self, handle = handle()](auto id, const EventPacket& event) {
if (!self) {
const Status status = event.ToStatus();
if (!bt_is_error(status, ERROR, "hci-bredr", "could not set encryption on link %#.04x",
handle)) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci-bredr", "requested encryption start on %#.04x", handle);
if (self->encryption_change_callback()) {
self->encryption_change_callback()(status, false);
return hci_->command_channel()->SendCommand(std::move(cmd), std::move(status_cb),
kCommandStatusEventCode) != 0u;
bool ConnectionImpl::LEStartEncryption(const LinkKey& ltk) {
// TODO( Tell the data channel to stop data flow.
auto cmd = CommandPacket::New(kLEStartEncryption, sizeof(LEStartEncryptionCommandParams));
auto* params = cmd->mutable_payload<LEStartEncryptionCommandParams>();
params->connection_handle = htole16(handle());
params->random_number = htole64(ltk.rand());
params->encrypted_diversifier = htole16(ltk.ediv());
params->long_term_key = ltk.value();
auto self = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
auto status_cb = [self, handle = handle()](auto id, const EventPacket& event) {
if (!self) {
const Status status = event.ToStatus();
if (!bt_is_error(status, ERROR, "hci-le", "could not set encryption on link %#.04x", handle)) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci-le", "requested encryption start on %#.04x", handle);
if (self->encryption_change_callback()) {
self->encryption_change_callback()(status, false);
return hci_->command_channel()->SendCommand(std::move(cmd), std::move(status_cb),
kCommandStatusEventCode) != 0u;
void ConnectionImpl::HandleEncryptionStatus(Status status, bool enabled) {
// "On an authentication failure, the connection shall be automatically
// disconnected by the Link Layer." (HCI_LE_Start_Encryption, Vol 2, Part E,
// 7.8.24). We make sure of this by telling the controller to disconnect.
// For ACL-U, Vol 3, Part C, and mention disconnecting the
// link after pairing failures (supported by TS GAP/SEC/SEM/BV-10-C), but do
// not specify actions to take after encryption failures. We'll choose to
// disconnect ACL links after encryption failure.
if (!status) {
} else {
// TODO( Tell the data channel to resume data flow.
if (!encryption_change_callback()) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "%#.4x: no encryption status callback assigned", handle());
encryption_change_callback()(status, enabled);
void ConnectionImpl::ValidateAclEncryptionKeySize(hci::StatusCallback key_size_validity_cb) {
ZX_ASSERT(ll_type() == LinkType::kACL);
ZX_ASSERT(conn_state_ == Connection::State::kConnected);
auto cmd = CommandPacket::New(kReadEncryptionKeySize, sizeof(ReadEncryptionKeySizeParams));
auto* params = cmd->mutable_payload<ReadEncryptionKeySizeParams>();
params->connection_handle = htole16(handle());
auto status_cb = [self = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
valid_cb = std::move(key_size_validity_cb)](auto, const EventPacket& event) {
if (!self) {
Status status = event.ToStatus();
if (!bt_is_error(status, ERROR, "hci", "Could not read ACL encryption key size on %#.4x",
self->handle())) {
const auto& return_params = *event.return_params<ReadEncryptionKeySizeReturnParams>();
const auto key_size = return_params.key_size;
bt_log(TRACE, "hci", "%#.4x: encryption key size %hhu", self->handle(), key_size);
if (key_size < hci::kMinEncryptionKeySize) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "%#.4x: encryption key size %hhu insufficient", self->handle(),
status = Status(HostError::kInsufficientSecurity);
hci_->command_channel()->SendCommand(std::move(cmd), std::move(status_cb));
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult ConnectionImpl::OnEncryptionChangeEvent(
const EventPacket& event) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.event_code() == kEncryptionChangeEventCode);
if (event.view().payload_size() != sizeof(EncryptionChangeEventParams)) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "malformed encryption change event");
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
const auto& params = event.params<EncryptionChangeEventParams>();
hci::ConnectionHandle handle = le16toh(params.connection_handle);
// Silently ignore the event as it isn't meant for this connection.
if (handle != this->handle()) {
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
if (conn_state_ != Connection::State::kConnected) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "encryption change ignored: connection closed");
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
Status status(params.status);
bool enabled = params.encryption_enabled != EncryptionStatus::kOff;
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "encryption change (%s) %s", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled",
if (ll_type() == LinkType::kACL && status && enabled) {
ValidateAclEncryptionKeySize([this](const Status& key_valid_status) {
HandleEncryptionStatus(key_valid_status, true /* enabled */);
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
HandleEncryptionStatus(status, enabled);
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult ConnectionImpl::OnEncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEvent(
const EventPacket& event) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.event_code() == kEncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEventCode);
if (event.view().payload_size() != sizeof(EncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEventParams)) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "malformed encryption key refresh complete event");
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
const auto& params = event.params<EncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEventParams>();
hci::ConnectionHandle handle = le16toh(params.connection_handle);
// Silently ignore this event as it isn't meant for this connection.
if (handle != this->handle()) {
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
if (conn_state_ != Connection::State::kConnected) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "encryption key refresh ignored: connection closed");
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
Status status(params.status);
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "encryption key refresh %s", status.ToString().c_str());
// Report that encryption got disabled on failure status. The accuracy of this
// isn't that important since the link will be disconnected.
HandleEncryptionStatus(status, static_cast<bool>(status));
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult ConnectionImpl::OnLELongTermKeyRequestEvent(
const EventPacket& event) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.event_code() == kLEMetaEventCode);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.params<LEMetaEventParams>().subevent_code ==
auto* params = event.le_event_params<LELongTermKeyRequestSubeventParams>();
if (!params) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "malformed LE LTK request event");
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
hci::ConnectionHandle handle = le16toh(params->connection_handle);
// Silently ignore the event as it isn't meant for this connection.
if (handle != this->handle()) {
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
// TODO( Tell the data channel to stop data flow.
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> cmd;
uint64_t rand = le64toh(params->random_number);
uint16_t ediv = le16toh(params->encrypted_diversifier);
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "LE LTK request - ediv: %#.4x, rand: %#.16lx", ediv, rand);
if (ltk() && ltk()->rand() == rand && ltk()->ediv() == ediv) {
cmd = CommandPacket::New(kLELongTermKeyRequestReply,
auto* params = cmd->mutable_payload<LELongTermKeyRequestReplyCommandParams>();
params->connection_handle = htole16(handle);
params->long_term_key = ltk()->value();
} else {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci-le", "LTK request rejected");
cmd = CommandPacket::New(kLELongTermKeyRequestNegativeReply,
auto* params = cmd->mutable_payload<LELongTermKeyRequestNegativeReplyCommandParams>();
params->connection_handle = htole16(handle);
auto status_cb = [](auto id, const EventPacket& event) {
hci_is_error(event, TRACE, "hci-le", "failed to reply to LTK request");
hci_->command_channel()->SendCommand(std::move(cmd), std::move(status_cb));
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
} // namespace bt::hci