blob: 2e4f47b56eda485a63a319066c6d54d66e7d4f86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "lib/cmdline.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
Cmdline gCmdline;
void Cmdline::Append(const char* str) {
if (str == nullptr || *str == 0) {
bool found_equal = false;
for (;;) {
unsigned c = *str++;
if (c == 0) {
// Finish an in-progress argument.
if (length_ > 0 && data_[length_ - 1] != 0) {
if (!found_equal) {
// Terminate the string.
if (c == '=') {
found_equal = true;
} else if ((c < ' ') || (c > 127)) {
// It's a special character of some kind.
if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\t')) {
c = ' ';
} else {
c = '.';
if (c == ' ') {
// Spaces become \0's, but do not double up.
if (length_ == 0 || (data_[length_ - 1] == 0)) {
// No need to add another terminator, so loop back to the start.
if (!found_equal) {
} else {
found_equal = false;
// Add the terminator.
const char* Cmdline::GetString(const char* key) const {
if (!key) {
return data_;
const size_t sz = strlen(key);
if (sz == 0) {
return nullptr;
const char* ptr = FindKey(key, sz);
if (ptr != nullptr) {
// Return a pointer to the data after the '='
const char* data = ptr + sz + 1;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(data < (data_ + length_));
return data;
return nullptr;
bool Cmdline::GetBool(const char* key, bool default_value) const {
const char* value = GetString(key);
if (value == nullptr) {
return default_value;
if ((strcmp(value, "0") == 0) || (strcmp(value, "false") == 0) || (strcmp(value, "off") == 0)) {
return false;
return true;
uint64_t Cmdline::GetUInt64(const char* key, uint64_t default_value) const {
const char* value_str = GetString(key);
if (value_str == nullptr || *value_str == '\0') {
return default_value;
char* end;
static_assert(sizeof(unsigned long int) == sizeof(uint64_t));
uint64_t value = strtol(value_str, &end, 0);
if (*end != '\0') {
return default_value;
return value;
uint32_t Cmdline::GetUInt32(const char* key, uint32_t default_value) const {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(Cmdline::GetUInt64(key, default_value));
void Cmdline::ProcessRamReservations(const ProcessRamReservationsCbk& cbk) {
constexpr const char kHeader[] = "kernel.ram.reserve.";
constexpr size_t kHeaderLen = sizeof(kHeader) - 1;
constexpr char kErasedArgFillChar = 'x';
// Our internal length_ (which does not include the final \0 termination) must
// be strictly smaller than our internal storage.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length_ < sizeof(data_));
size_t offset = 0;
while (offset < length_) {
char* arg = data_ + offset;
size_t arg_len = strlen(arg);
// If this is the final zero-length argument, then we are at the end of the
// command line argument list. Otherwise, make sure that we always
// increment offset to point to the next argument.
if (!arg_len) {
offset += arg_len + 1;
// Does our argument start with our header? If not, then just move on to
// the next argument.
if (strncmp(kHeader, arg, kHeaderLen)) {
// If something goes wrong from here on out, be sure to log a warning and
// erase the entry.
auto cleanup = fbl::MakeAutoCall([arg, arg_len]() {
printf("WARN - Reservation was rejected or encountered a parsing error. \"%s\"\n", arg);
memset(arg, kErasedArgFillChar, arg_len);
// Find the '=' in our argument. If we cannot find one, then reservation is
// malformed and should be skipped.
char* equal = strchr(arg, '=');
if (equal == nullptr) {
// If the '=' comes right after the header, then the user failed to supply a
// unique name to the reservation. Warn and skip.
const char* reservation_name = arg + kHeaderLen;
if (reservation_name == equal) {
// If this is not the final instance of the region key in our command line
// arguments, then someone must have overridden the argument while building
// the kernel command line. Erase this entry and move on.
if (arg != FindKey(arg, equal - arg)) {
memset(arg, kErasedArgFillChar, arg_len);
// reservations are always of the form "size,placeholder". If we fail to
// find the "," separator, then this is an invalid region reservation and we
// should skip it.
const char* comma = strchr(equal + 1, ',');
if (comma == nullptr) {
// Parse our size
const char* value = equal + 1;
char* end;
size_t size = strtoul(value, &end, 0);
if (end != comma) {
// Sanity check to make sure that the user passed the placeholder for the
// allocated address.
constexpr const char* kDynamicToken = "0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
if (strcmp(kDynamicToken, comma + 1)) {
// Great, we have all of our details ready to go. Invoke the user-supplied
// callback.
std::string_view name_view(reservation_name, equal - reservation_name);
auto result = cbk(size, name_view);
// If the user accepted the reservation, record the base address and we are
// done.
if (result.has_value()) {
char* dst = const_cast<char*>(comma + 1);
size_t space = length_ - (dst - data_);
snprintf(dst, space, "0x%016lx", result.value());
size_t Cmdline::size() const { return length_ + 1; }
void Cmdline::AddOrAbort(char c) {
if (length_ < kCmdlineMax - 1) {
data_[length_++] = c;
} else {
ZX_PANIC("cmdline overflow");
const char* Cmdline::FindKey(const char* key, size_t key_len) const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(key && key_len);
if (length_ == 0) {
return nullptr;
// Start at the end and work backwards so that repeated values appended later
// to the command line override earlier settings.
const char* ptr = data_ + length_;
for (;;) {
// At the top of the loop, we're always at the first character of the item
// *after* the one we're going to search next. This is, pointing at the
// character one beyond the \0 of the string to be considered next. On the
// first time through the loop, we'll be pointing at the extra \0 that
// terminates the whole buffer.
--ptr; // Step back to the \0 of the previous item.
--ptr; // Step back to the last character of the previous item.
if (ptr < data_) {
// If beyond the beginning of the data, the key was not found.
return nullptr;
// Walk backwards either to the terminator of the item preceding the one
// we're on, or to the beginning of the buffer.
while (ptr > data_ && *ptr != 0) {
// If not at the first character of the buffer, then increment back past the
// terminator of the previous item to the first character of the string.
if (ptr != data_) {
if (!strncmp(ptr, key, key_len) && ptr[key_len] == '=') {
return ptr;