blob: 013e1409286ecd697d6076188d1a605f8dcb896b [file] [log] [blame]
Intel Visual BIOS (on NUC) and netboot
This will netboot EFI apps, provided you have a DHCP server which is
setup to give the BIOS the IP of a tftp server and a filename to grab
from there.
You must disable legacy boot for the EFI netboot option to appear. If
you check the "keep retrying forever" option, when your app exits, the
BIOS will try to download it from the tftp server again, making for a
quick build/download/test cycle
Making tftpd work on Ubuntu with IPv4
sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa
Optionally make it easy to copy files to the server without sudo:
sudo chown `who` /var/lib/tftpdboot
Edit /etc/default/tftpd-hpa so it looks more like:
TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure -4 -v -v -v"
Removing the [::] and adding the -4 make it work reliably on IPv4 for me.
The several -v's make it chattier in syslog which is handy if you're not
sure the test machine is actually trying to grab files.
USB-ETH Adapters:
- For ASIX chipset usb adapters if you have permission issues copy the udev rules in scripts/ to /etc/udev/rules.d/
E1000 local networking bridge:
- You can create a network interface using the Linux tun/tap network device named “qemu” for the
qemu-e1000 target. Qemu does not need to be run with any special privileges for this, but you need
to create a persistent tun/tap device ahead of time (which does require you be root):
sudo ip tuntap add dev qemu mode tap user $USER
sudo ifconfig qemu up