blob: 378d74e020117220d12771b1afc348758b9014c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
namespace operation {
// A problem exists whereby a series of drivers reuse the same object as it
// traverses the driver stack for a specific subsystem. There exists a public
// section specified by a banjo protocol, along with a private section for
// each layer in driver stack appended to the end of it like so:
// ---------------------
// | Public Definition |
// ---------------------
// | Driver 1 Private |
// ---------------------
// | Driver 2 Private |
// ---------------------
// | ... |
// ---------------------
// | Driver N Private |
// ---------------------
// Driver N in this case would perform the allocation of the entire struct.
// Driver 1 in the example above would be the device driver which talks
// directly to hardware. The request would only be "owned" by a single
// driver at a time, but only Driver N (the one who allocated the request)
// would be allowed to free it.
// This library provides a generic solution to the private section problem
// which exists for types such as usb_request_t, node_operation_t,
// block_op_t, and others. Specialized wrappers for each of those types
// can be built on top this library.
// operation::Operation and operation::UnownedOperation provide some additional
// safety to prevent leaks and out of bounds accesses. They will ensure that the
// underlying buffer is returned to the caller, or delete it if the current
// owner was responsible for allocating the request. In addition, they help
// provide an easy way to determine the size of the request by simply specifying
// the parent device's operation size.
// operation::OperationPool provides a simple pool that allows reuse of
// pre-allocated operation::Operation objects.
// operation::{Unowned,}OperationQueue provide safe queues to place operations
// in while they are pending. These queues rely on intrusive node data built
// into the wrapper type, stored in the private storage section.
// operation::{Unowned,}OperationList provides lists to place operations in
// while they are pending. Operations cannot be stored in both an
// operation::{Unowned,}OperationQueue and operation::{Unowned,}Operation:List
// in the same driver layer, as they both use the same memory to store
// the intrusive node data.
// In order to use make use of the Operation and OperationNode classes, a new
// type must be created which inherits from it like so:
// class Foo : public Operation<Foo, OperationTraits, void>;
// class Bar : public UnownedOperation<Bar, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, void>;
// OperationTraits must be a type which implements the following function
// and type signatures:
// // Defines public definition which is wrapped.
// using OperationType = foo_operation_t;
// // Performs an allocation for the operation.
// static OperationType* Alloc(size_t op_size);
// // Frees the allocation created by Alloc above.
// static void Free(OperationType* op);
// CallbackTraits must be a type which implements the following function
// and type signatures:
// // The type here can be anything. It should match the callback provided to
// // the UnownedOperation constructor.
// using CallbackType = void(void* ctx, ARGS, foo_operation_t*);
// // In case Complete is not called by UnownedOperation owners, these are
// // the args to trigger Complete with.
// static std::tuple<ARGS> AutoCompleteArgs();
// // Should call the callback, transforming and positioning args as necessary.
// static void Callback(CallbackType*, void*, OperationType*, ARGS);
// Where ARGS is a variadic number of types left to the implementer.
template <typename T, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage = void>
class OperationNode;
template <typename D, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage>
class OperationBase {
using NodeType = OperationNode<D, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>;
using OperationType = typename OperationTraits::OperationType;
OperationType* take() __WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
auto* tmp = operation_;
operation_ = nullptr;
return tmp;
OperationType* operation() const {
return operation_;
static constexpr size_t OperationSize(size_t parent_op_size) {
return fbl::round_up(parent_op_size, kAlignment) + sizeof(NodeType);
size_t size() const {
return node_offset_ + sizeof(NodeType);
// Returns private node stored inline
NodeType* node() {
auto* node = reinterpret_cast<NodeType*>(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(operation_) + node_offset_);
return node;
Storage* private_storage() {
static_assert(!std::is_same<Storage, void>::value,
"private_storage not available on void type.");
return node()->private_storage();
OperationBase(OperationType* operation, size_t parent_op_size, bool allow_destruct = true)
: operation_(operation),
node_offset_(fbl::round_up(parent_op_size, kAlignment)),
allow_destruct_(allow_destruct) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(operation != nullptr);
OperationBase(OperationBase&& other)
: operation_(other.operation_),
allow_destruct_(other.allow_destruct_) {
other.operation_ = nullptr;
OperationBase& operator=(OperationBase&& other) {
operation_ = other.operation_;
node_offset_ = other.node_offset_;
allow_destruct_ = other.allow_destruct_;
other.operation_ = nullptr;
return *this;
OperationBase(const OperationBase& other) = delete;
OperationBase& operator=(const OperationBase& other) = delete;
OperationType* operation_;
zx_off_t node_offset_;
bool allow_destruct_;
static constexpr size_t kAlignment = alignof(NodeType);
template <typename D, typename OperationTraits, typename Storage = void>
class Operation : public OperationBase<D, OperationTraits, void, Storage> {
using BaseClass = OperationBase<D, OperationTraits, void, Storage>;
using NodeType = OperationNode<D, OperationTraits, void, Storage>;
using OperationType = typename OperationTraits::OperationType;
// Creates a new operation with payload space of data_size.
static std::optional<D> Alloc(size_t parent_op_size) {
const size_t op_size = BaseClass::OperationSize(parent_op_size);
OperationType* op = OperationTraits::Alloc(op_size);
if (op == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
D out(op, parent_op_size);
new (out.node()) NodeType(out.node_offset_);
return std::move(out);
// Must be called with |operation| allocated via OperationTraits::Alloc.
Operation(OperationType* operation, size_t parent_op_size, bool allow_destruct = true)
: BaseClass(operation, parent_op_size, allow_destruct) {}
Operation(Operation&& other)
: BaseClass(other.operation_, other.node_offset_, other.allow_destruct_) {
other.operation_ = nullptr;
Operation& operator=(Operation&& other) {
return *this;
~Operation() {
if (!BaseClass::allow_destruct_) {
void Release() {
if (BaseClass::operation_) {
// Similar to operation::Operation, but it doesn't call free on destruction.
// This should be used to wrap NodeType* objects allocated in other
// drivers.
template <typename D, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage = void>
class UnownedOperation : public OperationBase<D, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage> {
using BaseClass = OperationBase<D, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>;
using NodeType = OperationNode<D, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>;
using OperationType = typename OperationTraits::OperationType;
using CallbackType = typename CallbackTraits::CallbackType;
UnownedOperation(OperationType* operation, const CallbackType* complete_cb, void* cookie,
size_t parent_op_size, bool allow_destruct = true)
: BaseClass(operation, parent_op_size, allow_destruct) {
new (BaseClass::node()) NodeType(BaseClass::node_offset_, complete_cb, cookie);
UnownedOperation(OperationType* operation, size_t parent_op_size, bool allow_destruct = true)
: BaseClass(operation, parent_op_size, allow_destruct) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(BaseClass::node()->node_offset() != 0);
UnownedOperation(UnownedOperation&& other)
: BaseClass(other.operation_, other.node_offset_, other.allow_destruct_) {
other.operation_ = nullptr;
UnownedOperation& operator=(UnownedOperation&& other) {
return *this;
~UnownedOperation() {
if (!BaseClass::allow_destruct_) {
// Auto-complete if it wasn't.
auto complete = [this](auto... args) {
std::apply(complete, CallbackTraits::AutoCompleteArgs());
// Must be called by the processor when the operation has completed or failed.
// The operation and any virtual or physical memory obtained from it is no
// longer valid after Complete is called.
template <typename... Args>
void Complete(Args... args) {
if (BaseClass::operation_) {
auto* complete_cb = BaseClass::node()->complete_cb();
auto* cookie = BaseClass::node()->cookie();
CallbackTraits::Callback(complete_cb, cookie, BaseClass::take(),
// Node storage for operation::Operation and operation::UnownedOperation. Does not maintain
// ownership of underlying NodeType*. Must be transformed back into
// appopriate wrapper type to maintain correct ownership.
// It is strongly recommended to use operation::OperationPool and operation::OperationQueue to
// avoid ownership pitfalls.
template <typename T, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage>
class OperationNode : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<
OperationNode<T, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>*> {
using OperationType = typename OperationTraits::OperationType;
using CallbackType = typename CallbackTraits::CallbackType;
OperationNode(zx_off_t node_offset, const CallbackType* complete_cb, void* cookie)
: node_offset_(node_offset), complete_cb_(complete_cb), cookie_(cookie) {}
~OperationNode() = default;
T operation(bool allow_destruct = true) const {
return T(
reinterpret_cast<OperationType*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) - node_offset_),
node_offset_, allow_destruct);
zx_off_t node_offset() const { return node_offset_; }
const CallbackType* complete_cb() const {
return complete_cb_;
void* cookie() const {
return cookie_;
Storage* private_storage() {
return &private_storage_;
const zx_off_t node_offset_;
const CallbackType* complete_cb_;
void* cookie_;
Storage private_storage_;
// Specialized version for when complete_cb is not required.
template <typename T, typename OperationTraits, typename Storage>
class OperationNode<T, OperationTraits, void, Storage> : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<
OperationNode<T, OperationTraits, void,
Storage>*> {
using OperationType = typename OperationTraits::OperationType;
explicit OperationNode(zx_off_t node_offset)
: node_offset_(node_offset) {}
~OperationNode() = default;
T operation(bool allow_destruct = true) const {
return T(
reinterpret_cast<OperationType*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) - node_offset_),
node_offset_, allow_destruct);
zx_off_t node_offset() const { return node_offset_; }
Storage* private_storage() {
return &private_storage_;
const zx_off_t node_offset_;
Storage private_storage_;
// Specialized version for when no additional storage is required.
template <typename T, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits>
class OperationNode<T, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, void> : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<
void>*> {
using OperationType = typename OperationTraits::OperationType;
using CallbackType = typename CallbackTraits::CallbackType;
OperationNode(zx_off_t node_offset, const CallbackType* complete_cb, void* cookie)
: node_offset_(node_offset), complete_cb_(complete_cb), cookie_(cookie) {}
~OperationNode() = default;
T operation(bool allow_destruct = true) const {
return T(
reinterpret_cast<OperationType*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) - node_offset_),
node_offset_, allow_destruct);
zx_off_t node_offset() const { return node_offset_; }
const CallbackType* complete_cb() const {
return complete_cb_;
void* cookie() const {
return cookie_;
const zx_off_t node_offset_;
const CallbackType* complete_cb_;
void* cookie_;
// Specialized version for when no additional storage is required, and
// complete_cb is not required.
template <typename T, typename OperationTraits>
class OperationNode<T, OperationTraits, void, void> : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<
OperationNode<T, OperationTraits, void,
void>*> {
using OperationType = typename OperationTraits::OperationType;
OperationNode(zx_off_t node_offset)
: node_offset_(node_offset) {}
~OperationNode() = default;
T operation(bool allow_destruct = true) const {
return T(
reinterpret_cast<OperationType*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) - node_offset_),
node_offset_, allow_destruct);
zx_off_t node_offset() const { return node_offset_; }
const zx_off_t node_offset_;
// Convenience queue wrapper around fbl::DoublyLinkedList<T>.
// The class is thread-safe.
template <typename OpType, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage>
class BaseQueue {
using NodeType = OperationNode<OpType, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>;
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN_WITH_SIGNATURE(has_node, node, NodeType* (C::*)());
"OpType must implement OperationNode<OpType, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, "
"Storage>* node()");
BaseQueue() {}
~BaseQueue() {
BaseQueue(BaseQueue&& other) {
fbl::AutoLock al(&other.lock_);
BaseQueue& operator=(BaseQueue&& other) {
fbl::AutoLock al1(&lock_);
fbl::AutoLock al2(&other.lock_);
return *this;
void push(OpType op) {
fbl::AutoLock al(&lock_);
auto* node = op.node();
// Must prevent Complete/Release from being called in destructor.
__UNUSED auto dummy = op.take();
void push_next(OpType op) {
fbl::AutoLock al(&lock_);
auto* node = op.node();
// Must prevent Complete/Release from being called in destructor.
__UNUSED auto dummy = op.take();
std::optional<OpType> pop() {
fbl::AutoLock al(&lock_);
auto* node = queue_.pop_back();
if (node) {
return std::move(node->operation());
return std::nullopt;
bool is_empty() {
fbl::AutoLock al(&lock_);
return queue_.is_empty();
// Releases all ops stored in the queue.
void Release() {
fbl::AutoLock al(&lock_);
while (!queue_.is_empty()) {
// Transform back into operation to force correct destructor to run.
__UNUSED auto op = queue_.pop_back()->operation();
fbl::Mutex lock_;
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<NodeType*> queue_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
template <typename D, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage = void>
using UnownedOperationQueue = BaseQueue<D, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>;
template <typename D, typename OperationTraits, typename Storage = void>
using OperationQueue = BaseQueue<D, OperationTraits, void, Storage>;
// A driver may use operation::OperationPool for recycling their own operations.
template <typename OpType, typename OperationTraits, typename Storage = void>
class OperationPool : protected BaseQueue<OpType, OperationTraits, void, Storage> {
using BaseClass = BaseQueue<OpType, OperationTraits, void, Storage>;
// Use constructor.
using BaseClass::BaseClass;
// Operate like a stack rather than a queue.
void push(OpType op) {
using BaseClass::pop;
using BaseClass::Release;
// Convenience list wrapper around fbl::DoublyLinkedList<T>.
// The class is not thread-safe.
template <typename OpType, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage>
class BaseList {
using NodeType = OperationNode<OpType, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>;
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN_WITH_SIGNATURE(has_node, node, NodeType* (C::*)());
"OpType must implement OperationNode<OpType, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, "
"Storage>* node()");
BaseList() {}
~BaseList() {
BaseList(BaseList&& other) {
size_t temp = size_;
size_ = other.size_;
other.size_ = temp;
BaseList& operator=(BaseList&& other) {
return *this;
// Adds the operation to the end of the list.
void push_back(OpType* op) {
auto* node = op->node();
// Returns the index of the given operation in the list, or std::nullopt if none was found.
std::optional<size_t> find(OpType* op) {
size_t i = 0;
for (auto iter = list_.begin(); iter != list_.end(); ++iter) {
auto test_op = iter->operation(/* allow_destruct */ false);
if (test_op.operation() == op->operation()) {
return i;
return std::nullopt;
// Returns the operation at the start of the list.
std::optional<OpType> begin() {
if (size_ == 0) {
return std::nullopt;
auto iter = list_.begin();
return iter->operation(/* allow_destruct */ false);
// Returns the operation in the list before |op|, or std::nullopt if |op| is the
// start of the list.
std::optional<OpType> prev(OpType* op) {
auto* node = op->node();
auto iter = list_.make_iterator(*node);
if (iter == list_.begin()) {
return std::nullopt;
return std::move(iter->operation(/* allow_destruct */ false));
// Returns the operation in the list following |op|, or std::nullopt if |op| is the
// end of the list.
std::optional<OpType> next(OpType* op) {
auto* node = op->node();
auto iter = list_.make_iterator(*node);
if (iter == list_.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
return std::move(iter->operation(/* allow_destruct */ false));
// Deletes the first instance of the operation found in the list.
// Returns whether an operation was deleted.
bool erase(OpType* op) {
auto* node = op->node();
bool erased = list_.erase(*node) != nullptr;
if (erased) {
return erased;
// Returns the number of ops in the list.
size_t size() const {
return size_;
// Releases all ops stored in the list.
void Release() {
size_ = 0;
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<NodeType*> list_;
size_t size_ = 0;
template <typename D, typename OperationTraits, typename CallbackTraits, typename Storage = void>
using UnownedOperationList = BaseList<D, OperationTraits, CallbackTraits, Storage>;
template <typename D, typename OperationTraits, typename Storage = void>
using OperationList = BaseList<D, OperationTraits, void, Storage>;
} // namespace operation