blob: f3e620bca746ad417c7b854cf0535616a52fb03b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include <src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h>
namespace netemul {
namespace config {
static const char* kNetworks = "networks";
static const char* kEnvironment = "environment";
static const char* kDefaultUrl = "default_url";
static const char* kDisabled = "disabled";
static const char* kTimeout = "timeout";
static const char* kCapture = "capture";
static const char* kCaptureAlways = "ALWAYS";
static const char* kCaptureOnError = "ON_ERROR";
static const char* kCaptureNo = "NO";
const char Config::Facet[] = "fuchsia.netemul";
bool Config::ParseFromJSON(const rapidjson::Value& value,
json::JSONParser* json_parser) {
// null value keeps config as it is
if (value.IsNull()) {
return true;
if (!value.IsObject()) {
json_parser->ReportError("fuchsia.netemul object must be an Object");
return false;
// load all defaults:
if (!environment_.ParseFromJSON(rapidjson::Value(rapidjson::kObjectType),
json_parser)) {
return false;
default_url_ = "";
disabled_ = false;
timeout_ = zx::duration::infinite();
capture_mode_ = CaptureMode::NONE;
// iterate over config members:
for (auto i = value.MemberBegin(); i != value.MemberEnd(); i++) {
if (i->name == kNetworks) {
if (!i->value.IsArray()) {
json_parser->ReportError("\"networks\" property must be an Array");
return false;
const auto& nets = i->value.GetArray();
for (auto n = nets.Begin(); n != nets.End(); n++) {
auto& net = networks_.emplace_back();
if (!net.ParseFromJSON(*n, json_parser)) {
return false;
} else if (i->name == kEnvironment) {
if (!environment_.ParseFromJSON(i->value, json_parser)) {
return false;
} else if (i->name == kDefaultUrl) {
if (!i->value.IsString()) {
json_parser->ReportError("\"default_url\" must be a String");
return false;
default_url_ = i->value.GetString();
} else if (i->name == kDisabled) {
if (!i->value.IsBool()) {
json_parser->ReportError("\"disabled\" must be a Boolean value");
return false;
disabled_ = i->value.GetBool();
} else if (i->name == kTimeout) {
if (!i->value.IsUint64() || i->value.GetUint64() <= 0) {
"\"timeout\" must be a positive integer Number value");
return false;
timeout_ = zx::sec(i->value.GetUint64());
} else if (i->name == kCapture) {
if (i->value.IsBool()) {
capture_mode_ =
i->value.GetBool() ? CaptureMode::ON_ERROR : CaptureMode::NONE;
} else if (i->value.IsString()) {
std::string val = i->value.GetString();
if (val == kCaptureNo) {
capture_mode_ = CaptureMode::NONE;
} else if (val == kCaptureOnError) {
capture_mode_ = CaptureMode::ON_ERROR;
} else if (val == kCaptureAlways) {
capture_mode_ = CaptureMode::ALWAYS;
} else {
json_parser->ReportError("unrecognized \"capture\" option");
return false;
} else {
"\"capture\" must be a Boolean or String value");
return false;
} else {
"Unrecognized config member \"%s\"", i->name.GetString()));
return false;
return true;
const std::vector<Network>& Config::networks() const { return networks_; }
const Environment& Config::environment() const { return environment_; }
Environment& Config::environment() { return environment_; }
const std::string& Config::default_url() const { return default_url_; }
bool Config::disabled() const { return disabled_; }
zx::duration Config::timeout() const { return timeout_; }
CaptureMode Config::capture() const { return capture_mode_; }
} // namespace config
} // namespace netemul