blob: f8cd2ea6cd533923378bc0dd3e910470e4093c42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! fidl table validation tools.
//! This crate's macro generates code to validate fidl tables.
//! Import using `fidl_table_validation::*` to inherit the macro's imports.
//! ## Basic Example
//! ```
//! // Some fidl table defined somewhere...
//! struct FidlTable {
//! required: Option<usize>,
//! optional: Option<usize>,
//! has_default: Option<usize>,
//! }
//! #[derive(ValidFidlTable)]
//! #[fidl_table_src(FidlHello)]
//! struct ValidatedFidlTable {
//! // The default is #[fidl_field_type(required)]
//! required: usize,
//! #[fidl_field_type(optional)]
//! optional: Option<usize>,
//! #[fidl_field_type(default = 22)]
//! has_default: usize,
//! }
//! ```
//! This code generates a [TryFrom][std::convert::TryFrom]<FidlTable> implementation for
//! `ValidatedFidlTable`:
//! ```
//! pub enum FidlTableValidationError {
//! MissingField(FidlTableMissingFieldError)
//! }
//! impl TryFrom<FidlTable> for ValidatedFidlTable {
//! type Error = FidlTableValidationError;
//! fn try_from(src: FidlTable) -> Result<ValidatedFidlTable, Self::Error> { .. }
//! }
//! ```
//! and also a [From][std::convert::From]<ValidatedFidlTable> implementation for `FidlTable`,
//! so you can get a `FidlTable` using `validated.into()`.
//! ## Custom Validations
//! When tables have logical relationships between fields that must be
//! checked, you can use a custom validator:
//! ```
//! struct FidlTableValidator;
//! impl Validate<ValidatedFidlTable> for FidlTableValidator {
//! type Error = String; // Can be any error type.
//! fn validate(candidate: &ValidatedFidlTable) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
//! match candidate.required {
//! 10 => {
//! Err(String::from("10 is not a valid value!"))
//! }
//! _ => Ok(())
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! #[fidl_table_src(FidlHello)]
//! #[fidl_table_validator(FidlTableValidator)]
//! struct ValidFidlTable {
//! ...
//! ```
//! ## Non-literal defaults
//! Attribute syntax for `name = value` only supports literals. Another attribute for
//! expressing defaults is used for consts.
//! ```
//! const MY_DEFAULT: MyEnum = MyEnum::MyVariant;
//! #[derive(ValidFidlTable)]
//! #[fidl_table_src(FidlHello)]
//! struct ValidatedFidlTable {
//! #[fidl_field_with_default(MY_DEFAULT)]
//! has_default: MyEnum,
//! }
//! ```
///! This adds a `Logical(YourErrorType)` variant to the generated error enum.
// TODO(turnage): Infer optionality based on parsing for
// "Option<" in field types.
pub use fidl_table_validation_derive::ValidFidlTable;
pub use anyhow;
pub use fidl::encoding::Decodable;
/// Validations on `T` that can be run during construction of a validated
/// fidl table by adding the attribute `#[fidl_table_validator(YourImpl)]`
/// to the valid struct.
pub trait Validate<T> {
type Error;
fn validate(candidate: &T) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error>;