blob: dc588a82864538d1e9cdf4c0ee14ad54eabe84ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.overnet.protocol;
/// If a LinkStatus or NodeStatus version is set to this value, that link or node
/// is considered dead and should be expunged soon.
const uint64 METRIC_VERSION_TOMBSTONE = 0xffffffffffffffff;
/// Description of a single node.
table PeerDescription {
/// The set of services published by this node.
1: vector<string> services;
/// Metrics associated with a link.
/// Note that a link is a uni-directional connection between two nodes.
table LinkMetrics {
/// How much bandwidth is currently available across a link (in bits per second).
1: uint64 bw_link;
/// How much bandwidth is currently in use across the link (in bits per second).
2: uint64 bw_used;
/// Current round trip time for requests across this link.
3: uint64 rtt;
/// Maximum send size for a datagram across this link.
4: uint32 mss;
/// Status packet for a single link.
/// Traffic on the link flows from `from` to `to`.
struct LinkStatus {
/// Link originating node.
NodeId from;
/// Link target node.
NodeId to;
/// An identifier (chosen by node `from`) to label this link.
/// `from` must guarantee that the tuple (from, to, local_id) is unique
/// for each of it's held links.
uint64 local_id;
/// A monotonically increasing version counter for this links status.
uint64 version;
/// Metrics associated with this link.
LinkMetrics metrics;
/// Metrics associated with a node.
table NodeMetrics {
/// How long does this node take to forward a message between two links?
1: uint64 forwarding_time;
/// Status packet for a node.
struct NodeStatus {
/// The node to which we refer.
NodeId id;
/// A monotonically increasing version counter for this nodes status.
uint64 version;
/// Metrics associated with this node.
NodeMetrics metrics;