blob: 41d19b50cb46e263e14d22e629ab3af0d77a18b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result},
scrutiny_config::{Config, LoggingConfig, ModelConfig, PluginConfig, RuntimeConfig},
scrutiny_frontend::{command_builder::CommandBuilder, launcher},
artifact::{ArtifactReader, FileArtifactReader},
golden::{CompareResult, GoldenFile},
std::{collections::HashSet, path::PathBuf},
const SOFT_TRANSITION_MSG : &str = "
If you are making a change in fuchsia.git that causes this, you need to perform a soft transition:
1: Instead of adding lines as written above, add each line prefixed with a question mark to mark it as transitional.
2: Instead of removing lines as written above, prefix the line with a question mark to mark it as transitional.
3: Check in your fuchsia.git change.
4: For each new line you added in 1, remove the question mark.
5: For each existing line you modified in 2, remove the line.
struct Query {
build_path: PathBuf,
update_package_path: PathBuf,
blobfs_paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
fn verify_static_pkgs(query: &Query, golden_file_path: PathBuf) -> Result<HashSet<PathBuf>> {
let config = Config::run_command_with_runtime(
RuntimeConfig {
model: ModelConfig {
build_path: query.build_path.clone(),
update_package_path: query.update_package_path.clone(),
blobfs_paths: query.blobfs_paths.clone(),
logging: LoggingConfig { silent_mode: true, ..LoggingConfig::minimal() },
plugin: PluginConfig {
plugins: vec!["DevmgrConfigPlugin".to_string(), "StaticPkgsPlugin".to_string()],
let scrutiny_output =
launcher::launch_from_config(config).context("Failed to run static.pkgs")?;
let static_pkgs_result: StaticPkgsCollection =
"Failed to parse static.pkgs JSON output as structured static packages list: {}",
if static_pkgs_result.errors.len() > 0 {
return Err(anyhow!("static.pkgs reported errors: {:#?}", static_pkgs_result.errors));
if static_pkgs_result.static_pkgs.is_none() {
return Err(anyhow!("static.pkgs returned empty result"));
let static_pkgs = static_pkgs_result.static_pkgs.unwrap();
// Extract package names from static package descriptions.
let static_package_names: Vec<String> = static_pkgs
.map(|((name, _variant), _hash)| name.as_ref().to_string())
let mut golden_reader = FileArtifactReader::new(&query.build_path, &query.build_path);
let golden_contents = golden_reader
.context("Failed to read golden file")?;
let golden_file = GoldenFile::from_contents(golden_file_path.as_path(), golden_contents)
.context("Failed to parse golden file")?;
match {
CompareResult::Matches => Ok(static_pkgs_result
CompareResult::Mismatch { errors } => {
println!("Static package file mismatch");
for error in errors.iter() {
println!("{}", error);
println!("If you intended to change the static package contents, please acknowledge it by updating {:?} with the added or removed lines.", golden_file_path);
println!("{}", SOFT_TRANSITION_MSG);
Err(anyhow!("static file mismatch"))
pub async fn verify(cmd: &Command) -> Result<HashSet<PathBuf>> {
let build_path = cmd.build_path.clone();
let update_package_path = join_and_canonicalize(&cmd.build_path, &cmd.update);
let blobfs_paths =
cmd.blobfs.iter().map(|blobfs| join_and_canonicalize(&cmd.build_path, blobfs)).collect();
let query = Query { build_path, update_package_path, blobfs_paths };
let mut deps = HashSet::new();
for golden_file_path in cmd.golden.iter() {
join_and_canonicalize(&cmd.build_path, golden_file_path),