blob: 0582ad7b5610d5947ba6b665348818ea73da7a49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context, Error},
fidl::endpoints::{create_endpoints, ClientEnd, ServerEnd, ServiceMarker},
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys,
fuchsia_component::client::{connect_channel_to_service, connect_to_service},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
/// Returns the string name for the given `event_type`
pub fn event_name(event_type: &fsys::EventType) -> String {
match event_type {
fsys::EventType::CapabilityReady => "capability_ready",
fsys::EventType::CapabilityRequested => "capability_requested",
fsys::EventType::CapabilityRouted => "capability_routed",
fsys::EventType::Destroyed => "destroyed",
fsys::EventType::Discovered => "discovered",
fsys::EventType::MarkedForDestruction => "",
fsys::EventType::Resolved => "resolved",
fsys::EventType::Started => "started",
fsys::EventType::Stopped => "stopped",
fsys::EventType::Running => "running",
/// A wrapper over the BlockingEventSource FIDL proxy.
/// Provides all of the FIDL methods with a cleaner, simpler interface.
/// Refer to events.fidl for a detailed description of this protocol.
pub struct EventSource {
proxy: fsys::BlockingEventSourceProxy,
impl EventSource {
/// Connects to the BlockingEventSource service at its default location
/// The default location is presumably "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.BlockingEventSource"
pub fn new_sync() -> Result<Self, Error> {
let proxy = connect_to_service::<fsys::BlockingEventSourceMarker>()
.context("could not connect to BlockingEventSource service")?;
pub fn new_async() -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (proxy, server_end) =
.context("could not connect to EventSource service")?;
/// Wraps a provided BlockingEventSource proxy
pub fn from_proxy(proxy: fsys::BlockingEventSourceProxy) -> Self {
Self { proxy }
/// Subscribe to the events given by |event_names|.
/// Returns a ServerEnd object that can be safely moved to another
/// thread before creating an EventStream object.
pub async fn subscribe_endpoint(
event_names: Vec<impl AsRef<str>>,
) -> Result<ServerEnd<fsys::EventStreamMarker>, Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = create_endpoints::<fsys::EventStreamMarker>()?;
let subscription =
self.proxy.subscribe(&mut event_names.iter().map(|e| e.as_ref()), client_end);
subscription.await?.map_err(|error| format_err!("Error: {:?}", error))?;
/// Subscribe to the events given by |event_names|.
/// Returns an EventStream object that is *NOT* thread-safe.
pub async fn subscribe(&self, event_names: Vec<impl AsRef<str>>) -> Result<EventStream, Error> {
let server_end = self.subscribe_endpoint(event_names).await?;
pub async fn start_component_tree(self) {
pub struct EventStream {
stream: fsys::EventStreamRequestStream,
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum EventStreamError {
#[error("Stream terminated unexpectedly")]
impl EventStream {
pub fn new(stream: fsys::EventStreamRequestStream) -> Self {
Self { stream }
pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Result<fsys::Event, EventStreamError> {
match {
Some(Ok(fsys::EventStreamRequest::OnEvent { event, .. })) => Ok(event),
Some(_) => Err(EventStreamError::StreamClosed),
None => Err(EventStreamError::StreamClosed),
/// Common features of any event - event type, target moniker, conversion function
pub trait Event: Handler + TryFrom<fsys::Event, Error = anyhow::Error> {
const TYPE: fsys::EventType;
const NAME: &'static str;
fn target_moniker(&self) -> &str;
fn component_url(&self) -> &str;
fn timestamp(&self) -> zx::Time;
fn is_ok(&self) -> bool;
fn is_err(&self) -> bool;
/// Basic handler that resumes/unblocks from an Event
#[must_use = "invoke resume() otherwise component manager will be halted indefinitely!"]
pub trait Handler: Sized + Send {
/// Returns a proxy to unblock the associated component manager task.
/// If this is an asynchronous event, then this will return none.
fn handler_proxy(self) -> Option<fsys::HandlerProxy>;
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you await on them!"]
async fn resume<'a>(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
if let Some(proxy) = self.handler_proxy() {
return proxy.resume().await;
/// Implemented on fsys::Event for resuming a generic event
impl Handler for fsys::Event {
fn handler_proxy(self) -> Option<fsys::HandlerProxy> {
if let Some(handler) = self.handler {
} else {
/// A protocol that allows routing capabilities over FIDL.
pub trait RoutingProtocol {
fn protocol_proxy(&self) -> Option<fsys::RoutingProtocolProxy>;
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you await on them!"]
async fn set_provider(
client_end: ClientEnd<fsys::CapabilityProviderMarker>,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
if let Some(proxy) = self.protocol_proxy() {
return proxy.set_provider(client_end).await;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd)]
/// Simplifies the exit status represented by an Event. All stop status values
/// that indicate failure are crushed into `Crash`.
pub enum ExitStatus {
impl From<i32> for ExitStatus {
fn from(exit_status: i32) -> Self {
match exit_status {
0 => ExitStatus::Clean,
_ => ExitStatus::Crash(exit_status),
struct ComponentDescriptor {
component_url: String,
moniker: String,
impl TryFrom<fsys::ComponentDescriptor> for ComponentDescriptor {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(descriptor: fsys::ComponentDescriptor) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let component_url = descriptor.component_url.ok_or(format_err!("No component url"))?;
let moniker = descriptor.moniker.ok_or(format_err!("No moniker"))?;
Ok(ComponentDescriptor { component_url, moniker })
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct EventError {
pub description: String,
/// The macro defined below will automatically create event classes corresponding
/// to their events.fidl and counterparts. Every event class implements
/// the Event and Handler traits. These minimum requirements allow every event to
/// be handled by the events client library.
/// Creates an event class based on event type and an optional payload
/// * event_type -> FIDL name for event type
/// * payload -> If an event has a payload, describe the additional params:
/// * name -> FIDL name for the payload
/// * data -> If a payload contains data items, describe the additional params:
/// * name -> FIDL name for the data item
/// * ty -> Rust type for the data item
/// * client_protocols -> If a payload contains client-side protocols, describe
/// the additional params:
/// * name -> FIDL name for the protocol
/// * ty -> Rust type for the protocol proxy
/// * server_protocols -> If a payload contains server-side protocols, describe
/// the additional params:
/// * name -> FIDL name for the protocol
// TODO( This marco is getting complicated. Consider replacing it
// with a procedural macro.
macro_rules! create_event {
// Entry points
event_type: $event_type:ident,
event_name: $event_name:ident,
payload: {
data: {$(
name: $data_name:ident,
ty: $data_ty:ty,
client_protocols: {$(
name: $client_protocol_name:ident,
ty: $client_protocol_ty:ty,
server_protocols: {$(
name: $server_protocol_name:ident,
error_payload: {
name: $error_data_name:ident,
ty: $error_data_ty:ty,
) => {
paste::paste! {
pub struct [<$event_type Payload>] {
$(pub $client_protocol_name: $client_protocol_ty,)*
$(pub $server_protocol_name: Option<zx::Channel>,)*
$(pub $data_name: $data_ty,)*
pub struct [<$event_type Error>] {
$(pub $error_data_name: $error_data_ty,)*
pub description: String,
pub struct $event_type {
descriptor: ComponentDescriptor,
handler: Option<fsys::HandlerProxy>,
timestamp: zx::Time,
pub result: Result<[<$event_type Payload>], [<$event_type Error>]>,
impl $event_type {
pub fn unwrap_payload<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [<$event_type Payload>] {
pub fn [<take_ $server_protocol_name>]<T: ServiceMarker>(&mut self)
-> Option<T::RequestStream> {
.and_then(|payload| payload.$server_protocol_name.take())
.and_then(|channel| {
let server_end = ServerEnd::<T>::new(channel);
impl Event for $event_type {
const TYPE: fsys::EventType = fsys::EventType::$event_type;
const NAME: &'static str = stringify!($event_name);
fn target_moniker(&self) -> &str {
fn component_url(&self) -> &str {
fn timestamp(&self) -> zx::Time {
fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
fn is_err(&self) -> bool {
impl TryFrom<fsys::Event> for $event_type {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(event: fsys::Event) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// Extract the payload from the Event object.
let result = match event.event_result {
Some(fsys::EventResult::Payload(payload)) => {
// This payload will be unused for event types that have no additional
// fields.
let payload = match payload {
fsys::EventPayload::$event_type(payload) => Ok(payload),
_ => Err(format_err!("Incorrect payload type")),
// Extract the additional data from the Payload object.
let $data_name: $data_ty = payload.$data_name.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing $data_name from $event_type object")
// Extract the additional protocols from the Payload object.
let $client_protocol_name: $client_protocol_ty = payload.$client_protocol_name.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing $client_protocol_name from $event_type object")
let $server_protocol_name: Option<zx::Channel> =
format_err!("Missing $server_protocol_name from $event_type object")
let payload = paste::paste! {
[<$event_type Payload>] {
Some(fsys::EventResult::Error(err)) => {
let description = err.description.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing error description")
let error_payload = err.error_payload.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing error_payload from EventError object")
// This error payload will be unused for event types that have no
// additional fields.
let err = match error_payload {
fsys::EventErrorPayload::$event_type(err) => Ok(err),
_ => Err(format_err!("Incorrect payload type")),
// Extract the additional data from the Payload object.
let $error_data_name: $error_data_ty =
format_err!("Missing $error_data_name from $error_payload_name object")
let error_payload =
[<$event_type Error>] { $($error_data_name,)* description };
None => Err(format_err!("Missing event_result from Event object")),
_ => Err(format_err!("Unexpected event result")),
let event = {
// Event type in event must match what is expected
let event_type = event.event_type.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing event_type from Event object")
if event_type != Self::TYPE {
return Err(format_err!("Incorrect event type"));
let descriptor = event.descriptor
.ok_or(format_err!("Missing descriptor Event object"))
.and_then(|descriptor| ComponentDescriptor::try_from(descriptor))?;
let timestamp = zx::Time::from_nanos(event.timestamp.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing timestamp from the Event object")
let handler =|h| h.into_proxy()).transpose()?;
$event_type { descriptor, handler, timestamp, result }
impl Handler for $event_type {
fn handler_proxy(self) -> Option<fsys::HandlerProxy> {
($event_type:ident, $event_name:ident) => {
create_event!(event_type: $event_type, event_name: $event_name,
payload: {
data: {},
client_protocols: {},
server_protocols: {},
error_payload: {});
// To create a class for an event, use the above macro here.
create_event!(Destroyed, destroyed);
create_event!(Discovered, discovered);
create_event!(MarkedForDestruction, marked_for_destruction);
create_event!(Resolved, resolved);
create_event!(Started, started);
event_type: Stopped,
event_name: stopped,
payload: {
data: {
name: status,
ty: ExitStatus,
client_protocols: {},
server_protocols: {},
error_payload: {}
event_type: Running,
event_name: running,
payload: {
data: {
name: started_timestamp,
ty: i64,
client_protocols: {},
server_protocols: {},
error_payload: {
name: started_timestamp,
ty: i64,
event_type: CapabilityReady,
event_name: capability_ready,
payload: {
data: {
name: path,
ty: String,
client_protocols: {
name: node,
ty: fio::NodeProxy,
server_protocols: {},
error_payload: {
name: path,
ty: String,
event_type: CapabilityRequested,
event_name: capability_requested,
payload: {
data: {
name: path,
ty: String,
client_protocols: {},
server_protocols: {
name: capability,
error_payload: {
name: path,
ty: String,
event_type: CapabilityRouted,
event_name: capability_routed,
payload: {
data: {
name: source,
ty: fsys::CapabilitySource,
name: capability_id,
ty: String,
client_protocols: {
name: routing_protocol,
ty: fsys::RoutingProtocolProxy,
server_protocols: {},
error_payload: {
name: capability_id,
ty: String,
impl RoutingProtocol for CapabilityRouted {
fn protocol_proxy(&self) -> Option<fsys::RoutingProtocolProxy> {
self.result.as_ref().ok().map(|payload| payload.routing_protocol.clone())