blob: 13270abb538f9fcfdfca61d5f1974e7bc1e47945 [file] [log] [blame]
use {
anyhow::{Context as _, Error},
pub mod accessibility;
pub mod audio;
pub mod device;
pub mod display;
pub mod do_not_disturb;
pub mod input;
pub mod intl;
pub mod night_mode;
pub mod privacy;
pub mod setup;
/// SettingClient exercises the functionality found in SetUI service. Currently,
/// action parameters are specified at as individual arguments, but the goal is
/// to eventually parse details from a JSON file input.
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
#[structopt(name = "setui_client", about = "set setting values")]
pub enum SettingClient {
// Operations that use the new interfaces.
#[structopt(name = "accessibility")]
#[structopt(name = "audio")]
Audio {
streams: AudioStreams,
input: AudioInput,
// Operations that use the Device interface.
#[structopt(name = "device")]
Device { build_tag: Option<String> },
#[structopt(name = "display")]
Display {
#[structopt(short = "b", long = "brightness")]
brightness: Option<f32>,
#[structopt(short = "a", long = "auto_brightness")]
auto_brightness: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short = "l", long = "light_sensor")]
light_sensor: bool,
short = "m",
long = "low_light_mode",
parse(try_from_str = "str_to_low_light_mode")
low_light_mode: Option<fidl_fuchsia_settings::LowLightMode>,
#[structopt(name = "do_not_disturb")]
DoNotDisturb {
#[structopt(short = "u", long = "user_dnd")]
user_dnd: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short = "n", long = "night_mode_dnd")]
night_mode_dnd: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(name = "input")]
Input {
#[structopt(short = "m", long = "mic_muted")]
mic_muted: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(name = "intl")]
Intl {
#[structopt(short = "z", long, parse(from_str = "str_to_time_zone"))]
time_zone: Option<fidl_fuchsia_intl::TimeZoneId>,
#[structopt(short = "u", long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_temperature_unit"))]
// Valid options are Celsius and Fahrenheit, or just "c" and "f".
temperature_unit: Option<fidl_fuchsia_intl::TemperatureUnit>,
#[structopt(short, long, parse(from_str = "str_to_locale"))]
/// List of locales, separated by spaces.
locales: Vec<fidl_fuchsia_intl::LocaleId>,
#[structopt(short = "h", long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_hour_cycle"))]
hour_cycle: Option<fidl_fuchsia_settings::HourCycle>,
/// If set, this flag will set locales as an empty list. Overrides the locales arguments.
clear_locales: bool,
#[structopt(name = "night_mode")]
NightMode {
#[structopt(short, long)]
night_mode_enabled: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(name = "privacy")]
Privacy {
#[structopt(short, long)]
user_data_sharing_consent: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(name = "setup")]
Setup {
#[structopt(short = "i", long = "interfaces", parse(from_str = "str_to_interfaces"))]
configuration_interfaces: Option<ConfigurationInterfaces>,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct AccessibilityOptions {
#[structopt(short = "a", long)]
pub audio_description: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short = "s", long)]
pub screen_reader: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short = "i", long)]
pub color_inversion: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short = "m", long)]
pub enable_magnification: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short = "c", long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_color_blindness_type"))]
pub color_correction: Option<fidl_fuchsia_settings::ColorBlindnessType>,
pub caption_options: Option<CaptionCommands>,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CaptionCommands {
#[structopt(name = "captions")]
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CaptionOptions {
#[structopt(short = "m", long)]
/// Enable closed captions for media sources of audio.
pub for_media: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short = "t", long)]
/// Enable closed captions for Text-To-Speech sources of audio.
pub for_tts: Option<bool>,
#[structopt(short, long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_color"))]
/// Border color used around the closed captions window. Valid options are red, green, or blue,
/// or just the first letter of each color (r, g, b).
pub window_color: Option<fidl_fuchsia_ui_types::ColorRgba>,
#[structopt(short, long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_color"))]
/// Border color used around the closed captions window. Valid options are red, green, or blue,
/// or just the first letter of each color (r, g, b).
pub background_color: Option<fidl_fuchsia_ui_types::ColorRgba>,
pub style: CaptionFontStyle,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CaptionFontStyle {
#[structopt(short, long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_font_family"))]
/// Font family for captions, specified by 47 CFR ยง79.102(k). Valid options are unknown,
/// monospaced_serif, proportional_serif, monospaced_sans_serif, proportional_sans_serif,
/// casual, cursive, and small_capitals,
pub font_family: Option<fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily>,
#[structopt(short = "c", long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_color"))]
/// Color of the closed cpation text. Valid options are red, green, or blue, or just the first
/// letter of each color (r, g, b).
pub font_color: Option<fidl_fuchsia_ui_types::ColorRgba>,
#[structopt(short, long)]
/// Size of closed captions text relative to the default captions size. A range of [0.5, 2] is
/// guaranteed to be supported (as 47 CFR ยง79.103(c)(4) establishes).
pub relative_size: Option<f32>,
#[structopt(short = "e", long, parse(try_from_str = "str_to_edge_style"))]
/// Edge style for fonts as specified in 47 CFR ยง79.103(c)(7), valid options are none,
/// drop_shadow, raised, depressed, and outline.
pub char_edge_style: Option<fidl_fuchsia_settings::EdgeStyle>,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
pub struct AudioStreams {
#[structopt(short = "t", long = "stream", parse(try_from_str = "str_to_audio_stream"))]
stream: Option<fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage>,
#[structopt(short = "s", long = "source", parse(try_from_str = "str_to_audio_source"))]
source: Option<fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource>,
user_volume: UserVolume,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
struct UserVolume {
#[structopt(short = "l", long = "level")]
level: Option<f32>,
#[structopt(short = "v", long = "volume_muted")]
volume_muted: Option<bool>,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
pub struct AudioInput {
#[structopt(short = "m", long = "input_muted")]
input_muted: Option<bool>,
pub async fn run_command(command: SettingClient) -> Result<(), Error> {
match command {
SettingClient::Device { build_tag } => {
let _build_tag = build_tag.clone();
if let Some(_build_tag_val) = build_tag {
panic!("Cannot set device settings");
let device_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::DeviceMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to device service")?;
let output = device::command(device_service).await?;
println!("Device: {}", output);
SettingClient::Display { brightness, auto_brightness, light_sensor, low_light_mode } => {
let display_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::DisplayMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to display service")?;
let output = display::command(
println!("Display: {}", output);
SettingClient::DoNotDisturb { user_dnd, night_mode_dnd } => {
let dnd_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::DoNotDisturbMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to do_not_disturb service")?;
let output = do_not_disturb::command(dnd_service, user_dnd, night_mode_dnd).await?;
println!("DoNotDisturb: {}", output);
SettingClient::Intl { time_zone, temperature_unit, locales, hour_cycle, clear_locales } => {
let intl_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::IntlMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to intl service")?;
let output = intl::command(
println!("Intl: {}", output);
SettingClient::NightMode { night_mode_enabled } => {
let night_mode_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::NightModeMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to night mode service")?;
let output = night_mode::command(night_mode_service, night_mode_enabled).await?;
println!("NightMode: {}", output);
SettingClient::Accessibility(accessibility_options) => {
let accessibility_service =
.context("Failed to connect to accessibility service")?;
let output =
accessibility::command(accessibility_service, accessibility_options).await?;
println!("Accessibility: {}", output);
SettingClient::Privacy { user_data_sharing_consent } => {
let privacy_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::PrivacyMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to privacy service")?;
let output = privacy::command(privacy_service, user_data_sharing_consent).await?;
println!("Privacy: {}", output);
SettingClient::Audio { streams, input } => {
let audio_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to audio service")?;
let stream =;
let source = streams.source;
let level = streams.user_volume.level;
let volume_muted = streams.user_volume.volume_muted;
let input_muted = input.input_muted;
let output =
audio::command(audio_service, stream, source, level, volume_muted, input_muted)
println!("Audio: {}", output);
SettingClient::Input { mic_muted } => {
let input_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::InputMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to input service")?;
let output = input::command(input_service, mic_muted).await?;
println!("Input: {}", output);
SettingClient::Setup { configuration_interfaces } => {
let setup_service = connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_settings::SetupMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to setup service")?;
let output = setup::command(setup_service, configuration_interfaces).await?;
println!("Setup: {}", output);
fn str_to_time_zone(src: &&str) -> fidl_fuchsia_intl::TimeZoneId {
fidl_fuchsia_intl::TimeZoneId { id: src.to_string() }
fn str_to_locale(src: &str) -> fidl_fuchsia_intl::LocaleId {
fidl_fuchsia_intl::LocaleId { id: src.to_string() }
fn str_to_low_light_mode(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_settings::LowLightMode, &str> {
if src.contains("enable") {
} else if src.contains("disable") {
} else if src.contains("disableimmediately") {
} else {
Err("Couldn't parse low light mode")
fn str_to_interfaces(src: &&str) -> ConfigurationInterfaces {
let mut interfaces = ConfigurationInterfaces::empty();
for interface in src.split(",") {
match interface.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"eth" | "ethernet" => {
interfaces = interfaces | ConfigurationInterfaces::Ethernet;
"wireless" | "wifi" => {
interfaces = interfaces | ConfigurationInterfaces::Wifi;
_ => {}
return interfaces;
fn str_to_color(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_ui_types::ColorRgba, &str> {
Ok(match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"red" | "r" => {
fidl_fuchsia_ui_types::ColorRgba { red: 255.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 255.0 }
"green" | "g" => {
fidl_fuchsia_ui_types::ColorRgba { red: 0.0, green: 2.055, blue: 0.0, alpha: 255.0 }
"blue" | "b" => {
fidl_fuchsia_ui_types::ColorRgba { red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 255.0, alpha: 255.0 }
_ => return Err("Couldn't parse color"),
fn str_to_font_family(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily, &str> {
Ok(match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"unknown" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily::Unknown,
"monospaced_serif" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily::MonospacedSerif,
"proportional_serif" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily::ProportionalSerif,
"monospaced_sans_serif" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily::MonospacedSansSerif,
"proportional_sans_serif" => {
"casual" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily::Casual,
"cursive" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily::Cursive,
"small_capitals" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::CaptionFontFamily::SmallCapitals,
_ => return Err("Couldn't parse font family"),
fn str_to_edge_style(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_settings::EdgeStyle, &str> {
Ok(match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"none" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::EdgeStyle::None,
"drop_shadow" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::EdgeStyle::DropShadow,
"raised" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::EdgeStyle::Raised,
"depressed" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::EdgeStyle::Depressed,
"outline" => fidl_fuchsia_settings::EdgeStyle::Outline,
_ => return Err("Couldn't parse edge style"),
fn str_to_temperature_unit(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_intl::TemperatureUnit, &str> {
match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"c" | "celsius" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_intl::TemperatureUnit::Celsius),
"f" | "fahrenheit" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_intl::TemperatureUnit::Fahrenheit),
_ => Err("Couldn't parse temperature"),
fn str_to_hour_cycle(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_settings::HourCycle, &str> {
match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"unknown" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::HourCycle::Unknown),
"h11" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::HourCycle::H11),
"h12" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::HourCycle::H12),
"h23" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::HourCycle::H23),
"h24" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::HourCycle::H24),
_ => Err("Couldn't parse hour cycle"),
fn str_to_color_blindness_type(
src: &str,
) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_settings::ColorBlindnessType, &str> {
match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"none" | "n" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::ColorBlindnessType::None),
"protanomaly" | "p" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::ColorBlindnessType::Protanomaly),
"deuteranomaly" | "d" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::ColorBlindnessType::Deuteranomaly),
"tritanomaly" | "t" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::ColorBlindnessType::Tritanomaly),
_ => Err("Couldn't parse color blindness type"),
fn str_to_audio_stream(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage, &str> {
match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"background" | "b" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage::Background),
"media" | "m" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage::Media),
"interruption" | "i" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage::Interruption),
"system_agent" | "systemagent" | "system agent" | "s" => {
"communication" | "c" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage::Communication),
_ => Err("Couldn't parse audio stream type"),
fn str_to_audio_source(src: &str) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource, &str> {
match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"user" | "u" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource::User),
"system" | "s" => Ok(fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource::System),
_ => Err("Couldn't parse audio source type"),
// TODO(go/fxb/36262): Refactor tests out of lib
mod tests {
use super::*;
/// Unit test for str_to_audio_stream.
fn test_str_to_audio_stream() {
println!("Running test_str_to_audio_stream");
let test_cases = vec![
"system agent",
let expected = vec![
Err("Couldn't parse audio stream type"),
let mut results = vec![];
for test_case in test_cases {
for (expected, result) in expected.iter().zip(results.iter()) {
assert_eq!(expected, result);
/// Unit test for str_to_audio_source.
fn test_str_to_audio_source() {
println!("Running test_str_to_audio_source");
let test_cases = vec!["USER", "system", "unexpected_source_type"];
let expected = vec![
Err("Couldn't parse audio source type"),
let mut results = vec![];
for test_case in test_cases {
for (expected, result) in expected.iter().zip(results.iter()) {
assert_eq!(expected, result);