blob: 80d5057c56c6aeb5391fc4d3ed79266cddba53a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use crate::types::Errno;
macro_rules! not_implemented {
($task:expr, $fmt:expr $(, $($arg:tt)*)?) => (
tracing::warn!(tag = "not_implemented", concat!("{:?} ", $fmt), $task $(, $($arg)*)?);
macro_rules! strace {
($task:expr, $fmt:expr $(, $($arg:tt)*)?) => (
tracing::trace!(tag = "strace", concat!("{:?} ", $fmt), $task $(, $($arg)*)?);
// Public re-export of macros allows them to be used like regular rust items.
pub(crate) use not_implemented;
pub(crate) use strace;
// Call this when you get an error that should "never" happen, i.e. if it does that means the
// kernel was updated to produce some other error after this match was written.
// TODO(tbodt): find a better way to handle this than a panic.
pub fn impossible_error(status: zx::Status) -> Errno {
panic!("encountered impossible error: {}", status);
fn truncate_name(name: &[u8]) -> std::ffi::CString {
.map(|c| if *c == b'\0' { b'?' } else { *c })
.take(zx::sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1)
.expect("all the null bytes should have been replace with an escape")
pub fn set_zx_name(obj: &impl zx::AsHandleRef, name: &[u8]) {
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::testing::*;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use zx::{sys, AsHandleRef};
fn test_truncate_name() {
assert_eq!(truncate_name(b"foo").as_ref(), CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"foo\0").unwrap());
assert_eq!(truncate_name(b"").as_ref(), CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"\0").unwrap());
assert_eq!(truncate_name(b"a\0b").as_ref(), CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"a?b\0").unwrap());
fn test_long_name() {
let (_kernel, current_task) = create_kernel_and_task();
let bytes = [1; sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
let name = CString::new(bytes).unwrap();
let max_bytes = [1; sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1];
let expected_name = CString::new(max_bytes).unwrap();
set_zx_name(&current_task.thread_group.process, name.as_bytes());
assert_eq!(current_task.thread_group.process.get_name(), Ok(expected_name));
fn test_max_length_name() {
let (_kernel, current_task) = create_kernel_and_task();
let bytes = [1; sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1];
let name = CString::new(bytes).unwrap();
set_zx_name(&current_task.thread_group.process, name.as_bytes());
assert_eq!(current_task.thread_group.process.get_name(), Ok(name));
fn test_short_name() {
let (_kernel, current_task) = create_kernel_and_task();
let bytes = [1; sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 10];
let name = CString::new(bytes).unwrap();
set_zx_name(&current_task.thread_group.process, name.as_bytes());
assert_eq!(current_task.thread_group.process.get_name(), Ok(name));