blob: 74062ace9a8f83c74e4d642ed930b3263cb7df43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{anyhow, Error},
fidl::endpoints::{Proxy, ServerEnd},
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio,
self as fpkg, PackageResolverMarker, PackageResolverProxy, PackageResolverRequestStream,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
futures::{channel::oneshot, prelude::*},
fs::{self, create_dir},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
const PACKAGE_CONTENTS_PATH: &str = "package_contents";
const META_FAR_MERKLE_ROOT_PATH: &str = "meta";
pub struct TestPackage {
root: PathBuf,
impl TestPackage {
fn new(root: PathBuf) -> Self {
TestPackage { root }
pub fn add_file(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>, contents: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
fs::write(self.root.join(PACKAGE_CONTENTS_PATH).join(path), contents)
.expect("create fake package file");
fn serve_on(&self, dir_request: ServerEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>) {
// Connect to the backing directory which we'll proxy _most_ requests to.
let (backing_dir_proxy, server_end) =
fdio::service_connect(self.root.to_str().unwrap(), server_end.into_channel()).unwrap();
// Open the package directory using the directory request given by the client
// asking to resolve the package, but proxy it through our handler so that we can
// intercept requests for /meta.
// Should roughly be kept in sync with the heuristic under Open in pkgfs/package_directory.go
fn should_redirect_request_to_merkle_file(path: &str, flags: fio::OpenFlags, mode: u32) -> bool {
let mode_file = mode & fio::MODE_TYPE_MASK == fio::MODE_TYPE_FILE;
let file_flag = flags.intersects(fio::OpenFlags::NOT_DIRECTORY);
let dir_flag = flags.intersects(fio::OpenFlags::DIRECTORY);
let path_flag = flags.intersects(fio::OpenFlags::NODE_REFERENCE);
let open_as_file = mode_file || file_flag;
let open_as_directory = dir_flag || path_flag;
path == "meta" && (open_as_file || !open_as_directory)
/// Handles a stream of requests for a package directory,
/// redirecting file-mode Open requests for /meta to an internal file.
pub fn handle_package_directory_stream(
mut stream: fio::DirectoryRequestStream,
backing_dir_proxy: fio::DirectoryProxy,
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
async move {
let (package_contents_node_proxy, package_contents_dir_server_end) =
fio::OpenFlags::DIRECTORY | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE,
// Effectively cast our package_contents_node_proxy to a directory, as it must be in order for these tests to work.
let package_contents_dir_proxy =
while let Some(req) = {
match req.unwrap() {
fio::DirectoryRequest::Open { flags, mode, path, object, control_handle: _ } => {
// If the client is trying to read the meta directory _as a file_, redirect them
// to the file which actually holds the merkle for the purposes of these tests.
// Otherwise, redirect to the real package contents.
if path == "." {
"Client would escape mock resolver directory redirects by opening '.', which might break further requests to /meta as a file"
if should_redirect_request_to_merkle_file(&path, flags, mode) {, mode, &path, object).unwrap();
} else {, mode, &path, object).unwrap();
fio::DirectoryRequest::ReadDirents { max_bytes, responder } => {
let results = package_contents_dir_proxy
.expect("read package contents dir");
responder.send(results.0, &results.1).expect("send ReadDirents response");
fio::DirectoryRequest::Rewind { responder } => {
.expect("rewind to package_contents dir"),
.expect("could send Rewind Response");
fio::DirectoryRequest::Close { responder } => {
// Don't do anything with this for now.
responder.send(&mut Ok(())).expect("send Close response")
other => panic!("unhandled request type: {:?}", other),
enum Expectation {
ImmediateConstant(Result<TestPackage, fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError>),
ImmediateVec(Vec<Result<TestPackage, fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError>>),
/// Mock package resolver which returns package directories that behave
/// roughly as if they're being served from pkgfs: /meta can be
/// opened as both a directory and a file.
pub struct MockResolverService {
expectations: Mutex<HashMap<String, Expectation>>,
resolve_hook: Box<dyn Fn(&str) + Send + Sync>,
packages_dir: tempfile::TempDir,
impl MockResolverService {
pub fn new(resolve_hook: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&str) + Send + Sync>>) -> Self {
let packages_dir = TempDir::new().expect("create packages tempdir");
Self {
resolve_hook: resolve_hook.unwrap_or_else(|| Box::new(|_| ())),
expectations: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
/// Consider using Self::package/Self::url instead to clarify the usage of these 4 str params.
pub fn register_custom_package(
name_for_url: impl AsRef<str>,
meta_far_name: impl AsRef<str>,
merkle: impl AsRef<str>,
domain: &str,
) -> TestPackage {
let name_for_url = name_for_url.as_ref();
let merkle = merkle.as_ref();
let meta_far_name = meta_far_name.as_ref();
let url = format!("fuchsia-pkg://{}/{}", domain, name_for_url);
let pkg = self.package(meta_far_name, merkle);
pub fn register_package(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, merkle: impl AsRef<str>) -> TestPackage {
self.register_custom_package(&name, &name, merkle, "")
pub fn mock_resolve_failure(
url: impl Into<String>,
error: fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError,
) {
/// Registers a package with the given name and merkle root, returning a handle to add files to
/// the package.
/// This method does not register the package to be served by any fuchsia-pkg URLs. See
/// [`MockResolverService::url`]
pub fn package(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, merkle: impl AsRef<str>) -> TestPackage {
let name = name.as_ref();
let merkle = merkle.as_ref();
let root = self.packages_dir.path().join(merkle);
// Create the package directory and the meta directory for the fake package.
create_dir(&root).expect("package to not yet exist");
.expect("package_contents dir to not yet exist");
.expect("meta dir to not yet exist");
// Create the file which holds the merkle root of the package, to redirect requests for 'meta' to.
std::fs::write(root.join(META_FAR_MERKLE_ROOT_PATH), merkle)
.expect("create fake package file");
.add_file("meta/package", format!("{{\"name\": \"{}\", \"version\": \"0\"}}", name))
/// Equivalent to `self.url(format!("fuchsia-pkg://{}", path))`
pub fn path(&self, path: impl AsRef<str>) -> ForUrl<'_> {
self.url(format!("fuchsia-pkg://{}", path.as_ref()))
/// Returns an object to configure the handler for the given URL.
pub fn url(&self, url: impl Into<String>) -> ForUrl<'_> {
ForUrl { svc: self, url: url.into() }
pub fn spawn_resolver_service(self: Arc<Self>) -> PackageResolverProxy {
let (proxy, stream) =
fasync::Task::spawn(self.run_resolver_service(stream).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("error running package resolver service: {:#}", anyhow!(e))
/// Serves the fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver protocol on the given request stream.
pub async fn run_resolver_service(
self: Arc<Self>,
mut stream: PackageResolverRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(event) = stream.try_next().await? {
match event {
fidl_fuchsia_pkg::PackageResolverRequest::Resolve {
} => self.handle_resolve(package_url, dir, responder).await?,
fidl_fuchsia_pkg::PackageResolverRequest::ResolveWithContext {
package_url: _,
context: _,
dir: _,
responder: _,
} => panic!("ResolveWithContext not implemented"),
fidl_fuchsia_pkg::PackageResolverRequest::GetHash {
package_url: _,
responder: _,
} => panic!("GetHash not implemented"),
async fn handle_resolve(
package_url: String,
dir: ServerEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>,
responder: PackageResolverResolveResponder,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
eprintln!("TEST: Got resolve request for {:?}", package_url);
match self.expectations.lock().get_mut(&package_url).unwrap_or(
&mut Expectation::ImmediateConstant(Err(
) {
Expectation::ImmediateConstant(Ok(package)) => {
responder.send(&mut Ok(fpkg::ResolutionContext { bytes: vec![] }))?;
Expectation::ImmediateConstant(Err(error)) => {
responder.send(&mut Err(*error))?;
Expectation::BlockOnce(handler) => {
let handler = handler.take().unwrap();
handler.send(PendingResolve { responder, dir_request: dir }).unwrap();
Expectation::ImmediateVec(expected_results) => {
if expected_results.is_empty() {
panic!("expected_results should be >= number of resolve requests");
match expected_results.remove(0) {
Ok(package) => {
responder.send(&mut Ok(fpkg::ResolutionContext { bytes: vec![] }))?;
Err(e) => {
responder.send(&mut Err(e))?;
pub struct ForUrl<'a> {
svc: &'a MockResolverService,
url: String,
impl<'a> ForUrl<'a> {
/// Fail resolve requests for the given URL with the given error status.
pub fn fail(self, error: fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError) {
self.svc.expectations.lock().insert(self.url, Expectation::ImmediateConstant(Err(error)));
/// Succeed resolve requests for the given URL by serving the given package.
pub fn resolve(self, pkg: &TestPackage) {
// Manually construct a new TestPackage referring to the same root dir. Note that it would
// be invalid for TestPackage to impl Clone, as add_file would affect all Clones of a
// package.
let pkg = TestPackage::new(pkg.root.clone());
self.svc.expectations.lock().insert(self.url, Expectation::ImmediateConstant(Ok(pkg)));
/// Blocks requests for the given URL once, allowing the returned handler control the response.
/// Panics on further requests for that URL.
pub fn block_once(self) -> ResolveHandler {
let (send, recv) = oneshot::channel();
self.svc.expectations.lock().insert(self.url, Expectation::BlockOnce(Some(send)));
/// Respond to resolve requests serially with a list of pre-defined immediate responses. This is
/// useful if the caller wants to make several resolve calls for the same url and have each
/// resolve call return something different.
/// This API is different from the other ForUrl APIs because the mock resolver will use each
/// response exactly once. In the other APIs, the resolver will always return the given response
/// for a url regardless of how many times resolve() is called.
pub fn respond_serially(
responses: Vec<Result<TestPackage, fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError>>,
) {
self.svc.expectations.lock().insert(self.url, Expectation::ImmediateVec(responses));
pub struct PendingResolve {
responder: PackageResolverResolveResponder,
dir_request: ServerEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>,
pub enum ResolveHandler {
impl ResolveHandler {
/// Waits for the mock package resolver to receive a resolve request for this handler.
pub async fn wait(&mut self) {
match self {
ResolveHandler::Waiting(receiver) => {
*self = ResolveHandler::Blocked(receiver.await.unwrap());
ResolveHandler::Blocked(_) => {}
async fn into_pending(self) -> PendingResolve {
match self {
ResolveHandler::Waiting(receiver) => receiver.await.unwrap(),
ResolveHandler::Blocked(pending) => pending,
/// Wait for the request and fail the resolve with the given status.
pub async fn fail(self, error: fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError) {
self.into_pending().await.responder.send(&mut Err(error)).unwrap();
/// Wait for the request and succeed the resolve by serving the given package.
pub async fn resolve(self, pkg: &TestPackage) {
let PendingResolve { responder, dir_request } = self.into_pending().await;
responder.send(&mut Ok(fpkg::ResolutionContext { bytes: vec![] })).unwrap();
mod tests {
use {super::*, assert_matches::assert_matches, fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError};
async fn read_file(dir_proxy: &fio::DirectoryProxy, path: &str) -> String {
let file_proxy =
fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file(dir_proxy, path, fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE)
fn do_resolve(
proxy: &PackageResolverProxy,
url: &str,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(fio::DirectoryProxy, fpkg::ResolutionContext), ResolveError>>
let (package_dir, package_dir_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().unwrap();
let fut = proxy.resolve(url, package_dir_server_end);
async move {
let resolve_context = fut.await.unwrap()?;
Ok((package_dir, resolve_context))
async fn test_mock_resolver() {
let resolved_urls = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
let resolved_urls_clone = resolved_urls.clone();
let resolver =
Arc::new(MockResolverService::new(Some(Box::new(move |resolved_url: &str| {
let resolver_proxy = Arc::clone(&resolver).spawn_resolver_service();
.register_package("update", "upd4t3")
.add_file("zbi", "fake zbi");
// We should have no URLs resolved yet.
assert_eq!(*resolved_urls.lock(), Vec::<String>::new());
let (package_dir, _resolved_context) =
do_resolve(&resolver_proxy, "fuchsia-pkg://").await.unwrap();
// Check that we can read from /meta (meta-as-file mode)
let meta_contents = read_file(&package_dir, "meta").await;
assert_eq!(meta_contents, "upd4t3");
// Check that we can read a file _within_ /meta (meta-as-dir mode)
let package_info = read_file(&package_dir, "meta/package").await;
assert_eq!(package_info, "{\"name\": \"update\", \"version\": \"0\"}");
// Check that we can read files we expect to be in the package.
let zbi_contents = read_file(&package_dir, "zbi").await;
assert_eq!(zbi_contents, "fake zbi");
// Make sure that our resolve hook was called properly
assert_eq!(*resolved_urls.lock(), vec!["fuchsia-pkg://"]);
async fn block_once_blocks() {
let resolver = Arc::new(MockResolverService::new(None));
let mut handle_first = resolver.url("fuchsia-pkg://").block_once();
let handle_second = resolver.path("second").block_once();
let proxy = Arc::clone(&resolver).spawn_resolver_service();
let first_fut = do_resolve(&proxy, "fuchsia-pkg://");
let second_fut = do_resolve(&proxy, "fuchsia-pkg://");
assert_matches!(second_fut.await, Err(fidl_fuchsia_pkg::ResolveError::PackageNotFound));
let pkg = resolver.package("second", "fake merkle");
let (first_pkg, _resolved_context) = first_fut.await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_file(&first_pkg, "meta").await, "fake merkle");
async fn multiple_predefined_responses() {
let resolver = Arc::new(MockResolverService::new(None));
let resolver_proxy = Arc::clone(&resolver).spawn_resolver_service();
Ok(resolver.package("update", "upd4t3")),
// First resolve should fail with the error.
do_resolve(&resolver_proxy, "fuchsia-pkg://").await,
// Second resolve should succeed and give us the expected package dir.
let (package_dir, _resolved_context) =
do_resolve(&resolver_proxy, "fuchsia-pkg://").await.unwrap();
let meta_contents = read_file(&package_dir, "meta").await;
assert_eq!(meta_contents, "upd4t3");
#[should_panic(expected = "expected_results should be >= number of resolve requests")]
async fn panics_when_not_enough_predefined_responses() {
let resolver = Arc::new(MockResolverService::new(None));
let resolver_proxy = Arc::clone(&resolver).spawn_resolver_service();
// Since there are no expected responses, the mock resolver should panic.
let _ = do_resolve(&resolver_proxy, "fuchsia-pkg://").await;