blob: d73ee9113ab09255f70a208a3e8064d40ff74317 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
### run fidlcat on given target.
## Runs fidlcat in the given configuration; currently, fidlcat logs all FIDL
## chatter from the given target executable. Starts the debug agent on the
## proposed target, and closes the debug agent on exit.
## CAUTION: This support is experimental, and invocation strategy is likely to
## change. The component launching configuration is *especially* likely to go
## away over time.
## - Remember to use "fx set-device" when working with multiple devices.
## - This scripts by default will mute the SSH connection stdout/stderr, so any
## errors triggered by it won't appear. Use the --verbose-agent flag to see
## the output.
## - This scripts uses the tool "nc" for testing TCP connections. Check that it
## is in $PATH and that it works.
## Usage: fx fidlcat [(--port|-p) <PORT>] [--remote-pid <pid>|--remote-name <names>|run <component URL>]
## --port Port the debug agent will be listening on. Will use 2345
## by default.
## --verbose-agent Whether the debug agent's stdout/stderr should be shown.
## --remote-pid The koid of the remote process to trace
## --remote-name A set of comma-separated regexes. When a process
## whose name matches one of the regexes starts, fidlcat
## will trace it. Can be provided multiple times for
## multiple regexes.
## run a token indicating that you want to invoke and trace the
## following component URL.
## Flags after -- are parsed by fidlcat. Example usage:
## # Attaches to the process with the given pid on the target:
## fx fidlcat --remote-pid 4755
## # Launches the echo client, and monitors its FIDL chatter:
## fx fidlcat run fuchsia-pkg://
## # Will trace the next process that starts whose name contains "echo_client"
## fx fidlcat --remote-name echo_client
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"/../lib/ || exit $?
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"/../contrib/lib/ || exit $?
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
exit 0
break # Remaining flags are passed to fidlcat
break # Remaining flags are passed to fidlcat
break # Remaining flags are passed to fidlcat
break # Remaining flags are passed to fidlcat
echo "Invalid flag $1"
exit 1
if [[ -z "${port}" ]]; then
# We start the client with the flag that tells it to quit the agent when zxdb quits.
"${FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR}/tools/fidlcat" \
"--connect" "[${target}]:${port}" \
"--fidl-ir-path" @"${FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR}"/all_fidl_json.txt \
"-s" "${BUILDTOOLS_CLANG_DIR}/lib/debug" \
--pretty-print \