blob: 1cb49d6a4a42fc7910118ec3988e28731069f407 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string_view>
namespace zxdb {
// This type must start at 0 and increment monotonically since it is used
// as an index into the parser lookup table.
enum class ExprTokenType : size_t {
kInvalid = 0,
kName, // random_text
kSpecialName, // $something(perhaps_something_else)
kInteger, // 123, 0x89ab
kFloat, // 0.23e12 1. 2.3f (never including a leading sign).
kStringLiteral, // "foo" (token value will be the decoded contents between the quotes).
kEquals, // =
kEquality, // ==
kInequality, // !=
kLessEqual, // <=
kGreaterEqual, // >=
kSpaceship, // <=>
kDot, // .
kComma, // ,
kSemicolon, // ;
kStar, // *
kAmpersand, // &
kDoubleAnd, // && (logical "and" or rvalue reference)
kBitwiseOr, // |
kLogicalOr, // ||
kArrow, // ->
kLeftSquare, // [
kRightSquare, // ]
kLeftParen, // (
kRightParen, // )
kLeftBracket, // {
kRightBracket, // }
kLess, // <
kGreater, // >
kMinus, // - (by itself, not part of "->")
kBang, // !
kPlus, // +
kSlash, // /
kCaret, // ^
kPercent, // %
kQuestion, // ?
kColon, // :
kColonColon, // ::
kShiftLeft, // <<
// The shift right token is not produced by the tokenizer which will always produce two adjacent
// ">" tokens. The parser will disambiguate ">>" as a shift operator vs. two template endings and
// generate a "shift right" at that time.
kShiftRight, // >>
// Special keywords.
kTrue, // true
kFalse, // false
kConst, // const
kMut, // mut
kVolatile, // volatile
kRestrict, // restrict
kReinterpretCast, // reinterpret_cast
kStaticCast, // static_cast
kSizeof, // sizeof
kAs, // as
kIf, // if
kElse, // else
// Keep last. Not a token, but the count of tokens.
constexpr size_t kNumExprTokenTypes = static_cast<size_t>(ExprTokenType::kNumTypes);
struct ExprTokenRecord {
constexpr ExprTokenRecord() = default;
constexpr ExprTokenRecord(ExprTokenType t, unsigned langs,
std::string_view static_val = std::string_view());
ExprTokenType type = ExprTokenType::kInvalid;
// Nonempty when this token type contains a known string, e.g. "&&" rather than some arbitrary
// name.
std::string_view static_value;
// Set to true when the static value of this token is alphanumeric such that to separate it from
// another token requires a non-alphanumeric character.
bool is_alphanum = false;
// A bitfield consisting of a combination of ExprLanguage values.
unsigned languages = 0;
const ExprTokenRecord& RecordForTokenType(ExprTokenType);
} // namespace zxdb