blob: 3dbcdbfeb86cd7d9d7f39c8f7857418898b674a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// We need this cml so that we can transform paths from appmgr's namespace like
// "/pkgfs/packages/config-data/0/meta/data" to "/config/data" and present them to test_manager.
// TODO(56604): I don't think we need this component anymore?
children: [
name: "test_manager",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
startup: "eager",
offer: [
// Some components run under test need access to /config/data.
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#test_manager" ],
// Some tests access dev/class. We should provide those till we can mock it.
directory: "dev-input-report",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#test_manager" ],
rights: [ "r*" ],
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: [ "#test_manager" ],
expose: [
protocol: "fuchsia.test.manager.Harness",
from: "#test_manager",