blob: f33f80e78956e6ad2f4b18ca14745aa0c5724d54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package direntry
import (
const (
cBad = 0 // Characters disallowed in both short and long filenames.
cRpl = 1 // Characters +,;=[] should be replaced by '_', and a generation number MUST be used.
cSkp = 2 // '.' or ' '. Skip this character.
dosBaseNameLen = 8
dosExtNameLen = 3
dosNameLen = dosBaseNameLen + dosExtNameLen
maxASCII = '\u007F' // Maximum ASCII value
var (
errChecksum = errors.New("Invalid checksum")
errTooLong = errors.New("Name too long")
errInvalidFilename = errors.New("Invalid filename cannot be converted")
errLongDirentry = errors.New("Invalid long direntry")
// Converts ASCII characters [0, 0x7F] to DOS "Code page 850" characters.
var asciiFilter = [128]byte{
cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, /* 00-07 */
cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, /* 08-0f */
cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, /* 10-17 */
cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, cBad, /* 18-1f */
cSkp, 0x21, cBad, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, /* 20-27 */
0x28, 0x29, cBad, cRpl, cRpl, 0x2d, cSkp, cBad, /* 28-2f */
0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, /* 30-37 */
0x38, 0x39, cBad, cRpl, cBad, cRpl, cBad, cBad, /* 38-3f */
0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, /* 40-47 */
0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, /* 48-4f */
0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, /* 50-57 */
0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, cRpl, cBad, cRpl, 0x5e, 0x5f, /* 58-5f */
0x60, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, /* 60-67 */
0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, /* 68-6f */
0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, /* 70-77 */
0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x7b, cBad, 0x7d, 0x7e, cBad, /* 78-7f */
// Converts some unicode characters to DOS "Code page 850" characters.
var unicodeToDos = map[rune]byte{
'\u00C7': 0x80, '\u00FC': 0x81, '\u00E9': 0x82, '\u00E2': 0x83, '\u00E4': 0x84, '\u00E0': 0x85, '\u00E5': 0x86, '\u00E7': 0x87,
'\u00EA': 0x88, '\u00EB': 0x89, '\u00E8': 0x8A, '\u00EF': 0x8B, '\u00EE': 0x8C, '\u00EC': 0x8D, '\u00C4': 0x8E, '\u00C5': 0x8F,
'\u00C9': 0x90, '\u00E6': 0x91, '\u00C6': 0x92, '\u00F4': 0x93, '\u00F6': 0x94, '\u00F2': 0x95, '\u00FB': 0x96, '\u00F9': 0x97,
'\u00FF': 0x98, '\u00D6': 0x99, '\u00DC': 0x9A, '\u00F8': 0x9B, '\u00A3': 0x9C, '\u00D8': 0x9D, '\u00D7': 0x9E, '\u0192': 0x9F,
'\u00E1': 0xA0, '\u00ED': 0xA1, '\u00F3': 0xA2, '\u00FA': 0xA3, '\u00F1': 0xA4, '\u00D1': 0xA5, '\u00AA': 0xA6, '\u00BA': 0xA7,
'\u00BF': 0xA8, '\u00AE': 0xA9, '\u00AC': 0xAA, '\u00BD': 0xAB, '\u00BC': 0xAC, '\u00A1': 0xAD, '\u00AB': 0xAE, '\u00BB': 0xAF,
'\u2591': 0xB0, '\u2592': 0xB1, '\u2593': 0xB2, '\u2502': 0xB3, '\u2524': 0xB4, '\u00C1': 0xB5, '\u00C2': 0xB6, '\u00C0': 0xB7,
'\u00A9': 0xB8, '\u2563': 0xB9, '\u2551': 0xBA, '\u2557': 0xBB, '\u255D': 0xBC, '\u00A2': 0xBD, '\u00A5': 0xBE, '\u2510': 0xBF,
'\u2514': 0xC0, '\u2534': 0xC1, '\u252C': 0xC2, '\u251C': 0xC3, '\u2500': 0xC4, '\u253C': 0xC5, '\u00E3': 0xC6, '\u00C3': 0xC7,
'\u255A': 0xC8, '\u2554': 0xC9, '\u2569': 0xCA, '\u2566': 0xCB, '\u2560': 0xCC, '\u2550': 0xCD, '\u256C': 0xCE, '\u00A4': 0xCF,
'\u00F0': 0xD0, '\u00D0': 0xD1, '\u00CA': 0xD2, '\u00CB': 0xD3, '\u00C8': 0xD4, '\u0131': 0xD5, '\u00CD': 0xD6, '\u00CE': 0xD7,
'\u00CF': 0xD8, '\u2518': 0xD9, '\u250C': 0xDA, '\u2588': 0xDB, '\u2584': 0xDC, '\u00A6': 0xDD, '\u00CC': 0xDE, '\u2580': 0xDF,
'\u00D3': 0xE0, '\u00DF': 0xE1, '\u00D4': 0xE2, '\u00D2': 0xE3, '\u00F5': 0xE4, '\u00D5': 0xE5, '\u00B5': 0xE6, '\u00FE': 0xE7,
'\u00DE': 0xE8, '\u00DA': 0xE9, '\u00DB': 0xEA, '\u00D9': 0xEB, '\u00FD': 0xEC, '\u00DD': 0xED, '\u00AF': 0xEE, '\u00B4': 0xEF,
'\u00AD': 0xF0, '\u00B1': 0xF1, '\u2017': 0xF2, '\u00BE': 0xF3, '\u00B6': 0xF4, '\u00A7': 0xF5, '\u00F7': 0xF6, '\u00B8': 0xF7,
'\u00B0': 0xF8, '\u00A8': 0xF9, '\u00B7': 0xFA, '\u00B9': 0xFB, '\u00B3': 0xFC, '\u00B2': 0xFD, '\u25A0': 0xFE, '\u00A0': 0xFF,
// Converts DOS "Code page 850" characters in range [0x80, 0xFF] to Unicode runes.
var dosToUnicode = [128]rune{
'\u00C7', '\u00FC', '\u00E9', '\u00E2', '\u00E4', '\u00E0', '\u00E5', '\u00E7',
'\u00EA', '\u00EB', '\u00E8', '\u00EF', '\u00EE', '\u00EC', '\u00C4', '\u00C5',
'\u00C9', '\u00E6', '\u00C6', '\u00F4', '\u00F6', '\u00F2', '\u00FB', '\u00F9',
'\u00FF', '\u00D6', '\u00DC', '\u00F8', '\u00A3', '\u00D8', '\u00D7', '\u0192',
'\u00E1', '\u00ED', '\u00F3', '\u00FA', '\u00F1', '\u00D1', '\u00AA', '\u00BA',
'\u00BF', '\u00AE', '\u00AC', '\u00BD', '\u00BC', '\u00A1', '\u00AB', '\u00BB',
'\u2591', '\u2592', '\u2593', '\u2502', '\u2524', '\u00C1', '\u00C2', '\u00C0',
'\u00A9', '\u2563', '\u2551', '\u2557', '\u255D', '\u00A2', '\u00A5', '\u2510',
'\u2514', '\u2534', '\u252C', '\u251C', '\u2500', '\u253C', '\u00E3', '\u00C3',
'\u255A', '\u2554', '\u2569', '\u2566', '\u2560', '\u2550', '\u256C', '\u00A4',
'\u00F0', '\u00D0', '\u00CA', '\u00CB', '\u00C8', '\u0131', '\u00CD', '\u00CE',
'\u00CF', '\u2518', '\u250C', '\u2588', '\u2584', '\u00A6', '\u00CC', '\u2580',
'\u00D3', '\u00DF', '\u00D4', '\u00D2', '\u00F5', '\u00D5', '\u00B5', '\u00FE',
'\u00DE', '\u00DA', '\u00DB', '\u00D9', '\u00FD', '\u00DD', '\u00AF', '\u00B4',
'\u00AD', '\u00B1', '\u2017', '\u00BE', '\u00B6', '\u00A7', '\u00F7', '\u00B8',
'\u00B0', '\u00A8', '\u00B7', '\u00B9', '\u00B3', '\u00B2', '\u25A0', '\u00A0',
// DOS filenames consist of:
// 1) The "name" part ("FOO" from "FOO.TXT"), which is 8 characters long.
// 2) The "extension part ("TXT" from "FOO.TXT"), which is 3 characters long.
// Both parts may contain trailing spaces if the filename component does not use the maximum
// allocated space.
// convertDOSToUnix converts a DOS filename (single byte, cp850 encoding) to a UTF-8 encoded string.
func convertDOSToUnix(nameDOS []byte, lowercase bool) string {
if len(nameDOS) != dosNameLen {
panic("Unexpected convertDOSToUnix name len: ")
switch string(nameDOS) {
case ". ":
return "."
case ".. ":
return ".."
nameUnix := make([]rune, 0, dosNameLen+1)
for i := 0; i < dosBaseNameLen && nameDOS[i] != ' '; i++ {
charDOS := nameDOS[i]
if i == 0 {
switch charDOS {
case charE5:
// "If DIR_Name[0] == 0x05 (SLOT_E5), then the actual file name character for this
// byte is 0xE5". 0xE5 is reserved to mean "free entry". DOS quirk.
charDOS = 0xE5
case charLastFree, charFree:
// Free entries do not have filenames
return ""
nameUnix = append(nameUnix, charDOSToUnix(charDOS))
// Jump to the extension.
extStartIndex := dosBaseNameLen
if nameDOS[extStartIndex] != ' ' {
// Add a '.' if an extension exists, then add the extension itself.
nameUnix = append(nameUnix, '.')
for i := extStartIndex; i < dosNameLen && nameDOS[i] != ' '; i++ {
nameUnix = append(nameUnix, charDOSToUnix(nameDOS[i]))
// By default, DOS strings are uppercase. Conditionally convert them to lowercase.
if lowercase {
return strings.ToLower(string(nameUnix))
// DOS strings should not be stored as anything other than uppercase, but just in case, convert
// it to uppercase.
return strings.ToUpper(string(nameUnix))
// convertUnixToDOS converts a unix filename to a DOS filename according to Win95 rules.
// This function implements the "Basis-Name Generation Algorithm" and "Numeric-Tail Generation
// Algorithm" described in the FAT documentation.
// The resulting filename may either be a short name (which should be paired with a long filename)
// a short name (which should not be paired with a long filename), or empty (due to an error).
func convertUnixToDOS(callback GetDirentryCallback, nameUnix string) (nameDOS []byte, longnameNeeded bool, err error) {
// "The UNICODE name passed to the file system is converted to upper case."
containsLowercase := false
nameUnixUpper := strings.ToUpper(nameUnix)
if nameUnix != nameUnixUpper {
containsLowercase = true
nameUnix = nameUnixUpper
nameBaseDOS := make([]byte, 0, dosBaseNameLen)
nameExtDOS := make([]byte, 0, dosExtNameLen)
// Wraps up both the "Main" and "Extension" parts of the name into one slice.
composeDOSName := func() []byte {
// Add spacing to main and ext.
for len(nameBaseDOS) < dosBaseNameLen {
nameBaseDOS = append(nameBaseDOS, ' ')
for len(nameExtDOS) < dosExtNameLen {
nameExtDOS = append(nameExtDOS, ' ')
// This is a DOS-ism. 'E5' is reserved for charFree, but '05' means this byte should later
// be replaced with 'E5'.
if nameBaseDOS[0] == charFree {
nameBaseDOS[0] = charE5
res := append(nameBaseDOS, nameExtDOS...)
return res
// The filenames "." and ".." are handled specially, since they don't follow DOS filename rules.
if string(nameUnix) == "." {
nameBaseDOS = append(nameBaseDOS, '.')
return composeDOSName(), false, nil
if string(nameUnix) == ".." {
nameBaseDOS = append(nameBaseDOS, '.', '.')
return composeDOSName(), false, nil
// Skip all trailing spaces and dots (they are ignored in both short and long names).
nameUnix = strings.TrimRight(nameUnix, " .")
if nameUnix == "" {
// Filenames cannot contain EXCLUSIVELY spaces and dots.
return nil, false, errInvalidFilename
// Convert the upper-case unicode name to cp850.
nameDOSRaw := make([]byte, 0, len(nameUnix))
// "lossyConversion" indicates that we may have left some characters behind that would have fit
// in a long name.
lossyConversion := false
leadingPeriods := true
for i, runeValue := range nameUnix {
c := charUnixToDOS(runeValue)
switch c {
case cRpl:
nameDOSRaw = append(nameDOSRaw, '_')
leadingPeriods = false
lossyConversion = true
case cSkp:
if nameUnix[i] == '.' {
if leadingPeriods { // Should be stored in long names, but not short names.
lossyConversion = true
} else { // For now, insert all non-leading/trailing '.' chars. Only one will be used.
nameDOSRaw = append(nameDOSRaw, '.')
} else {
// We always skip spaces for short DOS names.
lossyConversion = true
case cBad:
return nil, false, errInvalidFilename
// Copy the converted character.
nameDOSRaw = append(nameDOSRaw, c)
leadingPeriods = false
// Find the last non-trailing '.' character (the extension dot).
var extensionDot int
for extensionDot = len(nameDOSRaw) - 1; extensionDot >= 0; extensionDot-- {
if nameDOSRaw[extensionDot] == '.' {
// ExtensionDot will be "-1" if it does not exist.
// Copy the 'base' part of the name.
for i := range nameDOSRaw {
if i == extensionDot {
// Copy everything up to the extension.
if i == dosBaseNameLen {
// Only copy up to "dosBaseNameLen" characters.
lossyConversion = true
charDOS := nameDOSRaw[i]
if charDOS == '.' {
// We're losing an inner '.' character.
lossyConversion = true
} else {
nameBaseDOS = append(nameBaseDOS, charDOS)
// If the extension exists...
if extensionDot != -1 {
// ... copy the 'extension' part of the name.
for i := extensionDot + 1; i < len(nameDOSRaw); i++ {
if i == extensionDot+1+dosExtNameLen {
// Long extension; only copy the first "dosExtNameLen" chars.
lossyConversion = true
nameExtDOS = append(nameExtDOS, nameDOSRaw[i])
if !lossyConversion {
// If there weren't any characters dropped, there is no room for generation numbers.
// A long name is only necessary if there were lowercase characters.
return composeDOSName(), containsLowercase, nil
maxGentextLen := 6
for gen := 1; ; gen++ {
gentext := strconv.Itoa(gen)
if len(gentext) > maxGentextLen {
// Given this filename, we have been unable to generate a corresponding short name.
return nil, false, errInvalidFilename
// If the nameMain component is too big, truncate.
tildeIndex := dosBaseNameLen - (len(gentext) + 1)
if len(nameBaseDOS) > tildeIndex {
nameBaseDOS = nameBaseDOS[:tildeIndex]
// The '~' is a special FAT character identifiying that the generator follows.
nameBaseDOS = append(nameBaseDOS, '~')
nameBaseDOS = append(nameBaseDOS, gentext[:]...)
// Verify the short name does not currently exist -- if it does, try using a different
// generation number.
shortName := composeDOSName()
if exists, err := doesShortNameExist(callback, shortName); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
} else if !exists {
return shortName, true, nil
// convertUnixToWin converts a unix filename to a Win95 long name directory entry.
// This function also takes the short filename, which is used for checksumming purposes.
// Note: assumes that nameDOS is valid; assumes nameDOS was generated from nameUnix.
func convertUnixToWin(nameUnix string, nameDOS []byte) ([]longDirentry, error) {
// "Leading and trailing spaces in a long name are ignored"
nameUnix = strings.Trim(nameUnix, " ")
// "Trailing periods are ignored"
nameUnix = strings.TrimRight(nameUnix, ".")
// Convert the UTF-8 Name to UCS-2 (the LFN format for FAT)
bufUCS2 := make([]rune, 0, len(nameUnix)/2)
for _, runeValue := range nameUnix {
bufUCS2 = append(bufUCS2, runeValue)
nameUCS2 := utf16.Encode(bufUCS2)
if longnameMaxLen < len(nameUCS2) {
return nil, errTooLong
// Iterate through the long direntries slice backwards to match the on-disk layout
longDirentries := make([]longDirentry, (len(nameUCS2)+longDirentLen-1)/longDirentLen)
dirIndex := len(longDirentries)
// Pre-calculate the checksum; it must be inserted into every long direntry component
chksum := checksum(nameDOS)
// True if the UCS2 name is finished being inserted into the collection of long direntries
end := false
for !end && len(nameUCS2) != 0 {
longDirentries[dirIndex] = longDirentry{
count: uint8(len(longDirentries) - dirIndex),
attributes: attrLongname,
reserved1: 0,
chksum: uint8(chksum),
longDirentries[dirIndex].reserved2[0] = 0
longDirentries[dirIndex].reserved2[1] = 0
var nameUCS2Part []uint16
if longDirentLen <= len(nameUCS2) {
nameUCS2Part, nameUCS2 = nameUCS2[:longDirentLen], nameUCS2[longDirentLen:]
} else {
nameUCS2Part, nameUCS2 = nameUCS2, []uint16{}
// Now convert the filename parts
convFilenamePart := func(inputPart []uint16, outputPart []uint8, end bool) (newInput []uint16, newEnd bool) {
for i := 0; i < len(outputPart); i += 2 {
if len(inputPart) > 0 && end == false {
// There are characters left in the filename
var ucs2Char uint16
ucs2Char, inputPart = inputPart[0], inputPart[1:]
bitops.PutLE16(outputPart[i:i+2], ucs2Char)
} else if end == false {
// We JUST finished the filename -- insert the NULL terminator
bitops.PutLE16(outputPart[i:i+2], 0x0000)
end = true
} else {
// The NULL character has already been inserted. Pad with "0xFFFF"
bitops.PutLE16(outputPart[i:i+2], 0xFFFF)
return inputPart, end
nameUCS2Part, end = convFilenamePart(nameUCS2Part, longDirentries[dirIndex].name1[:], end)
nameUCS2Part, end = convFilenamePart(nameUCS2Part, longDirentries[dirIndex].name2[:], end)
nameUCS2Part, end = convFilenamePart(nameUCS2Part, longDirentries[dirIndex].name3[:], end)
longDirentries[0].count |= longLastEntry
return longDirentries, nil
// getShortEntryFromWin takes a long filename (via a callback) and accesses the short filename at the
// end of the LFN components. Also return the number of slots necessary to represent the dirent on
// disk.
func getShortEntryFromWin(callback GetDirentryCallback, startIndex int) (shortEntry []byte, numDirentrySlots uint8, err error) {
buf, err := callback(startIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
dl := makeLong(buf)
if dl.count&longLastEntry == 0 {
return nil, 0, errLongDirentry
order := dl.count & longOrdinalMask
if order == 0 || maxLongDirentries < order {
return nil, 0, errLongDirentry
short, err := callback(startIndex + int(order))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return short, order + 1, nil
// convertWinToUnix reads long direntries, verifies them, and compiles them into a unix name.
func convertWinToUnix(callback GetDirentryCallback, startIndex int, chksum uint8, highestOrder int) (nameUnix string, err error) {
order := 0
nameBuffer := make([]uint16, 0, longnameMaxLen)
// Iterate in reverse, so we can append to the namebuffer.
// The "highestOrder-1"-th entry should have an order of "1".
for direntryIndex := highestOrder - 1; direntryIndex >= 0; direntryIndex-- {
// Get the next long direntry component
buf, err := callback(startIndex + int(direntryIndex))
if err != nil {
return "", err
dl := makeLong(buf)
// Validate order, checksum
order = int(dl.count & longOrdinalMask)
if order != (highestOrder - direntryIndex) { // We must be reading in an increasing order
return "", errLongDirentry
} else if order > maxLongDirentries || order == 0 { // The order must be in bounds
return "", errLongDirentry
} else if order == highestOrder && (dl.count&longLastEntry == 0) { // The order MUST terminate at highest order
return "", errLongDirentry
} else if order != highestOrder && (dl.count&longLastEntry != 0) { // The order shouldn't terminate before that
return "", errLongDirentry
} else if chksum != dl.chksum {
return "", errChecksum
// Adds a component of the longDirentry to a name buffer.
// Returns "true" if a null terminator was seen, "false" otherwise.
convFilenamePart := func(part []uint8) (bool, error) {
for i := 0; i < len(part); i += 2 {
charWin := bitops.GetLE16(part[i : i+2])
switch charWin {
case 0:
// If the name is null terminated, stop writing to the namebuffer.
if order != highestOrder {
// Saw NULL terminator before reaching last order direntry
return false, errLongDirentry
return true, nil
case '/':
// Forward slashes are not allowed in unix filenames
return false, errInvalidFilename
nameBuffer = append(nameBuffer, charWin)
return false, nil
if terminated, err := convFilenamePart(dl.name1[:]); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if terminated {
if terminated, err := convFilenamePart(dl.name2[:]); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if terminated {
if terminated, err := convFilenamePart(dl.name3[:]); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if terminated {
if order != highestOrder {
panic("Invalid internal order state while iterating; terminated before viewing all direntries")
result := string(utf16.Decode(nameBuffer))
if longnameMaxLen < len(result) {
return "", errTooLong
return result, nil
// Compute the unrolled checksum of a DOS filename for Win95 LFN use.
func checksum(name []uint8) uint8 {
if len(name) != dosNameLen {
panic("Checksumming invalid short name")
var sum uint8
for i := 0; i < dosNameLen; i++ {
sum = ((sum & 1) << 7) + (sum >> 1) + name[i]
return sum
func charUnixToDOS(r rune) uint8 {
// ASCII Rune --> ASCII DOS character. Simple case.
if r < maxASCII {
return asciiFilter[r]
// Non-ASCII Unicode Rune --> Code page 850 character OR "replacement character"
if dosChar, ok := unicodeToDos[r]; ok {
return dosChar
return cRpl
func charDOSToUnix(b uint8) rune {
// ASCII DOS character to ASCII rune. Simple case.
if b < maxASCII {
r := asciiFilter[b]
switch r {
case cBad, cRpl, cSkp:
return rune('?')
return rune(b)
return dosToUnicode[b-128]