blob: 25c8fbb2f98576e03dbcd5edb144e0d7e8c58311 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/advertising_data.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/identifier.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/gap.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/hci_constants.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/low_energy_advertiser.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt {
namespace hci {
class Connection;
class LocalAddressDelegate;
class Transport;
} // namespace hci
namespace gap {
using AdvertisementId = Identifier<uint64_t>;
constexpr AdvertisementId kInvalidAdvertisementId(0u);
class LowEnergyAdvertisingManager;
// Represents an active advertising instance. Stops the associated advertisement upon destruction.
class AdvertisementInstance final {
// The default constructor initializes an instance with an invalid ID.
AdvertisementInstance(AdvertisementInstance&& other) { Move(&other); }
AdvertisementInstance& operator=(AdvertisementInstance&& other) {
return *this;
AdvertisementId id() const { return id_; }
friend class LowEnergyAdvertisingManager;
AdvertisementInstance(AdvertisementId id, fxl::WeakPtr<LowEnergyAdvertisingManager> owner);
void Move(AdvertisementInstance* other);
void Reset();
AdvertisementId id_;
fxl::WeakPtr<LowEnergyAdvertisingManager> owner_;
// Enum values for determining the advertising interval range. These ranges come from Core
// Specification v5.1, Vol 3, Part C, Appendix A (see also the constants defined in gap.h).
enum class AdvertisingInterval {
class LowEnergyAdvertisingManager {
LowEnergyAdvertisingManager(hci::LowEnergyAdvertiser* advertiser,
hci::LocalAddressDelegate* local_addr_delegate);
virtual ~LowEnergyAdvertisingManager();
// Returns true if the controller is currently advertising.
bool advertising() const { return !advertisements_.empty(); }
// Asynchronously attempts to start advertising a set of |data| with
// additional scan response data |scan_rsp|.
// If |connect_callback| is provided, the advertisement will be connectable
// and it will be called with the returned advertisement_id and a pointer to
// the new connection, at which point the advertisement will have been
// stopped.
// Returns false if the parameters represent an invalid advertisement:
// * if |anonymous| is true but |callback| is set
// |status_callback| may be called synchronously within this function.
// |status_callback| provides one of:
// - an |advertisement_id|, which can be used to stop advertising
// or disambiguate calls to |callback|, and a success |status|.
// - kInvalidAdvertisementId and an error indication in |status|:
// * HostError::kInvalidParameters if the advertising parameters
// are invalid (e.g. |data| is too large).
// * HostError::kNotSupported if another set cannot be advertised
// or if the requested parameters are not supported by the hardware.
// * HostError::kProtocolError with a HCI error reported from
// the controller, otherwise.
using ConnectionCallback =
fit::function<void(AdvertisementId advertisement_id, std::unique_ptr<hci::Connection> link)>;
using AdvertisingStatusCallback =
fit::function<void(AdvertisementInstance instance, hci::Status status)>;
void StartAdvertising(AdvertisingData data, AdvertisingData scan_rsp,
ConnectionCallback connect_callback, AdvertisingInterval interval,
bool anonymous, bool include_tx_power_level,
AdvertisingStatusCallback status_callback);
// Stop advertising the advertisement with the id |advertisement_id|
// Returns true if an advertisement was stopped, and false otherwise.
// This function is idempotent.
bool StopAdvertising(AdvertisementId advertisement_id);
class ActiveAdvertisement;
// Active advertisements, indexed by id.
// TODO(armansito): Use fbl::HashMap here ( or move
// ActiveAdvertisement definition here and store by value (it is a small
// object).
std::unordered_map<AdvertisementId, std::unique_ptr<ActiveAdvertisement>> advertisements_;
// Used to communicate with the controller. |advertiser_| must outlive this
// advertising manager.
hci::LowEnergyAdvertiser* advertiser_; // weak
// Used to obtain the local device address for advertising. Must outlive this
// advertising manager.
hci::LocalAddressDelegate* local_addr_delegate_; // weak
// Note: Should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate it's pointers before other members are destroyed.
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<LowEnergyAdvertisingManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace gap
} // namespace bt