blob: 7b31b8810845acffbafc0b769bff960ab93d79ca [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
rustc_library("lib") {
name = "component_manager_lib"
with_unit_tests = true
edition = "2018"
# Only for internal use.
visibility = [
deps = [
# This is a 'logical' test-only dep, in that it's only used in the
# model::testing helpers, but that module is currently included in the main
# library (rather than being guarded with '#[cfg(test)]') to allow use in
# separate integration test targets.
non_rust_deps = [
# Test-only deps. Prefer adding deps used only in tests here instead of
# above, which has the benefit of keeping unneeded deps out of the production
# binary and allows depending on 'testonly' targets.
test_deps = [
# TODO(47215): Fix the leaks and remove this.
non_rust_deps += [ "//build/config/sanitizers:suppress-lsan.DO-NOT-USE-THIS" ]
rustc_binary("bin") {
name = "component_manager"
with_unit_tests = true
edition = "2018"
force_opt = "z"
# Component manager must always be small (even in debug builds) since it
# is part of the Zircon boot image.
# We use a Thin LTO, which provides a ~65% decrease in binary size, albeit at
# the cost of a ~5x increase in compile wall time (or roughly 10 seconds on
# a 2018-era workstation). Fat LTO provides an even smaller binary (~70%
# decrease from no-LTO), but is single threaded, requiring ~6x more wall time
# to build (or roughly 60 seconds on a 2018-era workstation).
configs += [ "//build/config/lto:thinlto" ]
configs -= [ "//build/config/lto:thinlto" ]
configs += [ "//build/config/lto:thinlto" ]
deps = [
# This manifest is consumed by the ZBI rule in //build/images to add component_manager to bootfs.
generate_manifest("component_manager.bootfs") {
deps = [ ":bin" ]
args = [ "--entry=bin/component_manager=" +
rebase_path("$root_build_dir/component_manager", root_build_dir) ]
# Note that this package and the component it contains wrap component_manager
# as a v1 Component for interactive testing purposes through the shell. This
# will eventually go away.
package("component_manager") {
deps = [ ":bin" ]
binaries = [
name = "component_manager"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/component_manager.cmx")
dest = "component_manager.cmx"
test_package("component_manager_tests") {
rootjob_svc = "//build"
rootresource_svc = "//build"
deps = [
tests = [
name = "component_manager_lib_lib_test"
dest = "component_manager_tests"
environments = basic_envs
name = "component_manager_lib_lib_test"
dest = "component_manager_boot_env_tests"
environments = basic_envs
resources = [
path = rebase_path("meta/")
dest = ""
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/component_manager_tests_hello_world.cml")
dest = ""
path = rebase_path("//garnet/examples/fidl/meta/echo_server.cmx")
dest = "echo_server_rust.cmx"
binaries = [
name = "hello_world"
name = "process_builder_test_util"
name = "root_job_test_runner"
name = "echo_server_rust"
dest = "bin/echo_server"
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [