blob: e6b2fe2508ccfd3121a4b87feeb1fa844bd2c583 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package qemu
import (
// Untar untars a tar.gz file into a directory.
func untar(dst string, src string) error {
f, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
gz, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
if err != nil {
return err
defer gz.Close()
for tr := tar.NewReader(gz); ; {
header, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
path := filepath.Join(dst, header.Name)
info := header.FileInfo()
if info.IsDir() {
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, info.Mode()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0755); err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY, info.Mode())
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(f, tr)
if err != nil {
return err
// Distribution is a collection of QEMU-related artifacts.
// Delete must be called once done with it.
type Distribution struct {
testDataDir string
unpackedPath string
// Arch is the architecture to emulate.
type Arch int
const (
X64 Arch = iota
// Params describes how to run a QEMU instance.
type Params struct {
Arch Arch
ZBI string
AppendCmdline string
Networking bool
DisableKVM bool
DisableDebugExit bool
// Instance is a live QEMU instance.
type Instance struct {
cmd *exec.Cmd
piped *exec.Cmd
stdin *bufio.Writer
stdout *bufio.Reader
stderr *bufio.Reader
// Unpack unpacks the QEMU distribution.
// TODO( Replace all call sites to UnpackFrom.
func Unpack() (*Distribution, error) {
ex, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return UnpackFrom(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(ex), "test_data"))
// UnpackFrom unpacks the QEMU distribution.
// path is the path to host_x64/test_data containing qemu/qemu.tar.gz.
func UnpackFrom(path string) (*Distribution, error) {
// Since QEMU will be started from a different directory, make the base path
// absolute.
path, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
archivePath := filepath.Join(path, "qemu", "qemu.tar.gz")
unpackedPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "qemu-distro")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = untar(unpackedPath, archivePath); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Distribution{testDataDir: path, unpackedPath: unpackedPath}, nil
// Delete removes the QEMU-related artifacts.
func (d *Distribution) Delete() error {
return os.RemoveAll(d.unpackedPath)
func (d *Distribution) systemPath(arch Arch) string {
switch arch {
case X64:
return filepath.Join(d.unpackedPath, "bin", "qemu-system-x86_64")
case Arm64:
return filepath.Join(d.unpackedPath, "bin", "qemu-system-aarch64")
return ""
func (d *Distribution) kernelPath(arch Arch) string {
switch arch {
case X64:
return filepath.Join(d.testDataDir, "qemu", "multiboot.bin")
case Arm64:
return filepath.Join(d.testDataDir, "qemu", "qemu-boot-shim.bin")
return ""
// Check to see whether the current host supports KVM.
// Currently only suports X64 Linux.
func hostSupportsKVM(arch Arch) bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
return false
if arch != X64 || runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" {
return false
_, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/kvm", os.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
// TargetCPU returs the target CPU used by the build that produced this library.
func (d *Distribution) TargetCPU() (Arch, error) {
path := filepath.Join(d.testDataDir, "qemu", "target_cpu.txt")
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return X64, err
name := string(bytes)
switch name {
case "x64":
return X64, nil
case "arm64":
return Arm64, nil
return X64, fmt.Errorf("unknown target CPU: %s", name)
func (d *Distribution) appendCommonQemuArgs(params Params, args []string) []string {
args = append(args, "-kernel", d.kernelPath(params.Arch))
args = append(args, "-nographic", "-smp", "4,threads=2")
// Ask QEMU to emit a message on stderr once the VM is running
// so we'll know whether QEMU has started or not.
args = append(args, "-trace", "enable=vm_state_notify")
// Append architecture specific QEMU options. These options
// are meant to mirror those used by `fx qemu`.
if params.Arch == Arm64 {
args = append(args, "-machine", "virtualization=true",
"-cpu", "max", "-machine", "virt-2.12,gic-version=3")
} else if params.Arch == X64 {
args = append(args, "-machine", "q35", "-cpu", "Haswell,+smap,-check,-fsgsbase")
if !params.DisableKVM && hostSupportsKVM(params.Arch) {
args = append(args, "-enable-kvm")
if !params.DisableDebugExit {
args = append(args, "-device", "isa-debug-exit,iobase=0xf4,iosize=0x04")
} else {
panic("unsupported architecture")
args = append(args, "-m", "8192")
if params.Networking {
args = append(args, "-nic", "tap,ifname=qemu,script=no,downscript=no,model=virtio-net-pci")
} else {
args = append(args, "-nic", "none")
return args
func getCommonKernelCmdline(params Params) string {
cmdline := "kernel.serial=legacy kernel.entropy-mixin=1420bb81dc0396b37cc2d0aa31bb2785dadaf9473d0780ecee1751afb5867564 kernel.halt-on-panic=true"
if params.AppendCmdline != "" {
cmdline += " "
cmdline += params.AppendCmdline
return cmdline
// Create creates an instance of QEMU with the given parameters.
func (d *Distribution) Create(params Params) *Instance {
if params.ZBI == "" {
panic("ZBI must be specified")
args := []string{"-initrd", params.ZBI}
args = d.appendCommonQemuArgs(params, args)
args = append(args, "-append", getCommonKernelCmdline(params))
path := d.systemPath(params.Arch)
fmt.Printf("Running %s %s\n", path, args)
i := &Instance{
cmd: exec.Command(path, args...),
// QEMU looks in the cwd for some specially named files, in particular
// multiboot.bin, so avoid picking those up accidentally. See
// TODO( Remove this.
i.cmd.Dir = "/"
return i
// RunNonInteractive runs an instance of QEMU that runs a single command and
// returns the log that results from doing so.
// This mode is non-interactive and is intended specifically to test the case
// where the serial port has been disabled. The following modifications are
// made to the QEMU invocation compared with Create()/Start():
// - amalgamate the given ZBI into a larger one that includes an additional
// entry of a script which includes commands to run.
// - that script mounts a disk created on the host in /tmp, and runs the
// given command with output redirected to a file also on the /tmp disk
// - the script triggers shutdown of the machine
// - after qemu shutdown, the log file is extracted and returned.
// In order to achieve this, here we need to create the host minfs
// file system, write the commands to run, build the augmented .zbi to
// be used to boot. We then use Start() and wait for shutdown.
// Finally, extract and return the log from the minfs disk.
func (d *Distribution) RunNonInteractive(toRun, hostPathMinfsBinary, hostPathZbiBinary string, params Params) (string, string, error) {
root, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "qemu")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
log, logerr, err := d.runNonInteractive(root, toRun, hostPathMinfsBinary, hostPathZbiBinary, params)
if err2 := os.RemoveAll(root); err == nil {
err = err2
return log, logerr, err
func (d *Distribution) runNonInteractive(root, toRun, hostPathMinfsBinary, hostPathZbiBinary string, params Params) (string, string, error) {
// Write runcmds that mounts the results disk, runs the requested command, and
// shuts down.
b := `mkdir /tmp/testdata-fs
waitfor class=block topo=/dev/sys/pci/00:06.0/virtio-block/block timeout=60000
mount /dev/sys/pci/00:06.0/virtio-block/block /tmp/testdata-fs
` + toRun + ` 2>/tmp/testdata-fs/err.txt >/tmp/testdata-fs/log.txt
umount /tmp/testdata-fs
dm poweroff
runcmds := filepath.Join(root, "runcmds.txt")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(runcmds, []byte(b), 0666); err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Make a minfs filesystem to mount in the target.
fs := filepath.Join(root, "a.fs")
cmd := exec.Command(hostPathMinfsBinary, fs+"@100M", "mkfs")
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Create the new initrd that references the runcmds file.
zbi := filepath.Join(root, "a.zbi")
cmd = exec.Command(hostPathZbiBinary, "-o", zbi, params.ZBI, "-e", "runcmds="+runcmds)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Build up the qemu command line from common arguments and the extra goop to
// add the temporary disk at 00:06.0. This follows how infra runs qemu with an
// extra disk via botanist.
path := d.systemPath(params.Arch)
args := []string{"-initrd", zbi}
args = d.appendCommonQemuArgs(params, args)
args = append(args, "-object", "iothread,id=resultiothread")
args = append(args, "-drive", "id=resultdisk,file="+fs+",format=raw,if=none,cache=unsafe,aio=threads")
args = append(args, "-device", "virtio-blk-pci,drive=resultdisk,iothread=resultiothread,addr=6.0")
cmdline := getCommonKernelCmdline(params)
cmdline += " zircon.autorun.boot=/boot/bin/sh+/boot/runcmds"
args = append(args, "-append", cmdline)
fmt.Printf("Running non-interactive %s %s\n", path, args)
cmd = exec.Command(path, args...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
// QEMU looks in the cwd for some specially named files, in particular
// multiboot.bin, so avoid picking those up accidentally. See
// TODO( Remove this.
cmd.Dir = "/"
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return "", "", err
defer cmd.Process.Kill()
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
return "", "", err
log := filepath.Join(root, "log.txt")
logerr := filepath.Join(root, "err.txt")
cmd = exec.Command(hostPathMinfsBinary, fs, "cp", "::/log.txt", log)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return "", "", err
cmd = exec.Command(hostPathMinfsBinary, fs, "cp", "::/err.txt", logerr)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return "", "", err
retLog, err := ioutil.ReadFile(log)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
retErr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(logerr)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
fmt.Printf("===== %s non-interactive run stdout =====\n%s\n", toRun, retLog)
fmt.Printf("===== %s non-interactive run stderr =====\n%s\n", toRun, retErr)
fmt.Printf("===== %s end =====\n", toRun)
return string(retLog), string(retErr), nil
// Start the QEMU instance.
func (i *Instance) Start() error {
return i.StartPiped(nil)
// StartPiped starts the QEMU instance with stdin/stdout piped through a
// different process.
// Assumes that the stderr from the piped process should replace the stdout
// from the emulator.
func (i *Instance) StartPiped(piped *exec.Cmd) error {
stdin, err := i.cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
stdout, err := i.cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
stderr, err := i.cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
if piped != nil {
piped.Stdin = stdout
piped.Stdout = stdin
pipedStderr, err := piped.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
i.stdout = bufio.NewReader(pipedStderr)
i.stderr = bufio.NewReader(stderr)
if err = piped.Start(); err != nil {
return err
i.piped = piped
} else {
i.stdin = bufio.NewWriter(stdin)
i.stdout = bufio.NewReader(stdout)
i.stderr = bufio.NewReader(stderr)
startErr := i.cmd.Start()
// Look for very early log message to validate that qemu likely started
// correctly. Loop for a while to give qemu a chance to boot.
fmt.Println("Checking for QEMU boot...")
for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
// The flag `-trace enable=vm_state_notify` will cause qemu to
// print this message early in boot.
if i.checkForLogMessage(i.stderr, "vm_state_notify running") == nil {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
return startErr
// Kill terminates the QEMU instance.
func (i *Instance) Kill() error {
var err error
if i.piped != nil {
err = i.piped.Process.Kill()
if err2 := i.cmd.Process.Kill(); err2 != nil {
return err2
return err
// Wait for the QEMU instance to terminate
func (i *Instance) Wait() (*os.ProcessState, error) {
if i.piped != nil {
if ps, err := i.piped.Process.Wait(); err != nil {
return ps, err
ps, err := i.cmd.Process.Wait()
return ps, err
// RunCommand runs the given command in the serial console for the QEMU
// instance.
func (i *Instance) RunCommand(cmd string) error {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(i.stdin, "%s\n", cmd)
if err != nil {
// TODO(maruel): remove once call sites are updated.
return err
err = i.stdin.Flush()
if err != nil {
// TODO(maruel): remove once call sites are updated.
return err
// WaitForLogMessage reads log messages from the QEMU instance until it reads a
// message that contains the given string.
// panic()s on error (and in particular if the string is not seen until EOF).
func (i *Instance) WaitForLogMessage(msg string) error {
err := i.checkForLogMessage(i.stdout, msg)
if err != nil {
// TODO(maruel): remove once call sites are updated.
return err
// WaitForLogMessageAssertNotSeen is the same as WaitForLogMessage() but with
// the addition that it will panic if |notSeen| is contained in a retrieved
// message.
func (i *Instance) WaitForLogMessageAssertNotSeen(msg string, notSeen string) error {
for {
line, err := i.stdout.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
// TODO(maruel): remove once call sites are updated.
return err
if strings.Contains(line, msg) {
return nil
if strings.Contains(line, notSeen) {
// TODO(maruel): remove once call sites are updated.
panic(notSeen + " was in output")
return errors.New(notSeen + " was in output")
// AssertLogMessageNotSeenWithinTimeout will fail if |notSeen| is seen within the
// |timeout| period. This function will timeout as success if more than |timeout| has
// passed without seeing |notSeen|.
func (i *Instance) AssertLogMessageNotSeenWithinTimeout(notSeen string, timeout time.Duration) error {
// ReadString is blocking, we need to make sure it respects the global timeout.
seen := make(chan struct{})
stop := make(chan struct{})
defer close(stop)
go func() {
defer close(seen)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
if line, err := i.stdout.ReadString('\n'); err == nil {
if strings.Contains(line, notSeen) {
seen <- struct{}{}
select {
case <-seen:
panic(notSeen + " was in output")
return errors.New(notSeen + " was in output")
case <-time.After(timeout):
return nil
// Reset display: ESC c
// Reset screen mode: ESC [ ? 7 l
// Move cursor home: ESC [ 2 J
// All text attributes off: ESC [ 0 m
const qemuClearPrefix = "\x1b\x63\x1b\x5b\x3f\x37\x6c\x1b\x5b\x32\x4a\x1b\x5b\x30\x6d"
// Reads all messages from |r| and tests if |msg| appears. Returns error if any.
func (i *Instance) checkForLogMessage(b *bufio.Reader, msg string) error {
for {
line, err := b.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
for {
stderr, err2 := i.stderr.ReadString('\n')
if err2 != nil {
return err
// Drop the QEMU clearing preamble as it makes it difficult to see output
// when there's multiple qemu runs in a single binary.
toPrint := line
if strings.HasPrefix(toPrint, qemuClearPrefix) {
toPrint = toPrint[len(qemuClearPrefix):]
if strings.Contains(line, msg) {
return nil