blob: a571ab62a6ea942c2ecac79464a6b5bde596868d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/activity/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/time.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <set>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "src/ui/bin/activity/activity_state_machine.h"
#include "src/ui/bin/activity/common.h"
namespace activity {
using VoidCallback = fit::function<void()>;
using StateChangedCallback =
fit::function<void(fuchsia::ui::activity::State state, zx::time transition_time)>;
// StateMachineDriver is a class which drives an ActivityStateMachine based on user activity.
// The responsibilities of the StateMachineDriver are:
// - To receive inputs and forward them to the state machine in a sequential manner, and
// - To manage timers which drive the state machine in the absence of any inputs.
// StateMachineDriver dispatches work onto an asynchronous loop, which ensures sequential processing
// of events from different sources (e.g. user input v.s. automated timers).
class StateMachineDriver {
explicit StateMachineDriver(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher)
: last_transition_time_(async::Now(dispatcher)),
weak_factory_(this) {}
~StateMachineDriver() = default;
fuchsia::ui::activity::State GetState() const;
const ActivityStateMachine& state_machine() const { return state_machine_; };
zx_status_t RegisterObserver(ObserverId id, StateChangedCallback callback);
zx_status_t UnregisterObserver(ObserverId id);
// Exposed for testing
size_t num_observers() const { return observers_.size(); }
// Inputs to the state machine. These methods enqueue a work item onto the driver's async loop to
// handle the given activity, scheduling the work item to run at |time|.
// If |time| was before the last state transition, it is ignored and ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS is
// returned. (Events may be interpreted differently depending on the current state.)
// |callback| is invoked once the work item on the async loop is executed. If an error is
// returned, |callback| is invoked immediately and synchronously.
zx_status_t ReceiveDiscreteActivity(const fuchsia::ui::activity::DiscreteActivity& activity,
zx::time time, VoidCallback callback);
zx_status_t StartOngoingActivity(OngoingActivityId id, zx::time time, VoidCallback callback);
zx_status_t EndOngoingActivity(OngoingActivityId id, zx::time time, VoidCallback callback);
// Force the state machine into |state|.
// The state machine will continue to receive and process input, but observers will only be
// notified of |state| and any future states set through this method.
// Passing std::nullopt will disable the override, which has the following effects:
// - Immediately notifies all listeners of the actual state of the state machine
// - Returns the state machine to its original behavior, where observers are notified of
// state transitions occuring due to received inputs.
void SetOverrideState(std::optional<fuchsia::ui::activity::State> state);
void ProcessEvent(const Event& event, zx::time time);
void ProcessActivityStart(OngoingActivityId id);
void ProcessActivityEnd(OngoingActivityId id);
void StartTimer(zx::duration delay);
void HandleTimeout();
void NotifyObservers(fuchsia::ui::activity::State state, zx::time time) const;
// An optional state override. When set, the state from state_machine_ continues to be updated,
// but changes to that state are not sent to observers. See SetOverrideState() for details.
std::optional<fuchsia::ui::activity::State> override_state_;
// Underlying state machine.
ActivityStateMachine state_machine_;
// The time of the most recent state transition.
zx::time last_transition_time_;
// Dispatcher to run operations on.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
// Observers to be notified whenever a state transition occurs.
std::map<ObserverId, StateChangedCallback> observers_;
// Set of ongoing activities. Activity IDs are added to this set by ProcessActivityStart() and
// are removed by ProcessActivityEnd().
// While the map is non-empty, it is assumed that an activity is ongoing and thus no TIMEOUT
// events will be delivered to the state machine.
std::set<OngoingActivityId> ongoing_activities_;
// A task which is posted on |dispatcher_| to trigger a timeout from a particular state.
// The task is posted when a state with a timeout is entered.
// The task is re-posted whenever an event is received.
// The task is cancelled if a state which has no timeout is entered, or if an ongoing activity
// starts.
async::TaskClosureMethod<StateMachineDriver, &StateMachineDriver::HandleTimeout> timeout_task_{
// Generates weak references to this object, which are appropriate to pass into asynchronous
// callbacks that need to access this object. (The references are automatically invalidated
// if this object is destroyed.)
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<StateMachineDriver> weak_factory_;
} // namespace activity