blob: f985d789077881d4a2fe39a78e49209167e6baca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
defaultTftpBlockSize = 1428
defaultTftpWindowSize = 256
defaultMicrosecBetweenPackets = 20
nodenameEnvVar = "ZIRCON_NODENAME"
// Firmware arguments have variable names based on their type e.g.:
// --firmware=<file>
// --firmware-foo=<file>
// The flag package doesn't support anything like this, so we have to do a bit
// of extra work to find any of these args and add them to the list.
type firmwareArg struct {
name string
value string
fwType string
help string
var (
bootOnce bool
bootIpv6 string
tftpBlockSize int
packetInterval int
nodename string
windowSize int
boardName string
bootKernel string
fvm string
bootloader string
firmware []firmwareArg
zircona string
zirconb string
zirconr string
vbmetaa string
vbmetab string
vbmetar string
authorizedKeys string
failFast bool
useNetboot bool
useTftp bool
nocolor bool
allowZedbootVersionMismatch bool
failFastZedbootVersionMismatch bool
imageManifest string
mode bootserver.Mode
func init() {
// Support classic cmd line interface.
flag.StringVar(&nodename, "n", "", "only boot device with this nodename")
flag.StringVar(&bootKernel, "boot", "", "use the supplied file as a kernel")
flag.StringVar(&fvm, "fvm", "", "use the supplied file as a sparse FVM image (up to 4 times)")
flag.StringVar(&bootloader, "bootloader", "", "use the supplied file as a bootloader image")
flag.StringVar(&zircona, "zircona", "", "use the supplied file as a zircon-a zbi")
flag.StringVar(&zirconb, "zirconb", "", "use the supplied file as a zircon-b zbi")
flag.StringVar(&zirconr, "zirconr", "", "use the supplied file as a zircon-r zbi")
flag.StringVar(&vbmetaa, "vbmetaa", "", "use the supplied file as a avb vbmeta_a image")
flag.StringVar(&vbmetab, "vbmetab", "", "use the supplied file as a avb vbmeta_b image")
flag.StringVar(&vbmetar, "vbmetar", "", "use the supplied file as a avb vbmeta_r image")
// Support firmware arguments.
firmware = getFirmwareArgs(os.Args)
for i := range firmware {
flag.StringVar(&firmware[i].value, firmware[i].name, "", firmware[i].help)
// Support reading in images.json and paving zedboot.
flag.StringVar(&imageManifest, "images", "", "use an image manifest to pave")
flag.Var(&mode, "mode", "bootserver modes: either pave, netboot, or pave-zedboot")
// TODO( Implement the following unsupported flags.
flag.BoolVar(&bootOnce, "1", false, "only boot once, then exit")
flag.StringVar(&bootIpv6, "a", "", "only boot device with this IPv6 address")
flag.IntVar(&tftpBlockSize, "b", defaultTftpBlockSize, "tftp block size")
flag.IntVar(&packetInterval, "i", defaultMicrosecBetweenPackets, "number of microseconds between packets; ignored with --tftp")
flag.IntVar(&windowSize, "w", defaultTftpWindowSize, "tftp window size, ignored with --netboot")
flag.StringVar(&boardName, "board_name", "", "name of the board files are meant for")
flag.StringVar(&authorizedKeys, "authorized-keys", "", "use the supplied file as an authorized_keys file")
flag.BoolVar(&failFast, "fail-fast", false, "exit on first error")
// We currently always default to tftp
flag.BoolVar(&useNetboot, "netboot", false, "use the netboot protocol")
flag.BoolVar(&useTftp, "tftp", true, "use the tftp protocol (default)")
flag.BoolVar(&nocolor, "nocolor", false, "disable ANSI color (false)")
flag.BoolVar(&allowZedbootVersionMismatch, "allow-zedboot-version-mismatch", false, "warn on zedboot version mismatch rather than fail")
flag.BoolVar(&failFastZedbootVersionMismatch, "fail-fast-if-version-mismatch", false, "error if zedboot version does not match")
// Creates a slice of FirmwareArgs from |args|.
func getFirmwareArgs(args []string) []firmwareArg {
// Always include the default --firmware whether specified or not, to give
// a useful help message.
fwArgs := []firmwareArg{{
name: "firmware",
value: "",
fwType: "",
help: "use the supplied file as the default firmware image; use --firmware-<type> for typed images",
for _, arg := range args {
// Go supports one or two dash prefixes.
fwType := strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "-firmware")
fwType = strings.TrimPrefix(fwType, "--firmware")
if fwType == arg {
// Didn't find a prefix match, on to the next arg.
// If the caller used "arg=value", peel off the "=value" part as we're
// not actually parsing, but just finding all the necessary arg names.
fwType = strings.SplitN(fwType, "=", 2)[0]
if fwType == "" {
// We already added the default untyped "--firmware" arg.
} else if fwType[0] == '-' {
fwType = fwType[1:]
fwArgs = append(fwArgs, firmwareArg{
name: fmt.Sprintf("firmware-%s", fwType),
value: "",
fwType: fwType,
help: fmt.Sprintf("use the supplied file as the %q firmware image", fwType),
// If we got here it wasn't a firmware arg, just ignore it.
return fwArgs
func getImages(ctx context.Context) ([]bootserver.Image, func() error, error) {
// If an image manifest is provided, we use that.
if imageManifest != "" {
return bootserver.GetImages(ctx, imageManifest, mode)
// Otherwise, build an image list from the cmd line args.
var imgs []bootserver.Image
if bootKernel != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "zbi_netboot",
Path: bootKernel,
Args: []string{"--boot"},
if bootloader != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "blk_efi",
Path: bootloader,
Args: []string{"--bootloader"},
if fvm != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "blk_storage-sparse",
Path: fvm,
Args: []string{"--fvm"},
if zircona != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "zbi_zircon-a",
Path: zircona,
Args: []string{"--zircona"},
if zirconb != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "zbi_zircon-b",
Path: zirconb,
Args: []string{"--zirconb"},
if zirconr != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "zbi_zircon-r",
Path: zirconr,
Args: []string{"--zirconr"},
if vbmetaa != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "vbmeta_zircon-a",
Path: vbmetaa,
Args: []string{"--vbmetaa"},
if vbmetab != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "vbmeta_zircon-b",
Path: vbmetab,
Args: []string{"--vbmetab"},
if vbmetar != "" {
imgs = append(imgs, bootserver.Image{
Name: "vbmeta_zircon-r",
Path: vbmetar,
Args: []string{"--vbmetar"},
closeFunc, err := populateReaders(imgs)
return imgs, closeFunc, err
func populateReaders(imgs []bootserver.Image) (func() error, error) {
closeFunc := func() error {
var errs []error
for _, img := range imgs {
if img.Reader != nil {
if closer, ok := img.Reader.(io.Closer); ok {
if err := closer.Close(); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to close images: %v", errs)
return nil
for i := range imgs {
r, err := os.Open(imgs[i].Path)
if err != nil {
// Close already opened readers.
return closeFunc, fmt.Errorf("failed to open %s: %w", imgs[i].Path, err)
fi, err := r.Stat()
if err != nil {
return closeFunc, fmt.Errorf("failed to get file info for %s: %w", imgs[i].Path, err)
imgs[i].Reader = r
imgs[i].Size = fi.Size()
return closeFunc, nil
func connectAndBoot(ctx context.Context, nodename string, imgs []bootserver.Image, cmdlineArgs []string) error {
addr, err := netutil.GetNodeAddress(ctx, nodename, false)
if err != nil {
return err
udpAddr := &net.UDPAddr{
IP: addr.IP,
Port: tftp.ClientPort,
Zone: addr.Zone,
client, err := tftp.NewClient(udpAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO( Create ssh signers if an authorized key file was provided along with the image manifest.
return bootserver.Boot(ctx, client, imgs, cmdlineArgs, nil)
func resolveNodename() (string, error) {
if nodename == "" {
envNodename, ok := os.LookupEnv(nodenameEnvVar)
if ok && envNodename != "" {
return envNodename, nil
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unimplemented: must supply nodename")
return nodename, nil
func execute(ctx context.Context, cmdlineArgs []string) error {
// Do some secondary cmdline arg validation.
if imageManifest != "" && mode == bootserver.ModeNull {
return fmt.Errorf("must specify a bootserver mode [--mode] when using an image manifest")
} else if imageManifest == "" && mode != bootserver.ModeNull {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot specify a bootserver mode without an image manifest [--images]")
// Remove the default firmware if the caller didn't actually use it.
if firmware[0].value == "" {
firmware = firmware[1:]
imgs, closeFunc, err := getImages(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(imgs) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no images provided!")
defer closeFunc()
n, err := resolveNodename()
if err != nil {
return err
return connectAndBoot(ctx, n, imgs, cmdlineArgs)
func main() {
if err := execute(context.Background(), flag.Args()); err != nil {