blob: efbc20ab284381a44e9f7b6d13a07359cca64f8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sys;
// Maximum length for an environment label.
const uint32 kLabelMaxLength = 32;
struct EnvironmentOptions {
// True if this environment should inherit services provided by the
// parent environment.
bool inherit_parent_services;
// True if components in this environment can share a runner provided
// by the parent environment. If false, a new runner will be started
// in this environment for components.
bool allow_parent_runners;
// True if this environment should be killed first in out of memory
// situations by setting the ZX_PROP_JOB_KILL_ON_OOM property on this
// environment's job.
bool kill_on_oom;
// True if "persistent" storage requested by components in this environment should not actually
// be persistent, and instead be deleted when this environment is killed.
bool delete_storage_on_death;
// An interface for managing a set of applications.
// Applications run inside environments, which provide ambient services and
// support for their lifecycle.
protocol Environment {
// Creates a new environment nested inside this environment.
// When applications are created inside the nested environment using the
// environment's |Launcher|, the environment requests the
// environment services from |host_directory| before passing those services to
// the newly created application in its |StartupInfo|.
// The |controller| can be used to control the lifecycle of the created
// environment. Note that by default the environment will be killed
// automatically when the |EnvironmentController|'s interface is closed. You
// can use |EnvironmentController.Detach| to disable this behavior.
// |label| defines the new environment's label/name. It must be unique within
// the parent environment (though not globally) and is used for isolating
// separate environments. It can also be used for diagnostic purposes. The
// label will be truncated if it is longer than |kLabelMaxLength|.
// |additional_services|, which may be empty, contains a list of services
// that the environment provides, which are hosted by
// |additional_services.host_directory|. If |options.inherit_parent_services|
// is false, |host_directory| must provide a |Loader| service if it wishes to
// allow new components to be loaded in the new environment.
// |options| provides additional options, see |EnvironmentOptions| for
// details.
CreateNestedEnvironment(request<Environment> environment,
request<EnvironmentController> controller,
string label,
ServiceList? additional_services,
EnvironmentOptions options);
// Gets the Launcher associated with this environment.
// Applications created using this application launcher will be given the
// environment services provided by this environment's |host_directory|.
GetLauncher(request<Launcher> launcher);
// Gets a superset of services provided by this environment's
// |host_directory|.
GetServices(request<ServiceProvider> services);
// Gets a superset of services provided by this environment's
// |host_directory|.
GetDirectory(handle<channel> directory_request);