blob: c8b45b89a559d49794c21d4841a3b7107324a0cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.mem;
using zx;
/// Returns run-time information about a node that is specific to the
/// current connection.
type ConnectionInfo = resource table {
/// The active variant corresponds to one of the supported protocols
/// of the node, and represents the result of the connection-time
/// negotiation. Provides auxiliary handles if applicable.
/// Describes how the connection should be handled, and provides auxiliary
/// handles and information for the connection where applicable.
/// Refer to [`Node.Describe`] and [`Node.OnConnectionInfo`].
/// If handles are returned which offer alternative ways of access to the node,
/// the rights on the handles should correspond to the rights on the connection.
/// If the client specified more than one protocol in `protocols` during
/// [`Directory.Open`] or [`Node.Reopen`], the [`Representation`] carries
/// additionally the result of the connection-time negotiation via its tag.
/// The elements have one-to-one correspondence with the members of
/// [`NodeProtocols`].
1: representation @generated_name("Representation") flexible resource union {
/// Auxiliary data for the connector representation of a node, used for
/// protocol discovery and connection.
/// It supports connecting to arbitrary protocols exported by the filesystem
/// server at a path, including ones that do not compose [`Node2`].
/// See [`NodeProtocols.CONNECTOR`].
1: connector @generated_name("ConnectorInfo") table {};
/// Auxiliary data for the directory representation of a node.
/// The selection of this variant in [`Representation`] implies that the
/// connection speaks the [`Directory`] protocol.
/// See [`NodeProtocols.DIRECTORY`].
2: directory @generated_name("DirectoryInfo") table {};
/// Auxiliary data for the file representation of a node.
/// The selection of this variant in [`Representation`] implies that the
/// connection speaks the [`File`] protocol.
/// See [`NodeProtocols.FILE`].
3: file @generated_name("FileInfo") resource table {
/// An optional event which transmits information about an object's
/// readability or writability. This event relays information about the
/// underlying object, not the capability granted to client: this event
/// may be signalled "readable" on a connection that does not have
/// the capability to read.
/// This event will be present if the following conditions are met:
/// - The `available_operations` on the file connection is not empty.
/// - The filesystem supports signalling readability/writability events.
/// The [`FileSignal`] values may be observed on this event.
1: observer zx.handle:EVENT;
/// Returns if the file is opened in append mode.
/// In append mode, the seek offset is moved to the end before every
/// write, the two steps performed in an atomic manner.
2: is_append bool;
/// An optional stream object, which can be used to read to and write from
/// the file.
/// Reading and writing the file using the stream object can be up to 20x
/// faster than reading and writing the file using the Read and Write
/// operations in the [`File`] protocol.
3: stream zx.handle:STREAM;
/// Auxiliary data for the memory object representation of a node.
/// The node is a file which is represented as a VMO.
/// The selection of this variant in [`Representation`] implies that the
/// connection speaks the [`Memory`] protocol.
/// See [`NodeProtocols.MEMORY`].
4: memory @generated_name("MemoryInfo") resource table {
/// Although a VMO is returned as a part of this structure, that VMO may
/// back multiple files. To identify the logical portion of the VMO that
/// represents the single file, offset and size are also supplied.
/// If the range covers the entire VMO (i.e. the offset is zero and the
/// length matches the size of the VMO), then all clients must receive a
/// VMO with the same koid. This can be a duplicate of the same underlying
/// page-aligned VMO.
/// The rights on this VMO should correspond to the rights on the
/// node connection.
1: buffer fuchsia.mem.Range;
/// The pipe representation of a node.
/// A pipe is a data streaming interface, commonly used for standard in/out.
/// There is no universal requirement as to if it is uni- or bi-directional.
/// The selection of this variant in [`Representation`] implies that the
/// connection speaks the [`Pipe`] protocol.
/// See [`NodeProtocols.PIPE`].
5: pipe @generated_name("PipeInfo") resource table {
/// The backing socket transport for the pipe.
/// The rights on this socket should correspond to the rights on the
/// node connection.
1: socket zx.handle:SOCKET;
/// The object may be cast to the shared interface of devices.
@deprecated("devices will be services in the future")
6: device @generated_name("DeviceInfo") resource table {
/// An optional event which transmits information about a device's state.
/// The [`DeviceSignal`] values may be observed on this event.
1: unused zx.handle:EVENTPAIR;
/// The object may be cast to a Tty interface.
@deprecated("tty functionalities may be covered by a tty service")
7: tty @generated_name("TtyInfo") resource table {
/// An optional event which transmits information about a device's state.
/// The [`DeviceSignal`] values may be observed on this event.
1: event zx.handle:EVENTPAIR;
/// The connection composes [`fuchsia.posix.socket/SynchronousDatagramSocket`].
8: synchronous_datagram_socket
resource table {
1: event zx.handle:EVENTPAIR;
/// The connection composes [`fuchsia.posix.socket/DatagramSocket`].
/// See [`NodeProtocols.DATAGRAM_SOCKET`].
9: datagram_socket @generated_name("DatagramSocketInfo") resource table {
/// See [`fuchsia.posix.socket.DatagramSocket`] for details.
1: socket zx.handle:SOCKET;
/// Size of the buffer used to receive Tx metadata.
2: tx_meta_buf_size uint64;
/// Size of the buffer used to receive Rx metadata.
3: rx_meta_buf_size uint64;
/// The connection composes [`fuchsia.posix.socket/StreamSocket`].
/// See [`NodeProtocols.STREAM_SOCKET`].
10: stream_socket @generated_name("StreamSocketInfo") resource table {
1: socket zx.handle:SOCKET;
/// The connection composes [`fuchsia.posix.socket.raw/Socket`].
/// See [`NodeProtocols.RAW_SOCKET`].
11: raw_socket @generated_name("RawSocketInfo") resource table {
1: event zx.handle:EVENTPAIR;
/// The connection composes [`fuchsia.posix.socket.packet/Socket`].
/// See [`NodeProtocols.PACKET_SOCKET`].
12: packet_socket @generated_name("PacketSocketInfo") resource table {
/// See [`fuchsia.posix.socket.packet.Socket`] for details.
1: event zx.handle:EVENTPAIR;
/// Information about the rights possessed by the current connection.
/// Note: `rights` limits the set of operations allowed on the connection,
/// but does not guarantee their availability. For example, one may have
/// the [`Rights.EXECUTE`] right on a file connection, but the file itself
/// does not have the `EXECUTE` ability, and hence cannot be executed.
/// See [`ConnectionOptions.rights`].
2: rights Rights;
/// The set of available operations on this channel. It is always the
/// intersection between the rights possessed by this connection, and the
/// abilities of the node. The value may be zero in the case of an empty
/// intersection.
/// See [`ConnectionOptions.rights`].
3: available_operations Operations;