blob: d806e88eb12f48ca9a707806ac1d292bb950b38d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/feedback/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/developer/forensics/crash_reports/snapshot.h"
#include "src/developer/forensics/utils/storage_size.h"
#include "src/lib/timekeeper/clock.h"
namespace forensics {
namespace crash_reports {
using SnapshotUuid = std::string;
// Manages the collection, distribution, and lifetime of snapshots.
// To limit memory usage, the managed snapshots' annotations/archives cannot exceed
// |max_{annotations,archives}_size_| in size and snapshot manager will return the same Uuid to all
// calls to GetUuid that occur within |shared_request_window_| of a
// request.
// When space is constrained, SnapshotManager will drop the oldest annotations/archives it
// manages. Additionally, SnapshotManager tracks the number of clients that have received a specific
// Uuid from GetUuid and will automatically delete a snapshot when each client has called Release.
class SnapshotManager {
SnapshotManager(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> services,
std::unique_ptr<timekeeper::Clock> clock, zx::duration shared_request_window,
StorageSize max_annotations_size, StorageSize max_archives_size);
// Returns a promise of a snapshot uuid. No uuid will be returned if |timeout| expires.
::fit::promise<SnapshotUuid> GetSnapshotUuid(zx::duration timeout);
// Returns the snapshot for |uuid|, if one exists. If no snapshot exists for |uuid| a snapshot
// containing annotations indicating the error will be returned.
// When a client no longer needs the data contained in a Snapshot, they should call Release to
// inform the SnapshotManager. If all clients call release, the SnapshotManager will voluntarily
// drop the Snapshot, freeing up space for new data.
Snapshot GetSnapshot(const SnapshotUuid& uuid);
// Tell SnapshotManager that a client no longer needs the snapshot for |uuid|. If the difference
// between the number of calls to GetUuid and Release reaches 0, the snapshot for |uuid| will be
// dropped by SnapshotManager.
void Release(const SnapshotUuid& uuid);
// Returns a Uuid a client can use if it doesn't have one, e.g., it was previously stored in a
// file and the file is gone.
static SnapshotUuid UuidForNoSnapshotUuid() { return "no uuid"; }
// State associated with an async call to
// * The uuid of the request's snapshot.
// * The time the request was made.
// * Whether the request is pending.
// * Promises that are waiting on the call to complete.
struct SnapshotRequest {
SnapshotUuid uuid;
zx::time start_time;
bool is_pending;
std::vector<::fit::suspended_task> blocked_promises;
// State associated with a snapshot.
// * The number of clients with its uuid.
// * The size of its annotations.
// * The size of its archive.
// * The snapshot annotations.
// * The snapshot archive.
struct SnapshotData {
size_t num_clients_with_uuid;
StorageSize annotations_size;
StorageSize archive_size;
std::shared_ptr<Snapshot::Annotations> annotations;
std::shared_ptr<Snapshot::Archive> archive;
// Connect to
void Connect();
// Determine if |time| is in [|start_time|, |start_time| + |shared_request_window_|) of the most
// recent request.
bool UseLatestRequest(zx::time time) const;
// Find the Snapshot{Request,Data} with Uuid |uuid|. If none exists, return nullptr.
SnapshotRequest* FindSnapshotRequest(const SnapshotUuid& uuid);
SnapshotData* FindSnapshotData(const SnapshotUuid& uuid);
// Resume |get_uuid_promise| when |deadline| expires or request |uuid| completes with a snapshot.
void WaitForSnapshot(const SnapshotUuid& uuid, zx::time deadline,
::fit::suspended_task get_uuid_promise);
// Make a call to, started at |start_time|, and return
// the Uuid of its eventual snapshot.
SnapshotUuid MakeNewSnapshotRequest(zx::time start_time, zx::duration timeout);
// Use |fidl_snapshot| to update all snapshot-related state with Uuid |uuid|.
void CompleteWithSnapshot(const SnapshotUuid& uuid, fuchsia::feedback::Snapshot fidl_snapshot);
// Remove the annotations and archives of the oldest requests, independently of one another, until
// |current_annotations_size_| is less than or equal to |max_annotations_size_| and
// |current_archives_size_| is less than or equal to |max_archives_size_|.
// Note: References into |requests_| and |data_| will be invalidated during this process. Be
// cautious using the function!
void EnforceSizeLimits();
// Drop the {annotation,archive} for |uuid| and clean up state associated with them.
void DropAnnotations(SnapshotData* data);
void DropArchive(SnapshotData* data);
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> services_;
std::unique_ptr<timekeeper::Clock> clock_;
fuchsia::feedback::DataProviderPtr data_provider_;
zx::duration shared_request_window_;
StorageSize max_annotations_size_;
StorageSize current_annotations_size_;
StorageSize max_archives_size_;
StorageSize current_archives_size_;
std::vector<SnapshotRequest> requests_;
std::map<SnapshotUuid, SnapshotData> data_;
// SnapshotUuid and annotations to return under specific conditions, e.g., garbage collection,
// time outs.
struct SpecialCaseSnapshot {
explicit SpecialCaseSnapshot(SnapshotUuid uuid)
: uuid(std::move(uuid)), annotations(std::make_unique<Snapshot::Annotations>()) {}
SnapshotUuid uuid;
std::shared_ptr<Snapshot::Annotations> annotations;
SpecialCaseSnapshot garbage_collected_snapshot_;
SpecialCaseSnapshot timed_out_snapshot_;
SpecialCaseSnapshot no_uuid_snapshot_;
} // namespace crash_reports
} // namespace forensics