blob: ad67389c7f2128b6d8e3f7a79e0e4cb888736f93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Error};
/// Convert a cargo cfg conditional into GN imperative control flow
// TODO This should consume some information in the Cargo.toml file
// to establish conventions for the carge -> GN build. This is hardcoded
// to support Fuchsia at the moment.
// wow. an interview question in real life.
pub fn cfg_to_gn_conditional(cfg: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
if cfg.starts_with("cfg") {
Ok(cfg_to_gn_conditional(&cfg[4..cfg.len() - 1])?)
} else if cfg.starts_with("not") {
let section = &cfg[4..];
let mut paren_count = 1;
for (idx, c) in section.chars().enumerate() {
if c == ')' {
paren_count -= 1;
if paren_count == 0 {
return Ok(format!("!{}", cfg_to_gn_conditional(&section[..idx])?));
} else if c == '(' {
paren_count += 1;
Err(anyhow!("bad not statement"))
} else if cfg.starts_with("any") {
let section = &cfg[4..cfg.len()];
let mut accum = vec![];
let mut paren_count = 1;
let mut start_idx = 0;
for (idx, c) in section.chars().enumerate() {
if c == ')' {
paren_count -= 1;
if paren_count == 0 {
} else if c == '(' {
paren_count += 1;
} else if c == ',' && paren_count <= 1 {
start_idx = idx + 2; // skip ", "
Ok(format!("({})", accum.join(" || ")))
} else if cfg.starts_with("all") {
let section = &cfg[4..cfg.len()];
let mut accum = vec![];
let mut paren_count = 1;
let mut start_idx = 0;
for (idx, c) in section.chars().enumerate() {
if c == ')' {
paren_count -= 1;
if paren_count == 0 {
} else if c == '(' {
paren_count += 1;
} else if c == ',' && paren_count <= 1 {
start_idx = idx + 2; // skip ", "
Ok(format!("({})", accum.join(" && ")))
} else if cfg == "target_os = \"fuchsia\"" {
} else if cfg == "target_os = \"macos\"" {
} else if cfg == "target_os = \"linux\"" {
} else if cfg == "unix" {
// all our platforms are unix
} else if cfg == "feature = \"std\"" {
// need to detect std usage
} else if cfg == "target_arch = \"aarch64\"" {
Ok(String::from("current_cpu == \"arm64\""))
} else if cfg == "target_arch = \"x86_64\"" {
Ok(String::from("current_cpu == \"x64\""))
} else if cfg == "windows" {
// don't support host builds on windows right now
// Everything below is random cfgs that we don't know anything about
} else if cfg.starts_with("target_os") {
} else if cfg.starts_with("target_arch") {
} else if cfg.starts_with("target_env") {
} else if cfg.starts_with("target_vendor") {
} else {
Err(anyhow!("Unknown cfg option used: {}", cfg))
fn basic_fuchsia() {
let cfg_str = r#"cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")"#;
let output = cfg_to_gn_conditional(cfg_str).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "is_fuchsia");
fn conditonal_any() {
let cfg_str = r#"cfg(any(target_os = "fuchsia", target_os = "macos"))"#;
let output = cfg_to_gn_conditional(cfg_str).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "(is_fuchsia || is_mac)");
fn conditonal_all() {
let cfg_str = r#"cfg(all(target_os = "fuchsia", target_os = "macos"))"#;
let output = cfg_to_gn_conditional(cfg_str).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "(is_fuchsia && is_mac)");
fn conditonal_all_not() {
let cfg_str = r#"cfg(all(target_os = "fuchsia", not(target_os = "macos")))"#;
let output = cfg_to_gn_conditional(cfg_str).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "(is_fuchsia && !is_mac)");
fn conditonal_fail() {
let cfg_str = r#"cfg(everything(target_os = "fuchsia"))"#;
let output = cfg_to_gn_conditional(cfg_str).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(output.to_string(), r#"Unknown cfg option used: everything(target_os = "fuchsia")"#);
fn nested_cfgs() {
let cfg_str =
r#"cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "aarch64"), target_os = "hermit"))"#;
let output = cfg_to_gn_conditional(cfg_str).unwrap();
r#"((current_cpu == "x64" || current_cpu == "arm64") && false)"#