blob: 68fc211b341ee9dac38d489c31b61618672a7cf6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fragments
const SendEventCFlavor = `
{{- define "SendEventCFlavorMethodSignature" -}}
Send{{ .Name }}Event(::zx::unowned_channel _chan {{- if .Response }}, {{ end }}{{ template "Params" .Response }})
{{- end }}
{{- define "SendEventCFlavorMethodDefinition" }}
zx_status_t {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::{{ template "SendEventCFlavorMethodSignature" . }} {
{{- if .LLProps.LinearizeResponse }}
{{/* tracking_ptr destructors will be called when _response goes out of scope */}}
{{ .Name }}Response _response{
{{- template "PassthroughMessageParams" .Response -}}
{{- else }}
{{/* tracking_ptrs won't free allocated memory because destructors aren't called.
This is ok because there are no tracking_ptrs, since LinearizeResponse is true when
there are pointers in the object. */}}
// Destructors can't be called because it will lead to handle double close
// (here and in fidl::Encode).
FIDL_ALIGNDECL uint8_t _response_buffer[sizeof({{ .Name }}Response)];
auto& _response = *new (_response_buffer) {{ .Name }}Response{
{{- template "PassthroughMessageParams" .Response -}}
{{- end }}
auto _encoded = ::fidl::internal::LinearizedAndEncoded<{{ .Name }}Response>(&_response);
auto& _encode_result = _encoded.result();
if (_encode_result.status != ZX_OK) {
return _encode_result.status;
return ::fidl::Write(::zx::unowned_channel(_chan), std::move(_encode_result.message));
{{- end }}