blob: 30b2c5b6f8c7fcff670923f92f5f5d9f4228d0d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This target runs all benchmarks for the Garnet layer.
#include "garnet/testing/benchmarking/benchmarking.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
auto maybe_benchmarks_runner = benchmarking::BenchmarksRunner::Create(argc, argv);
if (!maybe_benchmarks_runner) {
auto& benchmarks_runner = *maybe_benchmarks_runner;
std::string benchmarks_bot_name = benchmarks_runner.benchmarks_bot_name();
// Test storage performance.
if (benchmarks_bot_name == "garnet-x64-perf-dawson_canyon") {
constexpr const char* block_device = "/dev/sys/pci/00:17.0/ahci/sata2/block";
benchmarks_runner.AddTask([=]() {
int status = benchmarking::Spawn({"/boot/bin/waitfor", "class=block",
std::string("topo=") + block_device, "timeout=30000"});
FXL_CHECK(status == 0);
// Test block device performance.
// Passing this parameter reduces the test running time to something
// reasonable -- 10 seconds for a transfer rate of 500 MiB/second.
// (Otherwise biotime reads the whole device.)
auto* kBytesToTransfer = "5G";
std::string out_file =
{"/boot/bin/biotime", "-total-bytes-to-transfer", kBytesToTransfer, "-output-file",
out_file, block_device},
// Test filesystem performance.
"fs_bench", "/pkgfs/packages/garnet_benchmarks/0/test/fs/fs-bench-test",
{"--fs", "minfs", "--block_device", block_device, "--print_statistics"});
// Test BlobFs performance.
"blobfs_bench", "/pkgfs/packages/blobfs-bench/0/test/blobfs-bench-test",
{"--fs", "blobfs", "--block_device", block_device, "--print_statistics"});
} else if (benchmarks_bot_name == "garnet-arm64-perf-vim2") {
// TODO(ZX-2466): Enable the storage perf tests on the VIM2 bots when we
// figure out what partition or device we can use for testing.
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Storage perf tests skipped on bot '" << benchmarks_bot_name << "'";
} else {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Bot '" << benchmarks_bot_name
<< "' not recognized: please update in garnet.";
// List block devices. This is for debugging purposes and to help with
// enabling the storage tests above on new devices. We do this at the end
// of this script because block devices aren't always immediately available
// soon after boot, and because "waitfor" isn't applicable when we are
// listing all devices.
benchmarks_runner.AddTask([]() {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "-- block devices list (lsblk): start";
int status = benchmarking::Spawn({"/boot/bin/lsblk"});
FXL_CHECK(status == 0);
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "-- block devices list (lsblk): end";