blob: 9667f08e2fa01548694c28f8e8861be810cc1f16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::base_package::BasePackage;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use assembly_blobfs::BlobFSBuilder;
use assembly_config::ImageAssemblyConfig;
use assembly_images_config::BlobFS;
use assembly_images_manifest::BlobfsContents;
use assembly_tool::Tool;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
pub fn construct_blobfs(
blobfs_tool: Box<dyn Tool>,
outdir: impl AsRef<Path>,
gendir: impl AsRef<Path>,
image_config: &ImageAssemblyConfig,
blobfs_config: &BlobFS,
base_package: &BasePackage,
) -> Result<(PathBuf, BlobfsContents)> {
let mut contents = BlobfsContents::default();
let mut blobfs_builder = BlobFSBuilder::new(blobfs_tool, blobfs_config.layout.to_string());
contents.maximum_contents_size = blobfs_config.maximum_contents_size.clone();
// Add the base and cache packages.
for package_manifest_path in &image_config.base {
for package_manifest_path in &image_config.cache {
// Add the base package and its contents.
for (_, source) in &base_package.contents {
// Build the blobfs and return its path.
let blobfs_path = outdir.as_ref().join("blob.blk");, &blobfs_path).context("Failed to build the blobfs")?;
Ok((blobfs_path, contents))
mod tests {
use super::construct_blobfs;
use crate::base_package::BasePackage;
use assembly_config::ImageAssemblyConfig;
use assembly_images_config::{BlobFS, BlobFSLayout};
use assembly_tool::testing::FakeToolProvider;
use assembly_tool::ToolProvider;
use fuchsia_hash::Hash;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
use tempfile::tempdir;
fn construct() {
let dir = tempdir().unwrap();
let image_config = ImageAssemblyConfig::new_for_testing("kernel", 0);
let blobfs_config = BlobFS {
name: "blob".into(),
layout: BlobFSLayout::Compact,
compress: true,
maximum_bytes: None,
minimum_data_bytes: None,
minimum_inodes: None,
maximum_contents_size: None,
// Create a fake base package.
let base_path = dir.path().join("base.far");
std::fs::write(&base_path, "fake base").unwrap();
let base = BasePackage {
merkle: Hash::from_str(
contents: BTreeMap::default(),
path: base_path,
// Create a fake blobfs tool.
let tools = FakeToolProvider::default();
let blobfs_tool = tools.get_tool("blobfs").unwrap();
// Construct blobfs, and ensure no error is returned.
construct_blobfs(blobfs_tool, dir.path(), dir.path(), &image_config, &blobfs_config, &base)