blob: 89c5c901dfeec66b20bfdd836d90bd75b78a5ff0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ledger/bin/testing/run_all_unittests.h"
#include <lib/async-testing/test_loop.h>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/ledger/lib/logging/logging.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/log_severity.h"
namespace {
// These two variables should be set in main before the tests are run.
// The expected test loop seed, or nullopt if it should be random.
std::optional<int> expected_test_loop_seed;
// The expected log verbosity.
int expected_log_verbosity;
TEST(RunAllUnittestsTest, CheckTestLoopSeed) {
async::TestLoop loop;
if (expected_test_loop_seed) {
// We expect a fixed seed.
EXPECT_EQ(loop.initial_state(), *expected_test_loop_seed);
} else {
// We expect a random non-zero seed.
EXPECT_NE(loop.initial_state(), 0);
TEST(RunAllUnittestsTest, CheckLogVerbosity) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::GetLogSeverity(), static_cast<absl::LogSeverity>(-expected_log_verbosity));
} // namespace
// Tests that ledger::RunAllUnittests() parses the arguments as expected. This is not run in gtest
// because it needs to run gtest.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Run without arguments: the verbosity is 0 and the seed is random.
std::vector<const char*> default_args = {"bin"};
expected_test_loop_seed = std::nullopt;
expected_log_verbosity = 0;
LEDGER_LOG(INFO) << "Running tests without options";
// const_cast: RunAllTests passes this into gtest. gtest may move/zero pointers in argv but does
// not modify the individual arguments, so it is ok to use a |const char**| here.
int returned =
ledger::RunAllUnittests(default_args.size(), const_cast<char**>(;
if (returned != 0) {
return returned;
// Run with arguments.
std::vector<const char*> full_args = {"bin", "--test_loop_seed=42", "--verbose=2"};
expected_test_loop_seed = 42;
expected_log_verbosity = 2;
LEDGER_LOG(INFO) << "Running tests with options";
return ledger::RunAllUnittests(full_args.size(), const_cast<char**>(;