blob: d806bd29904d5ac5aa45e8e123b760807a218467 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#pragma once
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_hash_table.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <kernel/lockdep.h>
#include <kernel/owned_wait_queue.h>
#include <ktl/move.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <lib/user_copy/user_ptr.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
class ThreadDispatcher;
// FutexContex
// A FutexContext is the object which manages the state of all of the active
// futexes for a user-mode process. Each ProcessDispatcher in the system will
// have a single FutexContext contained within it, and the objects should exist
// no-where else in the system.
// FutexContexts manage a pool of FutexContext::FutexStates which are
// contributed by threads created within the process. This pool guarantees that
// threads are guaranteed to be able to allocate a FutexState object in O(1)
// time whenever they perform a FutexWait operation, as a Futex is only "active"
// when it has any waiters. See (Grow|Shrink)FutexStatePool comments as well as
// the FutexState's notes (below) for more details.
// The remaining methods in the public interface implement the 3 primary futex
// syscall operations (Wait, Wake, and Requeue) as well as the one
// test/diagnostic operation (GetOwner). See the zircon syscall documentation
// for further details.
class FutexContext {
// Owner action is an enum used to signal what to do when threads are woken
// from a futex. The defined behaviors are as follows.
// Remove any owner regardless of how many threads are woken (including zero
// threads)
// Only permitted when wake_count is exactly 1. Assign ownership to the
// thread who was woken if there was a thread to wake, and there are still
// threads left in the futex after waking. Otherwise, set the futex queue
// owner to nothing.
enum class OwnerAction {
// Called as ThreadDispatchers are created and destroyed in order to ensure
// that there is always one FutexState for each ThreadDispatcher in a
// process. This ensures that a thread which needs to wait on a futex can
// always do so, since a futex with waiters requires one futex state, and
// there can be at most N futexes with waiters, where N is the number of
// threads in a process
zx_status_t GrowFutexStatePool();
void ShrinkFutexStatePool();
// FutexWait first verifies that the integer pointed to by |value_ptr|
// still equals |current_value|. If the test fails, FutexWait returns FAILED_PRECONDITION.
// Otherwise it will block the current thread until the |deadline| passes, or until the thread
// is woken by a FutexWake or FutexRequeue operation on the same |value_ptr| futex.
zx_status_t FutexWait(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> value_ptr, zx_futex_t current_value,
fbl::RefPtr<ThreadDispatcher> futex_owner_thread,
const Deadline& deadline);
// FutexWake will wake up to |wake_count| number of threads blocked on the |value_ptr| futex.
// If owner_action is set to RELEASE, then the futex's owner will be set to nullptr in the
// process. If the owner_action is set to ASSIGN_WOKEN, then the wake_count *must* be 1, and
// the futex's owner will be set to the thread which was woken during the operation, or nullptr
// if no thread was woken.
zx_status_t FutexWake(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> value_ptr, uint32_t wake_count,
OwnerAction owner_action);
// FutexWait first verifies that the integer pointed to by |wake_ptr|
// still equals |current_value|. If the test fails, FutexWait returns FAILED_PRECONDITION.
// Otherwise it will wake up to |wake_count| number of threads blocked on the |wake_ptr| futex.
// If any other threads remain blocked on on the |wake_ptr| futex, up to |requeue_count|
// of them will then be requeued to the tail of the list of threads
// blocked on the |requeue_ptr| futex.
// If owner_action is set to RELEASE, then the futex's owner will be set to nullptr in the
// process. If the owner_action is set to ASSIGN_WOKEN, then the wake_count *must* be 1, and
// the futex's owner will be set to the thread which was woken during the operation, or nullptr
// if no thread was woken.
zx_status_t FutexRequeue(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> wake_ptr,
uint32_t wake_count,
zx_futex_t current_value,
OwnerAction owner_action,
user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> requeue_ptr,
uint32_t requeue_count,
fbl::RefPtr<ThreadDispatcher> requeue_owner_thread);
// Get the KOID of the current owner of the specified futex, if any, or ZX_KOID_INVALID if there
// is no known owner.
zx_status_t FutexGetOwner(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> value_ptr,
user_out_ptr<zx_koid_t> koid);
// Notes about FutexState lifecycle.
// aka. Why is this safe?
// FutexState objects are used to track the state of any futex which
// currently has waiters. Currently, each thread in a process allocates one
// FutexState and contributes its process' futex context's free pool. When
// the thread exits, it takes one context out of the free pool and lets it
// expire. A upper bound for the maximum number of active FutexStates in a
// process is the current number of threads in the system, because to be
// active, a FutexState needs to have at least one waiter. So, by ensuring
// that each thread contributes one FutexState to the process' pool, we can
// be sure that we will always have at least one FutexState in the free pool
// when it comes time for a thread to wait on a currently uncontested futex.
// FutexState objects are managed using ktl::unique_ptr. At all times, a
// FutexState will be in one of three states.
// 1) A member of a FutexContext's futex_table_. Futexes in this state are
// currently active and have waiters. Their futex ID will be non-zero.
// 2) A member of a FutexContext's free_futexes_ list. These futexes are
// not currently in use, but are available to be allocated and used.
// Their futex ID will be zero.
// 3) A member of neither. These futexes have been created, but not added
// to the pool yet, or removed from the free list by a thread which is
// exiting. Their futex ID will be zero.
// During operation, FutexStates are borrowed from the active pool using
// either |ObtainActiveFutex| or |ActivateFromPool| and held as a raw
// FutexState*. This is done under the protection of the FutexContex lock_,
// and the life cycle of any FutexState* retrieved this way must never be
// allowed to leave the scope in which lock_ is held as this reference has
// only been borrowed, and it could become invalid as soon as the lock has
// been released.
// TODO(johngro): Investigate more rigorous ways to enforce this borrow
// pattern. Introducing a move-only pointer wrapper object returned from
// |ObtainActiveFutex| and |ActivateFromPool|, and given back during
// |ReturnFromPool| could do the job if its constructor/destructor could be
// made to TA_REQ the FutexContex::lock_, but unfortunately I know of no
// good way to actually do this using the clang static analysis tools.
class FutexState : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<ktl::unique_ptr<FutexState>> {
uintptr_t id() const { return id_; }
// hashtable support
uintptr_t GetKey() const { return id(); }
static size_t GetHash(uintptr_t key) { return (key >> 3); }
friend typename ktl::unique_ptr<FutexState>::deleter_type;
friend class FutexContext;
FutexState() = default;
FutexState(const FutexState&) = delete;
FutexState& operator=(const FutexState&) = delete;
uintptr_t id_ = 0;
OwnedWaitQueue waiters_;
// Definition of a small callback hook used with OwnedWaitQueue::Wake and
// OwnedWaitQueue::WakeAndRequeue in order to allow us to maintain user
// thread blocked futex ID info as the OwnedWaitQueue code selects threads
// to be woken/requeued.
template <OwnedWaitQueue::Hook::Action action>
static OwnedWaitQueue::Hook::Action SetBlockingFutexId(thread_t* thrd, void* ctx)
// FutexContexts may not be copied, moved, or allocated on the heap. They
// are to exist as singleton members of the ProcessDispatcher class and
// exist nowhere else in the system.
FutexContext(const FutexContext&) = delete;
FutexContext& operator=(const FutexContext&) = delete;
FutexContext(FutexContext&&) = delete;
FutexContext& operator=(FutexContext&&) = delete;
static void* operator new(size_t) = delete;
static void* operator new[](size_t) = delete;
// Find a the futex state for a given ID in the futex table and return a raw
// (borrowed) pointer to it, or nullptr if there is no such ID in the table.
FutexState* ObtainActiveFutex(uintptr_t id) TA_REQ(lock_) {
auto iter = futex_table_.find(id);
return iter.IsValid() ? &(*iter) : nullptr;
// Take a futex from the free pool and add it to the futex table, assigning
// its new ID in the process. Returns a raw pointer to the FutexState which
// was activated.
FutexState* ActivateFromPool(uintptr_t id) TA_REQ(lock_) {
ktl::unique_ptr<FutexState> new_state = free_futexes_.pop_front();
FutexState* ret = new_state.get();
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_state != nullptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_state->id() == 0);
new_state->id_ = id;
return ret;
// Return a futex which is currently in the futex hash table to the free
// pool. Note, any owner of the wait queue must have already been released by now.
void ReturnToPool(FutexState* futex) TA_REQ(lock_) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(futex != nullptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT(futex->id() != 0);
futex->id_ = 0;
// Protects the futex_table_. Must be held before acquiring the thread lock.
DECLARE_MUTEX(FutexContext) lock_ TA_ACQ_BEFORE(thread_lock);
// Hash table for FutexStates currently in use (eg; futexes with waiters).
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<ktl::unique_ptr<FutexState>>> futex_table_
// Free list for all futexes which are currently not in use.
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<ktl::unique_ptr<FutexState>> free_futexes_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);