blob: 09c6d10f05f8bec1daa2b49c9f57af5afa3eb61d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
failure::{bail, format_err, Error},
DeviceSynchronousProxy, RootDeviceSynchronousProxy, CONTROL_DEVICE, MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN,
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, TimeoutExt},
fuchsia_vfs_watcher::{WatchEvent as VfsWatchEvent, Watcher as VfsWatcher},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
fs::{File, OpenOptions},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
const FAKE_HCI_DRIVER_PATH: &str = "/system/driver/";
const EMULATOR_DEVICE_DIR: &str = "/dev/class/bt-emulator";
fn watch_timeout() -> zx::Duration {
/// Represents a bt-hci device emulator. Instances of this type can be used manage the bt-hci-fake
/// driver within the test device hierarchy. The associated driver instance gets unbound and all
/// bt-hci and bt-emulator device instances destroyed when a Emulator goes out of scope.
pub struct Emulator {
dev: TestDevice,
emulator: HciEmulatorProxy,
impl Emulator {
/// Publishes a new fake bt-hci device and constructs a Emulator with it.
pub async fn new(name: &str) -> Result<Emulator, Error> {
let dev = TestDevice::create(name)?;
let emulator = await!(dev.bind())?;
Ok(Emulator { dev: dev, emulator: emulator })
/// Returns a reference to the underlying file.
pub fn file(&self) -> &File {
/// Returns a reference to the fuchsia.bluetooth.test.HciEmulator protocol proxy.
pub fn emulator(&self) -> &HciEmulatorProxy {
// Represents the test device. Destroys the underlying device when it goes out of scope.
struct TestDevice(File);
impl TestDevice {
// Creates a new device as a child of the root test device. This device will act as the parent
// of our fake HCI device. If successful, `name` will act as the final fragment of the device
// path, for example "/dev/test/test/{name}".
fn create(name: &str) -> Result<TestDevice, Error> {
if name.len() > (MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN as usize) {
"Device name '{}' too long (must be {} or fewer chars)",
// Connect to the test control device and obtain a channel to the RootDevice capability.
let control_dev = open_rdwr(CONTROL_DEVICE)?;
let mut root_device = RootDeviceSynchronousProxy::new(fdio::clone_channel(&control_dev)?);
// Create a device with the requested name.
let (status, path) = root_device.create_device(name, zx::Time::INFINITE)?;
let path = path.ok_or(format_err!("RootDevice.CreateDevice returned null path"))?;
// Open the device that was just created.
// Send the test device a destroy message which will unbind the driver.
fn destroy(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let channel = fdio::clone_channel(&self.0)?;
let mut device = DeviceSynchronousProxy::new(channel);
// Bind the bt-hci-fake driver and obtain the HciEmulator protocol channel.
async fn bind(&self) -> Result<HciEmulatorProxy, Error> {
let channel = fdio::clone_channel(&self.0)?;
let mut controller = ControllerSynchronousProxy::new(channel);
let status = controller.bind(FAKE_HCI_DRIVER_PATH, zx::Time::INFINITE)?;
// Wait until a bt-emulator device gets published under our test device.
let topo_path = fdio::device_get_topo_path(&self.0)?;
let emulator_dev = await!(watch_for_emulator_device(topo_path)
.on_timeout(watch_timeout().after_now(), || Err(format_err!(
"could not find bt-emulator device"
// Connect to the bt-emulator device.
let channel = fdio::clone_channel(&emulator_dev)?;
let emulator = EmulatorProxy::new(fasync::Channel::from_channel(channel)?);
// Open a HciEmulator protocol channel.
let (proxy, remote) = zx::Channel::create()?;;
impl Drop for TestDevice {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(e) = self.destroy() {
fx_log_err!("error while destroying test device: {:?}", e);
// Asynchronously returns the first available bt-emulator device under the given topological path.
// The returned Future does not terminates until a bt-emulator device is found under the requested
// topology.
async fn watch_for_emulator_device(parent_topo_path: String) -> Result<File, Error> {
let dir = File::open(&EMULATOR_DEVICE_DIR)?;
let mut watcher = VfsWatcher::new(&dir)?;
while let Some(msg) = await!(watcher.try_next())? {
match msg.event {
VfsWatchEvent::EXISTING | VfsWatchEvent::ADD_FILE => {
let path = PathBuf::from(format!(
let dev = open_rdwr(&path)?;
let topo_path = fdio::device_get_topo_path(&dev)?;
if topo_path.starts_with(parent_topo_path.as_str()) {
return Ok(dev);
_ => (),
fn open_rdwr<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<File, Error> {
OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(path).map_err(|e| e.into())
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_test::{EmulatorError, EmulatorSettings};
async fn test_publish() {
let fake_dev = await!(Emulator::new("publish-test-0")).unwrap();
let settings = EmulatorSettings {
address: None,
hci_config: None,
extended_advertising: None,
acl_buffer_settings: None,
le_acl_buffer_settings: None,
// TODO(BT-229): Test for success when publish is implemented.
let result = await!(fake_dev.emulator().publish(settings))
.expect("Failed to send Publish message to emulator device");
assert_eq!(Err(EmulatorError::HciAlreadyPublished), result);