blob: a275ef419a7210dd20e3572853a8ed1aaa1ad13a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This directory contains Dart wrappers for running performance tests
# that are defined elsewhere in the Fuchsia tree.
# The test wrappers in this directory are split into multiple test
# executables (dart_test targets here) because the Fuchsia Infra tools
# for retrying tests and tracking flakes operate on the granularity of
# test executables.
test_list = [
foreach(target_name, test_list) {
dart_test(target_name) {
sources = [ "$target_name.dart" ]
deps = [
non_dart_deps = [ ":runtime_deps($host_toolchain)" ]
environments = [
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in NUC environments.
flutter_test_list = [
# "button_flutter_benchmarks_test",
# "clockface_flutter_benchmarks_test",
# "scroll_flutter_benchmarks_test",
foreach(target_name, flutter_test_list) {
dart_test(target_name) {
sources = [ "flutter/$target_name.dart" ]
deps = [
non_dart_deps = [ ":runtime_deps($host_toolchain)" ]
environments = [ nuc_env ]
# Split the following tests into shards so that each shard fits
# within the default time limit.
shards = [
total_shards = "8"
shard_test_list = [
foreach(test, shard_test_list) {
foreach(shard, shards) {
target_name = test + "_shard_" + shard
dart_test(target_name) {
sources = [ test + ".dart" ]
args = [
"--total-shards=" + total_shards,
"--shard-index=" + shard,
deps = [
non_dart_deps = [ ":runtime_deps($host_toolchain)" ]
environments = [ nuc_env ]
test_list += [ target_name ]
if (is_host) {
host_test_data("runtime_deps") {
sources = [
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/runtime_deps/{{source_file_part}}" ]
deps = [
# TODO( Enable host build for non-linux hosts as well.
if (host_os == "linux") {
sources += [ "$root_out_dir/iperf3" ]
deps += [ "//third_party/iperf:bin" ]
group("package_deps") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
# These are used by garnet_input_latency_benchmarks.
# These are used by the flutter benchmarks.
group("test") {
testonly = true
deps = []
foreach(target_name, test_list) {
deps += [ ":$target_name($host_toolchain)" ]
foreach(target_name, flutter_test_list) {
deps += [ ":$target_name($host_toolchain)" ]
group("touch_input_test") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Runs the benchmark for touch latency
dart_test("touch_input_latency_benchmarks_test") {
sources = [ "touch_input_latency_benchmarks_test.dart" ]
deps = [
non_dart_deps = [ ":runtime_deps($host_toolchain)" ]
environments = [
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in NUC environments.
# Unit tests of processing logic
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
dart_test("touch_input_latency_metric_test") {
sources = [ "touch_input_latency_metric_test.dart" ]
deps = [
dart_test("flutter_startup_time_metric_test") {
sources = [ "flutter/flutter_startup_time_metric_test.dart" ]
deps = [