blob: 65beb2554088f7ca21b5ee68a9003f4e27836685 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl-utils/bind.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <ramdevice-client/ramdisk.h>
#include <ramdevice-client/ramnand.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "src/storage/lib/paver/device-partitioner.h"
constexpr uint64_t kBlockSize = 0x1000;
constexpr uint32_t kBlockCount = 0x100;
constexpr uint64_t kGptBlockCount = 2048;
constexpr uint32_t kOobSize = 8;
constexpr uint32_t kPageSize = 2048;
constexpr uint32_t kPagesPerBlock = 128;
constexpr uint32_t kSkipBlockSize = kPageSize * kPagesPerBlock;
constexpr uint32_t kNumBlocks = 40;
class BlockDevice {
static void Create(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const uint8_t* guid,
std::unique_ptr<BlockDevice>* device);
static void Create(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const uint8_t* guid, uint64_t block_count,
std::unique_ptr<BlockDevice>* device);
static void Create(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const uint8_t* guid, uint64_t block_count,
uint32_t block_size, std::unique_ptr<BlockDevice>* device);
~BlockDevice() { ramdisk_destroy(client_); }
// Does not transfer ownership of the file descriptor.
int fd() const { return ramdisk_get_block_fd(client_); }
// Block count and block size of this device.
uint64_t block_count() const { return block_count_; }
uint32_t block_size() const { return block_size_; }
BlockDevice(ramdisk_client_t* client, uint64_t block_count, uint32_t block_size)
: client_(client), block_count_(block_count), block_size_(block_size) {}
ramdisk_client_t* client_;
const uint64_t block_count_;
const uint32_t block_size_;
class SkipBlockDevice {
static void Create(const fuchsia_hardware_nand_RamNandInfo& nand_info,
std::unique_ptr<SkipBlockDevice>* device);
fbl::unique_fd devfs_root() { return ctl_->devfs_root().duplicate(); }
fzl::VmoMapper& mapper() { return mapper_; }
~SkipBlockDevice() = default;
SkipBlockDevice(fbl::RefPtr<ramdevice_client::RamNandCtl> ctl, ramdevice_client::RamNand ram_nand,
fzl::VmoMapper mapper)
: ctl_(std::move(ctl)), ram_nand_(std::move(ram_nand)), mapper_(std::move(mapper)) {}
fbl::RefPtr<ramdevice_client::RamNandCtl> ctl_;
ramdevice_client::RamNand ram_nand_;
fzl::VmoMapper mapper_;
// Returns the relative topological path for a test device's channel.
std::string GetTopologicalPath(const zx::channel& channel);
// Dummy DevicePartition implementation meant to be used for testing. All functions are no-ops, i.e.
// they silently pass without doing anything. Tests can inherit from this class and override
// functions that are relevant for their test cases; this class provides an easy way to inherit from
// DevicePartitioner which is an abstract class.
class FakeDevicePartitioner : public paver::DevicePartitioner {
bool IsFvmWithinFtl() const override { return false; }
bool SupportsPartition(const paver::PartitionSpec& spec) const override { return true; }
zx::status<std::unique_ptr<paver::PartitionClient>> FindPartition(
const paver::PartitionSpec& spec) const override {
return zx::ok(nullptr);
zx::status<> FinalizePartition(const paver::PartitionSpec& spec) const override {
return zx::ok();
zx::status<std::unique_ptr<paver::PartitionClient>> AddPartition(
const paver::PartitionSpec& spec) const override {
return zx::ok(nullptr);
zx::status<> WipeFvm() const override { return zx::ok(); }
zx::status<> InitPartitionTables() const override { return zx::ok(); }
zx::status<> WipePartitionTables() const override { return zx::ok(); }
zx::status<> ValidatePayload(const paver::PartitionSpec& spec,
fbl::Span<const uint8_t> data) const override {
return zx::ok();
// Defines a PartitionClient that reads and writes to a partition backed by a VMO in memory.
// Used for testing.
class FakePartitionClient : public paver::PartitionClient {
FakePartitionClient(size_t block_count, size_t block_size = PAGE_SIZE);
zx::status<size_t> GetBlockSize();
zx::status<size_t> GetPartitionSize();
zx::status<> Read(const zx::vmo& vmo, size_t size);
zx::status<> Write(const zx::vmo& vmo, size_t vmo_size);
zx::status<> Trim();
zx::status<> Flush();
zx::channel GetChannel();
fbl::unique_fd block_fd();
zx::vmo partition_;
size_t block_size_;
size_t partition_size_;