blob: 728dac19d600b00989794f034640e0985e177b21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
failure::{Error, ResultExt},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_control::{AdapterInfo, AdapterState, RemoteDevice},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_host::{HostEvent, HostProxy},
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, TimeoutExt},
error::Error as BtError, expectation::Predicate, hci, hci_emulator::Emulator, host,
fuchsia_vfs_watcher::{WatchEvent as VfsWatchEvent, Watcher as VfsWatcher},
fuchsia_zircon::{Duration, DurationNum},
futures::{future, task, Future, FutureExt, Poll, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt},
parking_lot::{MappedRwLockReadGuard, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard},
std::{borrow::Borrow, collections::HashMap, fs::File, path::PathBuf, pin::Pin, sync::Arc},
use crate::harness::TestHarness;
const BT_HOST_DIR: &str = "/dev/class/bt-host";
const TIMEOUT_SECONDS: i64 = 10; // in seconds
fn timeout_duration() -> Duration {
pub struct HostDriverHarness(Arc<RwLock<HostDriverHarnessInner>>);
struct HostDriverHarnessInner {
// Fake bt-hci device.
hci_emulator: Option<Emulator>,
// Access to the bt-host device under test.
host_path: String,
pub host_proxy: HostProxy,
// Current bt-host driver state.
host_info: AdapterInfo,
// All known remote devices, indexed by their identifiers.
remote_devices: HashMap<String, RemoteDevice>,
// Tasks that are interested in being woken up when the host drirver state changes.
host_state_tasks: Slab<task::Waker>,
impl HostDriverHarness {
// Returns a Future that resolves when the bt-host transitions to a state that matches the
// predicate `target`.
// For example, if `target` is
// expectation::host_driver::discoverable(true)
// .and(expectation::host_driver::discovering(true));
// then the Future will resolve when the host driver becomes discoverable AND discovering. Other
// fields will be ignored.
// If the host driver is already in the requested state, then the Future will resolve the first
// time it gets polled.
pub async fn expect(&self, target: Predicate<AdapterState>) -> Result<AdapterState, Error> {
let err_msg = format!("timed out waiting for host driver state (expected: {:?})", target);
await!(HostDriverStateFuture::new(self.clone(), target)
.on_timeout(timeout_duration().after_now(), move || Err(BtError::new(&err_msg).into())))
// Returns a Future that resolves when the state of a particular RemoteDevice matches
// `target`. If `id` is None, then the Future will resolve when any device matches
// `target`. Otherwise, the Future will resolve when the state of the requested device
// changes.
pub async fn expect_peer(
id: Option<String>,
target: Predicate<RemoteDevice>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let err_msg = format!("timed out waiting for remote device state (expected: {:?})", target);
await!(RemoteDeviceStateFuture::new(self.clone(), id, Some(target))
.on_timeout(timeout_duration().after_now(), move || Err(BtError::new(&err_msg).into())))
pub fn host_proxy(&self) -> MappedRwLockReadGuard<HostProxy> {
RwLockReadGuard::map(, |host| &host.host_proxy)
impl HostDriverHarnessInner {
fn new(
hci: Emulator,
host_path: String,
host: HostProxy,
info: AdapterInfo,
) -> HostDriverHarness {
HostDriverHarness(Arc::new(RwLock::new(HostDriverHarnessInner {
hci_emulator: Some(hci),
host_path: host_path,
host_proxy: host,
host_info: info,
remote_devices: HashMap::new(),
host_state_tasks: Slab::new(),
// Returns a Future that handles Host interface events.
fn events_future(test_state: HostDriverHarness) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
let stream =;
.try_for_each(move |evt| {
match evt {
HostEvent::OnAdapterStateChanged { state } => {
HostEvent::OnDeviceUpdated { device } => {
HostEvent::OnDeviceRemoved { identifier } => {
// TODO(armansito): handle other events
evt => {
eprintln!("Unhandled event: {:?}", evt);
fn close_fake_hci(&mut self) {
self.hci_emulator = None;
fn store_task(&mut self, task: task::Waker) -> usize {
fn remove_task(&mut self, key: usize) {
if self.host_state_tasks.contains(key) {
fn find_device_by_address(&self, address: &str) -> Result<&RemoteDevice, Error> {
.find(|dev| dev.address == address)
.ok_or(BtError::new(&format!("device with address '{}' not found", address)).into())
// Handle the OnAdapterStateChanged event.
fn handle_driver_state_changed(&mut self, state_change: AdapterState) {
let base = match self.host_info.state {
Some(ref state) => clone_host_state(state.borrow()),
None => AdapterState {
local_name: None,
discoverable: None,
discovering: None,
local_service_uuids: None,
let new_state = apply_delta(base, state_change);
self.host_info.state = Some(Box::new(new_state));
// Handle the OnDeviceUpdated event
fn handle_device_updated(&mut self, device: RemoteDevice) {
self.remote_devices.insert(device.identifier.clone(), device);
// Handle the OnDeviceRemoved event
fn handle_device_removed(&mut self, id: String) {
fn notify_host_state_changed(&mut self) {
for task in &self.host_state_tasks {
// Applies `delta` to `base`.
fn apply_delta(base: AdapterState, delta: AdapterState) -> AdapterState {
AdapterState {
local_name: delta.local_name.or(base.local_name),
discoverable: delta.discoverable.or(base.discoverable),
discovering: delta.discovering.or(base.discovering),
local_service_uuids: delta.local_service_uuids.or(base.local_service_uuids),
// A future that resolves when the state of a remote device changes to a target value.
struct RemoteDeviceStateFuture {
inner: StateUpdateFutureInner,
// The identifier of the desired RemoteDevice. If None, then this Future can resolve with any
// device.
target_dev_id: Option<String>,
// The expected state a RemoteDevice is expected to reach. If the state is
// None then the Future will resolve when the device gets removed. If both `target_dev_state`
// and `target_dev_id` are None, then the Future will resolve when any device gets removed.
target_dev_state: Option<Predicate<RemoteDevice>>,
impl RemoteDeviceStateFuture {
fn new(
test: HostDriverHarness,
target_id: Option<String>,
target_state: Option<Predicate<RemoteDevice>>,
) -> Self {
RemoteDeviceStateFuture {
inner: StateUpdateFutureInner::new(test),
target_dev_id: target_id,
target_dev_state: target_state,
fn look_for_match(&self) -> bool {
match &self.target_dev_id {
None => self.match_any_device(&self.target_dev_state),
Some(id) => self.match_device_by_id(&id, &self.target_dev_state),
fn match_any_device(&self, target: &Option<Predicate<RemoteDevice>>) -> bool {
target.as_ref().map_or(false, |target| {
.find(|dev| target.satisfied(dev))
fn match_device_by_id(&self, id: &str, target: &Option<Predicate<RemoteDevice>>) -> bool {
match (, target) {
(None, None) => true,
(Some(dev), Some(target)) => target.satisfied(dev),
_ => false,
struct StateUpdateFutureInner {
state: HostDriverHarness,
waker_key: Option<usize>,
impl StateUpdateFutureInner {
fn new(state: HostDriverHarness) -> StateUpdateFutureInner {
StateUpdateFutureInner { state, waker_key: None }
fn clear_waker(&mut self) {
if let Some(key) = self.waker_key {
self.waker_key = None;
fn store_task(&mut self, w: &task::Waker) {
let key = self.state.0.write().store_task(w.clone());
self.waker_key = Some(key);
// A future that resolves when the bt-host's AdapterState changes to a certain target value.
struct HostDriverStateFuture {
inner: StateUpdateFutureInner,
// The expected host driver state.
target_host_state: Predicate<AdapterState>,
impl HostDriverStateFuture {
fn new(test: HostDriverHarness, target_state: Predicate<AdapterState>) -> Self {
HostDriverStateFuture {
inner: StateUpdateFutureInner::new(test),
target_host_state: target_state,
impl std::marker::Unpin for HostDriverStateFuture {}
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
impl Future for HostDriverStateFuture {
type Output = Result<AdapterState, Error>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
if let Some(state) = & {
if self.target_host_state.satisfied(state.borrow()) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(clone_host_state(&state.borrow())));
impl std::marker::Unpin for RemoteDeviceStateFuture {}
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
impl Future for RemoteDeviceStateFuture {
type Output = Result<(), Error>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
if self.look_for_match() {
} else {
// Returns a Future that resolves when a bt-host device gets added under the given topological
// path.
async fn watch_for_new_host_helper(
mut watcher: VfsWatcher,
parent_topo_path: String,
) -> Result<(File, PathBuf), Error> {
while let Some(msg) = await!(watcher.try_next())? {
match msg.event {
VfsWatchEvent::EXISTING | VfsWatchEvent::ADD_FILE => {
let path =
PathBuf::from(format!("{}/{}", BT_HOST_DIR, msg.filename.to_string_lossy()));
let host_fd = hci::open_rdwr(&path)?;
let host_topo_path = fdio::device_get_topo_path(&host_fd)?;
if host_topo_path.starts_with(parent_topo_path.as_str()) {
return Ok((host_fd, path.clone()));
_ => (),
// Returns a Future that resolves when the bt-host device with the given path gets removed.
async fn wait_for_host_removal_helper(mut watcher: VfsWatcher, path: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(msg) = await!(watcher.try_next())? {
match msg.event {
VfsWatchEvent::REMOVE_FILE => {
let actual_path = format!("{}/{}", BT_HOST_DIR, msg.filename.to_string_lossy());
if path == actual_path {
return Ok(());
_ => (),
// Wraps a Future inside a timeout that logs a message and resolves to an error on expiration.
fn timeout<T, F>(fut: F, msg: &'static str) -> impl Future<Output = Result<T, Error>>
F: Future<Output = Result<T, Error>>,
fut.on_timeout(timeout_duration().after_now(), move || Err(BtError::new(msg).into()))
async fn watch_for_host(watcher: VfsWatcher, hci_path: String) -> Result<(File, PathBuf), Error> {
await!(timeout(watch_for_new_host_helper(watcher, hci_path), "timed out waiting for bt-host"))
async fn wait_for_host_removal(watcher: VfsWatcher, path: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
wait_for_host_removal_helper(watcher, path),
"timed out waiting for bt-host removal"
// Creates a fake bt-hci device and returns the corresponding bt-host device once it gets created.
async fn setup_emulated_host_test() -> Result<HostDriverHarness, Error> {
let fake_hci = await!(Emulator::new("bt-hci-integration-test-0"))?;
let fake_hci_topo_path = fdio::device_get_topo_path(fake_hci.file())?;
let dir = File::open(&BT_HOST_DIR)?;
let watcher = VfsWatcher::new(&dir)?;
let (host_dev_fd, path) = await!(watch_for_host(watcher, fake_hci_topo_path))?;
// Open a Host FIDL interface channel to the bt-host device.
let fidl_handle = host::open_host_channel(&host_dev_fd)?;
let host = HostProxy::new(fasync::Channel::from_channel(fidl_handle.into())?);
let info = await!(host.get_info())?;
Ok(HostDriverHarnessInner::new(fake_hci, path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), host, info))
async fn run_host_test_async<F, Fut>(test_func: F) -> Result<(), Error>
F: FnOnce(HostDriverHarness) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>,
let host_test = await!(setup_emulated_host_test())?;
// Start processing events in a background task.
fasync::spawn(HostDriverHarnessInner::events_future(host_test.clone()).map(|_| ()));
// Run the test and obtain the test result.
let result = await!(test_func(host_test.clone()));
// Shut down the fake bt-hci device and make sure the bt-host device gets removed.
let dir = File::open(&BT_HOST_DIR)?;
let watcher = VfsWatcher::new(&dir)?;
impl TestHarness for HostDriverHarness {
fn run_with_harness<F, Fut>(test_func: F) -> Result<(), Error>
F: FnOnce(Self) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>,
let mut executor = fasync::Executor::new().context("error creating event loop")?;
pub fn expect_eq<T>(expected: &T, actual: &T) -> Result<(), Error>
T: std::fmt::Debug + std::cmp::PartialEq,
if *expected == *actual {
} else {
Err(BtError::new(&format!("failed - expected '{:#?}', found: '{:#?}'", expected, actual))
macro_rules! expect_eq {
($expected:expr, $actual:expr) => {
expect_eq(&$expected, &$actual)
macro_rules! expect_true {
($condition:expr) => {
if $condition{
} else {
"condition is not true: {}",
} as Result<(), Error>
pub fn expect_remote_device(
test_state: &HostDriverHarness,
address: &str,
expected: &Predicate<RemoteDevice>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {