blob: 1d84ba4720402ddef18f602dd9ff3ef97f1b174b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "alc5663.h"
#include <fuchsia/hardware/i2c/c/banjo.h>
#include <lib/ddk/debug.h>
#include <lib/ddk/driver.h>
#include <lib/fake_ddk/fake_ddk.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "alc5663_registers.h"
#include "fake_i2c.h"
namespace audio::alc5663 {
namespace {
// Fake ALC5663 hardware.
class FakeAlc5663 {
enum class State {
: fake_i2c_([this](uint16_t addr) { return OnRead(addr); },
[this](uint16_t addr, uint16_t data) { OnWrite(addr, data); }) {
// Setup some register defaults.
registers_.resize(kNumRegisters); = VendorIdReg::kVendorRealtek;
// Install an override allowing a custom callback to be issued when a given
// I2C bus address is accessed.
// Read callbacks should return a 16-bit value that will be passed back over
// the I2C bus. They may call this->ReadRegister() if required.
// Write callbacks will receive a 16-bit data value. The callback should
// call this->WriteRegister() if the value needs to actually be written.
void InstallReadOverride(uint16_t address, std::function<uint16_t()> callback) {
read_overrides_[address] = std::move(callback);
void InstallWriteOverride(uint16_t address, std::function<void(uint16_t)> callback) {
write_overrides_[address] = std::move(callback);
// GetProto() exposes an I2C device, which is how the driver communicates to the real
// hardware. In this case, this fake is on the other side of the I2C device.
i2c_protocol_t GetProto() { return fake_i2c_.GetProto(); }
State state() const { return state_; }
// Write the given data to the given register.
// Typically, writes will be carried out by the driver via the I2C interface. This
// method allows test to directly poke at registers to set up tests.
void WriteRegister(uint16_t addr, uint16_t data) {
// Driver should not write to registers until we have been reset.
if (state_ == State::kUnknown) {
ZX_ASSERT(addr == ResetAndDeviceIdReg::kAddress);
// Writes to ResetAndDeviceIdReg cause a device reset.
if (addr == ResetAndDeviceIdReg::kAddress) {
state_ = State::kReady;
// Store the value. = data;
// Read data from the given register.
// Typically, reads will be carried out by the driver via the I2C interface. This
// method allows test to verify values of registers.
uint16_t ReadRegister(uint16_t addr) const { return; }
// Type-safe versions of the above functions.
template <typename Register>
Register ReadRegister() const {
constexpr uint16_t addr = Register::kAddress;
return Register{};
template <typename Register>
void WriteRegister(Register val) const {
constexpr uint16_t addr = Register::kAddress;
// Read via the I2C bus.
uint16_t OnRead(uint16_t address) {
// Respect any overrides in place.
auto it = read_overrides_.find(address);
if (it != read_overrides_.end()) {
return it->second();
// Otherwise, perform a normal read.
return ReadRegister(address);
// Write via the I2C bus.
void OnWrite(uint16_t address, uint16_t data) {
// Respect any overrides in place.
auto it = write_overrides_.find(address);
if (it != write_overrides_.end()) {
// Otherwise, perform a normal read.
WriteRegister(address, data);
static constexpr int kNumRegisters = 0x400;
FakeI2c<uint16_t, uint16_t> fake_i2c_;
State state_ = State::kUnknown;
std::vector<uint16_t> registers_;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::function<uint16_t()>> read_overrides_;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::function<void(uint16_t)>> write_overrides_;
// Convert a ClockDivisionRate enum into a divisor.
uint8_t ClockDivisionRateToInt(ClockDivisionRate rate) {
switch (rate) {
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy1:
return 1;
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy2:
return 2;
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy3:
return 3;
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy4:
return 4;
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy6:
return 6;
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy8:
return 8;
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy12:
return 12;
case ClockDivisionRate::DivideBy16:
return 16;
ZX_PANIC("Unknown divider.");
// Calculate frequencies of various clocks within the ALC5663.
// For tests, instead of just checking that registers have been written to a set
// of expected values, we attempt to re-calculate the the same way that hardware
// would.
// Invalid to call if the clock has not been correctly set up.
struct SystemClockConfig {
uint64_t clk_sys_i2s; // System clock.
uint64_t clk_sys_pre;
SystemClockConfig SystemClockFrequencies(FakeAlc5663* hardware, uint32_t mclk_frequency,
uint32_t bclk_frequency) {
// We calculate everything lazily so intermediate asserts only
// trigger if we actually rely on the result.
// Ensure we are running in "slave" mode.
"SystemClockFrequencies() only implements clock calculations when ALC5663 is in "
"bus slave mode.");
// Divide MCLK by 2, if configured.
const auto mclk_predivide = [&]() -> uint64_t {
return hardware->ReadRegister<GlobalClockControlReg>().pll_pre_div() == 1 ? mclk_frequency / 2
: mclk_frequency;
// Internal clock source.
const auto internal_clock = [&]() -> uint64_t {
if (hardware->ReadRegister<InternalClockControlReg>().pow_clock_1mhz()) {
return 1'000'000; // 1 MHz.
if (hardware->ReadRegister<InternalClockControlReg>().pow_clock_25mhz()) {
return 25'000'000; // 25 MHz.
ZX_PANIC("Internal clock not powered on.");
// Get input to PLL.
const auto pll_source = [&]() -> uint64_t {
switch (hardware->ReadRegister<GlobalClockControlReg>().pll_source()) {
case GlobalClockControlReg::PllSource::MCLK:
return mclk_predivide();
case GlobalClockControlReg::PllSource::InternalClock:
return internal_clock();
case GlobalClockControlReg::PllSource::BCLK:
return bclk_frequency;
ZX_PANIC("Unknown pll source.");
// Calculate PLL output.
const auto pll_output_freq = [&]() -> uint64_t {
// Ensure PLL is powered up.
ZX_ASSERT(hardware->ReadRegister<PowerManagementControl5Reg>().pow_pll() != 0);
int k = hardware->ReadRegister<PllControl1Reg>().k_code();
int n = hardware->ReadRegister<PllControl1Reg>().n_code();
int m = hardware->ReadRegister<PllControl2Reg>().m_code();
bool bypass_k = hardware->ReadRegister<PllControl2Reg>().bypass_k() != 0;
bool bypass_m = hardware->ReadRegister<PllControl2Reg>().bypass_m() != 0;
// Calculate frequency.
double f = static_cast<double>(pll_source());
f *= (n + 2);
if (!bypass_m) {
f /= (m + 2);
if (!bypass_k) {
f /= (k + 2);
return static_cast<uint64_t>(std::round(f));
// Calculate "clk_sys_pre".
auto clk_sys_pre = [&]() -> uint64_t {
switch (hardware->ReadRegister<GlobalClockControlReg>().sysclk1_source()) {
case GlobalClockControlReg::SysClk1Source::InternalClock:
return internal_clock();
case GlobalClockControlReg::SysClk1Source::MCLK:
return mclk_frequency;
case GlobalClockControlReg::SysClk1Source::PLL:
return pll_output_freq();
ZX_PANIC("Unknown clk_sys_pre source.");
// Possibly divide out "clk_sys_pre" to get the final frequency.
auto clk_sys_i2s = [&]() -> uint64_t {
return clk_sys_pre() /
return SystemClockConfig{
// Fake ALC5663 codec hardware and associated infrastructure.
struct FakeAlc5663Hardware {
std::unique_ptr<fake_ddk::Bind> fake_ddk;
zx_device_t* parent; // Parent I2C bus.
std::unique_ptr<FakeAlc5663> codec;
// Set up the fake DDK instance `ddk` to export the given I2C protocol.
FakeAlc5663Hardware CreateFakeAlc5663() {
FakeAlc5663Hardware result{};
// Create the fake DDK.
result.fake_ddk = std::make_unique<fake_ddk::Bind>();
// Create the fake hardware device.
result.codec = std::make_unique<FakeAlc5663>();
// The driver will attempt to bind to the device on an I2C bus.
// Set up a fake parent I2C bus which exposes to the driver a way to talk to
// the fake hardware.
auto proto = result.codec->GetProto();
result.fake_ddk->SetProtocol(ZX_PROTOCOL_I2C, &proto);
// Expose the parent device.
result.parent = fake_ddk::kFakeParent;
return result;
TEST(CalculatePll, SimpleValues) {
struct TestCase {
uint32_t input_freq;
uint32_t desired_freq;
PllParameters expected;
for (const TestCase& testcase : (TestCase[]){
// Exact fractions, bypass M.
{1000, 1000, {/*n=*/2, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/0, /*bypass_m=*/true, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
{1000, 2000, {/*n=*/6, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/0, /*bypass_m=*/true, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
{1000, 3000, {/*n=*/10, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/0, /*bypass_m=*/true, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
{2000, 1000, {/*n=*/0, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/0, /*bypass_m=*/true, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
{3000, 1000, {/*n=*/2, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/1, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
// Exact fractions, use M.
{50000, 5000, {/*n=*/0, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/3, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
{15000, 10000, {/*n=*/6, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/1, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
{13000, 5000, {/*n=*/18, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/11, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
// Inexact fraction.
{48017, 77681, {/*n=*/11, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/0, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
// Perfect result exists, but intermediate results need to exceed uint32_t.
{/*n=*/2, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/0, /*bypass_m=*/true, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
{/*n=*/13, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/11, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
// Desired frequency fits in uint32_t, but the calculated frequency (4337074814)
// doesn't fit in a uint32_t.
{/*n=*/101, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/15, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
// Saturated M. Would like to divide more, but we can't.
{100000, 1, {/*n=*/0, /*k=*/2, /*m=*/15, /*bypass_m=*/false, /*bypass_k=*/false}},
}) {
PllParameters result;
EXPECT_OK(CalculatePllParams(testcase.input_freq, testcase.desired_freq, &result));
EXPECT_EQ(result.n, testcase.expected.n);
EXPECT_EQ(result.m, testcase.expected.m);
EXPECT_EQ(result.k, testcase.expected.k);
EXPECT_EQ(result.bypass_m, testcase.expected.bypass_m);
EXPECT_EQ(result.bypass_k, testcase.expected.bypass_k);
TEST(CalculatePll, ZeroInputs) {
PllParameters result;
// Can't support 0 input or output frequencies.
EXPECT_EQ(CalculatePllParams(0, 1, &result), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
EXPECT_EQ(CalculatePllParams(1, 0, &result), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
TEST(CalculatePll, InputClockTooLow) {
// Can't amplifiy the clock high enough.
PllParameters result;
EXPECT_EQ(CalculatePllParams(1, INT_MAX, &result), ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
TEST(Alc5663, BindUnbind) {
FakeAlc5663Hardware hardware = CreateFakeAlc5663();
// Create device.
Alc5663Device* device;
ASSERT_OK(Alc5663Device::Bind(hardware.parent, &device));
// Ensure the device was reset.
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->state(), FakeAlc5663::State::kReady);
// Shutdown
TEST(Alc5663, InvalidVendor) {
FakeAlc5663Hardware hardware = CreateFakeAlc5663();
// Setup override to return invalid vendor.
hardware.codec->InstallReadOverride(VendorIdReg::kAddress, []() { return 0xbad; });
// Create device.
Alc5663Device* device;
EXPECT_EQ(Alc5663Device::Bind(hardware.parent, &device), ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
TEST(Alc5663, CheckClocksConfigured) {
FakeAlc5663Hardware hardware = CreateFakeAlc5663();
// Create device.
Alc5663Device* device;
ASSERT_OK(Alc5663Device::Bind(hardware.parent, &device));
// Fetch configured clock information.
// We use bus frequencies measured on the Pixelbook Eve: A MCLK of 24MHz, and a BCLK of 2.4MHz
// (25 bits per channel(!) * 2 channels * 48'000 sample rate).
SystemClockConfig clocks =
SystemClockFrequencies(hardware.codec.get(), /*mclk_frequency=*/24'000'000,
// Ensure the clocks are correctly configured.
// When ASRC enabled, clk_sys_pre must be at least 512*|sample_rate|. The datasheet doesn't
// specify an upper bound for this clock, but the PLL's output is capped at 40MHz.
EXPECT_GE(clocks.clk_sys_pre, 512 * 48'000);
EXPECT_LE(clocks.clk_sys_pre, 40'000'000);
// System clock needs to be relatively close to 256*|sample_rate|.
EXPECT_GE(clocks.clk_sys_i2s, static_cast<uint32_t>(256 * 48'000 * 0.95));
EXPECT_LE(clocks.clk_sys_i2s, static_cast<uint32_t>(256 * 48'000 * 1.05));
// Shutdown
TEST(Alc5663, CheckOutputsEnabled) {
FakeAlc5663Hardware hardware = CreateFakeAlc5663();
// Create device.
Alc5663Device* device;
ASSERT_OK(Alc5663Device::Bind(hardware.parent, &device));
// Without a full model of the hardware, it is hard to test if output is correctly
// configured. Instead, we simply test that a small set of output-related registers
// have been correctly configured.
// Check power settings.
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<PowerManagementControl1Reg>().pow_dac_l_1(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<PowerManagementControl1Reg>().pow_dac_r_1(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<PowerManagementControl2Reg>().pow_dac_stereo1_filter(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<PowerManagementControl3Reg>().en_l_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<PowerManagementControl3Reg>().en_r_hp(), 1);
// Check amplifier settings.
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl1Reg>().enable_l_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl1Reg>().enable_r_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl1Reg>().pow_capless_l(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl1Reg>().pow_capless_r(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl1Reg>().pow_pump_l_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl1Reg>().pow_pump_r_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl2Reg>().output_r_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl2Reg>().output_l_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl3Reg>().pow_reg_l_hp(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hardware.codec->ReadRegister<HpAmpControl3Reg>().pow_reg_r_hp(), 1);
// Shutdown
} // namespace
} // namespace audio::alc5663