blob: 0abafcc8aa2e24d272993161f160e41b6cfa990e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart' as fidl;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_component/fidl_async.dart' as fcomponent;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_component_config/fidl_async.dart' as fconfig;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_component_decl/fidl_async.dart' as fdecl;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_diagnostics_types/fidl_async.dart' as fdiagtypes;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_component_test/fidl_async.dart' as ftest;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_io/fidl_async.dart' as fio;
import 'package:fuchsia_logger/logger.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart' as services;
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
import 'error.dart';
import 'local_component_handles.dart';
import 'internal/local_component.dart';
import 'internal/local_component_runner.dart';
/// The default name of the child component collection that contains built
/// topologies.
const defaultCollectionName = 'realm_builder';
const realmBuilderServerChildName = 'realm_builder_server';
fconfig.ValueSpec _singleValue(fconfig.SingleValue value) {
return fconfig.ValueSpec(value: fconfig.Value.withSingle(value));
fconfig.ValueSpec _vectorValue(fconfig.VectorValue value) {
return fconfig.ValueSpec(value: fconfig.Value.withVector(value));
/// The properties for a child being added to a realm
class ChildOptions {
fdecl.StartupMode _startup;
String? environment;
fdecl.OnTerminate _onTerminate;
: _startup = fdecl.StartupMode.lazy,
_onTerminate = fdecl.OnTerminate.none;
fdecl.StartupMode get startup => _startup;
void eager() {
_startup = fdecl.StartupMode.eager;
fdecl.OnTerminate get onTerminate => _onTerminate;
void rebootOnTerminate() {
_onTerminate = fdecl.OnTerminate.reboot;
/// Convert the current value into the FIDL table-backed ChildOptions, via its
/// `const` constructor.
ftest.ChildOptions toFidlType() {
return ftest.ChildOptions(
startup: _startup,
environment: environment,
onTerminate: _onTerminate,
String toString() {
return 'ChildOptions(startup = $_startup, environment = $environment, '
'onTerminate = $onTerminate)';
/// Provides convenience functions for using the instance. Components v2 only.
class ScopedInstanceFactory {
fcomponent.RealmProxy? realmProxy;
final String _collectionName;
String get collectionName => _collectionName;
Future<ScopedInstance> newInstance(String url) {
final id = Random().nextInt(1 << 32);
final childName = 'auto-${id.toRadixString(16)}';
return newNamedInstance(childName, url);
Future<ScopedInstance> newNamedInstance(String childName, String url) async {
late final fcomponent.RealmProxy realmProxy;
if (this.realmProxy != null) {
realmProxy = this.realmProxy!;
} else {
realmProxy = fcomponent.RealmProxy();
await (services.Incoming.fromSvcPath()..connectToService(realmProxy))
final collectionRef = fdecl.CollectionRef(name: _collectionName);
final childDecl = fdecl.Child(
name: childName,
url: url,
startup: fdecl.StartupMode.lazy,
final childArgs = fcomponent.CreateChildArgs();
await realmProxy.createChild(
final childRef = fdecl.ChildRef(
name: childName,
collection: _collectionName,
final exposedDir = fio.DirectoryProxy();
await realmProxy.openExposedDir(
return ScopedInstance._(
/// Provides convenience functions for using the instance. Components v2 only.
class ScopedInstance {
final fcomponent.RealmProxy _realm;
final String _childName;
final String _collectionName;
final fio.DirectoryProxy _exposedDir;
const ScopedInstance._(
static Future<ScopedInstance> create({
required String collectionName,
required String url,
String? childName,
}) {
final factory = ScopedInstanceFactory(collectionName);
if (childName == null) {
return factory.newInstance(url);
} else {
return factory.newNamedInstance(childName, url);
/// Returns a reference to the component's read-only exposed directory.
fio.DirectoryProxy get exposedDir => _exposedDir;
String get childName => _childName;
String get collectionName => _collectionName;
/// Connect to exposed fuchsia.component.Binder protocol of instance, thus
/// triggering it to start.
/// Note: This will only work if the component exposes this protocol in its
/// manifest.
fcomponent.BinderProxy connectToBinder() {
try {
return connectToProtocolAtExposedDir(fcomponent.BinderProxy());
} on Exception catch (err) {
log.severe('failed to connect to fuchsia.component.Binder: $err');
/// Connect to an instance of a FIDL protocol hosted in the component's
/// exposed directory, based on the type of the given proxy. The given
/// proxy is returned.
T connectToProtocolAtExposedDir<T extends fidl.AsyncProxy>(T proxy) {
return proxy;
/// Connects to an instance of a FIDL protocol hosted in the component's
/// exposed directory using the given [serverEnd]. Any proxy of the same
/// protocol type is also required, in order to get the protocol name.
void connectRequestToProtocolAtExposedDir<P>(
fidl.InterfaceRequest<P> serverEnd, fidl.AsyncProxy<P> anyProxy) {
final ctrl = anyProxy.ctrl;
final protocolName = ctrl.$serviceName ?? ctrl.$interfaceName!;
connectToNamedProtocolAtExposedDir(protocolName, serverEnd.passChannel()!);
/// Connects to an instance of a FIDL protocol called [protocolName] hosted in
/// the component's exposed directory, using the given [serverEnd].
void connectToNamedProtocolAtExposedDir(
String protocolName, Channel serverEnd) {
.connectToServiceByNameWithChannel(protocolName, serverEnd);
/// Connects to an instance of a FIDL protocol called [protocolName] hosted at
/// the absolute path from the exposed directory.
T connectToProtocolAtPath<T extends fidl.AsyncProxy>(
T proxy, String protocolPath) {
var serverEnd = proxy.ctrl.request().passChannel();
fio.OpenFlags.rightReadable | fio.OpenFlags.rightWritable,
return proxy;
/// Connects to an instance of a FIDL protocol hosted at the protocol name,
/// in the given directory.
T connectToProtocolInDirPath<T extends fidl.AsyncProxy>(
T proxy,
String dirPath,
) {
return connectToProtocolAtPath(
/// Call [close()] before the [ScopedInstance] goes out of scope (since
/// Dart doesn't support destructors or RAII destruction when an object
/// goes out of scope).
/// This will ensure that the message goes out to the realm.
/// Note: `destroyChild()`s returned Future may not complete immediately.
/// The process of destroying a component and its children includes various
/// confirmations, with time-outs in case a component doesn't stop cleanly.
/// This `close()` method sends the `destroyChild()` request and returns
/// without waiting for confirmation. It returns `void` instead of the
/// [Future] so callers are discouraged from awaiting the close(), which can
/// be the source of non-deterministic delays and/or timeouts.
void close() {
name: childName,
collection: collectionName,
enum RefType {
extension RefEnumToName on RefType {
String enumName() {
final segments = toString().split('.');
return segments.isEmpty ? '' : segments.last;
class Ref {
final RefType type;
String? name;
List<String>? scope;
Ref.from(Ref o)
: type = o.type,
name =,
scope = o.scope?.toList();
Ref.capability( : type = RefType.capability;
Ref.collection( : type = RefType.collection;
Ref.debug() : type = RefType.debug;
Ref.framework() : type = RefType.framework;
Ref.parent() : type = RefType.parent;
Ref.self() : type = RefType.self;
Ref.child(ChildRef childRef)
: type = RefType.child,
name =,
scope = childRef.scope;
Ref.childFromSubRealm(SubRealmBuilder subRealm)
: type = RefType.child,
name = subRealm.realmPath.isEmpty ? null : subRealm.realmPath.last,
scope = subRealm.realmPath.toList()..removeLast() {
if (name == null) {
throw Exception(
'API bug: It should not be possible to call fromSubRealmBuilder '
'with a top-level SubRealmBuilder');
void checkScope(List<String> realmScope) {
if (scope != null && !ListEquality().equals(scope, realmScope)) {
throw RefUsedInWrongRealmException(this, realmScope.join('/'));
bool operator ==(Object o) =>
o is Ref &&
type == o.type &&
name == &&
ListEquality().equals(scope, o.scope);
int get hashCode => type.hashCode + name.hashCode + scope.hashCode;
/// Convert the current value into the FIDL table-backed ChildOptions, via its
/// `const` constructor.
fdecl.Ref toFidlType() {
switch (type) {
case RefType.capability:
return fdecl.Ref.withCapability(fdecl.CapabilityRef(name: name!));
case RefType.child:
return fdecl.Ref.withChild(fdecl.ChildRef(name: name!));
case RefType.collection:
return fdecl.Ref.withCollection(fdecl.CollectionRef(name: name!));
case RefType.debug:
return fdecl.Ref.withDebug(fdecl.DebugRef());
case RefType.framework:
return fdecl.Ref.withFramework(fdecl.FrameworkRef());
case RefType.parent:
return fdecl.Ref.withParent(fdecl.ParentRef());
case RefType.self:
return fdecl.Ref.withSelf(fdecl.SelfRef());
String toString() {
return '${type.enumName()} Ref(name=${name == null ? 'null' : '"$name"'}, '
class ChildRef {
String name;
List<String>? scope;
ChildRef(, [this.scope]);
void checkScope(List<String> realmScope) {
if (scope != null && !ListEquality().equals(scope, realmScope)) {
throw RefUsedInWrongRealmException(
ChildRef.fromSubRealmBuilder(SubRealmBuilder input)
: name = input.realmPath.isEmpty ? '' : input.realmPath.last,
scope = input.realmPath.toList()..removeLast() {
if (name == '') {
throw Exception(
'API bug: It should not be possible to call fromSubRealmBuilder '
'with a top-level SubRealmBuilder');
ChildRef.fromChildRef(ChildRef input)
: name =,
scope = input.scope?.toList();
String toString() {
return 'ChildRef(name = $name, scope = $scope)';
extension DependencyTypeEnumToName on fdecl.DependencyType {
String enumName() {
final segments = toString().split('.');
return segments.isEmpty ? '' : segments.last;
abstract class Capability {
String name;
/// The name the targets will see the capability as.
String? as;
Capability(, []);
ftest.Capability toFidlType();
String _capabilityToString(String? additionalFields) {
return '$runtimeType(name = $name, '
'as = $as${additionalFields != null ? ', $additionalFields' : ''})';
/// A protocol capability, which may be routed between components. Created by
/// [Capability.protocol()].
class ProtocolCapability extends Capability {
fdecl.DependencyType type;
/// The path at which this protocol capability will be provided or used. Only
/// relevant if the route's source or target is a legacy or local component,
/// as these are the only components that realm builder will generate a modern
/// component manifest for.
String? path;
name, {
this.type = fdecl.DependencyType.strong,
}) : super(name, as);
ProtocolCapability.from(ProtocolCapability o)
: type = o.type,
path = o.path,
/// Marks any offers involved in this route as "weak", which will cause this
/// route to be ignored when determining shutdown ordering.
void weak() {
type = fdecl.DependencyType.weak;
ftest.Capability toFidlType() {
return ftest.Capability.withProtocol(ftest.Protocol(
name: name,
as: as,
type: type,
path: path,
bool operator ==(Object o) =>
o is ProtocolCapability &&
name == &&
as == &&
type == o.type &&
path == o.path;
int get hashCode =>
name.hashCode + as.hashCode + type.hashCode + path.hashCode;
String toString() {
return _capabilityToString('type = ${type.enumName()}, path = $path');
/// A directory capability, which may be routed between components. Created by
/// [].
class DirectoryCapability extends Capability {
fdecl.DependencyType type;
/// The rights the target will be allowed to use when accessing the directory.
fio.Operations? rights;
/// The sub-directory of the directory that the target will be given access
/// to.
String? subdir;
/// The path at which this directory will be provided or used. Only relevant
/// if the route's source or target is a local component.
String? path;
name, {
this.type = fdecl.DependencyType.strong,
}) : super(name, as);
DirectoryCapability.from(DirectoryCapability o)
: type = o.type,
path = o.path,
/// Marks any offers involved in this route as "weak", which will cause this
/// route to be ignored when determining shutdown ordering.
void weak() {
type = fdecl.DependencyType.weak;
ftest.Capability toFidlType() {
return ftest.Capability.withDirectory(ftest.Directory(
name: name,
as: as,
type: type,
rights: rights,
subdir: subdir,
path: path,
bool operator ==(Object o) =>
o is DirectoryCapability &&
name == &&
as == &&
type == o.type &&
rights == o.rights &&
subdir == o.subdir &&
path == o.path;
int get hashCode =>
name.hashCode +
as.hashCode +
type.hashCode +
rights.hashCode +
subdir.hashCode +
String toString() {
return _capabilityToString(
'type = ${type.enumName()}, rights = $rights, subdir = $subdir, '
'path = $path');
/// A storage capability, which may be routed between components. Created by
/// [].
class StorageCapability extends Capability {
/// The path at which this storage capability will be provided or used. Only
/// relevant if the route's source or target is a legacy or local component,
/// as these are the only components that realm builder will generate a modern
/// component manifest for.
String? path;
StorageCapability(name, {as, this.path}) : super(name, as);
StorageCapability.from(StorageCapability o)
: path = o.path,
ftest.Capability toFidlType() {
return ftest.Capability.withStorage(
ftest.Storage(name: name, as: as, path: path));
bool operator ==(Object o) =>
o is StorageCapability && name == && as == && path == o.path;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode + as.hashCode + path.hashCode;
String toString() {
return _capabilityToString('path = $path');
/// A service capability, which may be routed between components. Created by
/// [Capability.service()].
class ServiceCapability extends Capability {
/// The path at which this service capability will be provided or used. Only
/// relevant if the route's source or target is a legacy or local component,
/// as these are the only components that realm builder will generate a modern
/// component manifest for.
String? path;
name, {
}) : super(name, as);
ServiceCapability.from(ServiceCapability o)
: path = o.path,
ftest.Capability toFidlType() {
return ftest.Capability.withService(ftest.Service(
name: name,
as: as,
path: path,
bool operator ==(Object o) =>
o is ServiceCapability && name == && as == && path == o.path;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode + as.hashCode + path.hashCode;
String toString() {
return _capabilityToString('path = $path');
/// A route of one or more capabilities from one point in the realm to one or
/// more targets.
class Route {
final List<Capability> _capabilities;
Ref? _from;
final List<Ref> _to;
: _capabilities = [],
_to = [];
Route.from(Route o)
: _capabilities = o._capabilities.toList(),
_from = o._from,
_to = o._to.toList();
List<Capability> getCapabilities() => _capabilities;
Ref? getFrom() => _from;
List<Ref> getTo() => _to;
void capability(Capability capability) {
/// Adds a source to this route. Must be called exactly once. Will panic if
/// called a second time.
void from(Ref from) {
if (_from != null) {
throw Exception('from is already set for this route');
_from = from;
void to(Ref to) {
bool operator ==(Object o) =>
o is Route &&
ListEquality().equals(_capabilities, o._capabilities) &&
_from == o._from &&
ListEquality().equals(_to, o._to);
int get hashCode => _capabilities.hashCode + _from.hashCode + _to.hashCode;
// [START mock_interface_dart]
typedef OnRun = Future<void> Function(
LocalComponentHandles handles,
Completer onStop,
// [END mock_interface_dart]
typedef OnKill = Future<void> Function(LocalComponentHandles handles);
typedef OnOnPublishDiagnostics = Stream<fdiagtypes.ComponentDiagnostics>
Function(LocalComponentHandles handles);
typedef OnStop = Future<void> Function(LocalComponentHandles handles);
/// A running instance of a created realm. Important: When a RealmInstance is no
/// longer needed, the root [ScopedInstance] must be closed--by calling
/// root.close()--to ensure the child component is not leaked. When closed, the
/// realm is destroyed, along with any components that were in the realm.
class RealmInstance {
/// The root component of this realm instance, which can be used to access
/// exposed capabilities from the realm.
final ScopedInstance root;
const RealmInstance(this.root);
class SubRealmBuilder {
ftest.RealmProxy realmProxy;
List<String> realmPath;
// Required for builder API but not yet implemented or used.
final _localComponentRunnerBuilder = LocalComponentRunnerBuilder();
required this.realmProxy,
required this.realmPath,
/// Adds a child realm and returns a [SubRealmBuilder]. Capabilities can be
/// routed between parent [RealmBuilder] and the sub-realm, and then routed
/// to/from children of the sub-realm.
Future<SubRealmBuilder> addChildRealm(String name,
[ChildOptions? options]) async {
final childRealm = ftest.RealmProxy();
await realmProxy.addChildRealm(
(options ?? ChildOptions()).toFidlType(),
final childPath = realmPath.toList()..add(name);
return SubRealmBuilder(
realmProxy: childRealm,
realmPath: childPath,
/// Adds a local component to the realm. the [onRun] callback will be called
/// when the component starts. Other [ComponentController] callbacks are
/// optional.
/// The [ComponentController] binding must be closed to indicate to Component
/// Manager that the [LocalComponent] has stopped. If [onStop] is not
/// provided, the default implementation will automatically close the
/// [ComponentController] binding. If [onRun] completes before [onStop] (if
/// called) the [ComponentController] binding will be closed automatically. If
/// [onStop] is provided, the caller can close the [ComponentController]
/// binding by calling [LocalComponentHandles.close()].
/// [onRun] is given the [LocalComponentHandles] (to access its namespace,
/// outgoing directory, and [ComponentController]), and a [Completer] that
/// is completed if [ComponentController.stop()] is called. The caller can
/// await the `onStopCompleter` allow the component to continue to remain
/// active until the `stop()` is received.
Future<ChildRef> addLocalChild(
String name, {
required OnRun onRun,
OnKill? onKill,
OnOnPublishDiagnostics? onOnPublishDiagnostics,
OnStop? onStop,
ChildOptions? options,
}) async {
await realmProxy.addLocalChild(
(options ?? ChildOptions()).toFidlType(),
final childPath = realmPath + [name];
return ChildRef(name, realmPath);
/// Adds a new component to the realm by URL.
Future<ChildRef> addChild(String name, String url,
[ChildOptions? options]) async {
await realmProxy.addChild(
(options ?? ChildOptions()).toFidlType(),
return ChildRef(name, realmPath);
/// Adds a new legacy component to the realm.
Future<ChildRef> addLegacyChild(String name, String legacyUrl,
[ChildOptions? options]) async {
await realmProxy.addLegacyChild(
(options ?? ChildOptions()).toFidlType(),
return ChildRef(name, realmPath);
/// Adds a new component to the realm with the given component declaration
Future<ChildRef> addChildFromDecl(String name, fdecl.Component decl,
[ChildOptions? options]) async {
await realmProxy.addChildFromDecl(
(options ?? ChildOptions()).toFidlType(),
return ChildRef(name, realmPath);
/// Returns a copy the decl for a child in this realm
Future<fdecl.Component> getComponentDecl(ChildRef childRef) {
return realmProxy.getComponentDecl(;
/// Replaces the decl for a child of this realm
Future<void> replaceComponentDecl(
ChildRef childRef,
fdecl.Component decl,
) {
return realmProxy.replaceComponentDecl(, decl);
/// Returns a copy the decl for a child in this realm
Future<fdecl.Component> getRealmDecl() {
return realmProxy.getRealmDecl();
/// Replaces the decl for this realm
Future<void> replaceRealmDecl(fdecl.Component decl) {
return realmProxy.replaceRealmDecl(decl);
/// Replaces a value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValue(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
fconfig.ValueSpec value,
) {
return realmProxy.replaceConfigValue(, key, value);
/// Replaces a boolean value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueBool(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
// ignore: avoid_positional_boolean_parameters
bool value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint8 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint8(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint16 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint16(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint32 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint32(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint64 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint64(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int8 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt8(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int16 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt16(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int32 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt32(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int64 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt64(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a string value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueString(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
String value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a boolean vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueBoolVector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
List<bool> value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint8 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint8Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint8List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint16 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint16Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint16List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint32 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint32Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint32List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a uint64 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint64Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint64List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int8 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt8Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int8List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int16 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt16Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int16List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int32 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt32Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int32List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a int64 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt64Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int64List value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Replaces a string vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueStringVector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
List<String> value,
) {
return replaceConfigValue(
/// Adds a route between components within the realm
Future<void> addRoute(Route route) async {
final capabilities = route.getCapabilities();
final from = route.getFrom();
final to = route.getTo();
if (from == null) {
throw MissingSource();
final source = from..checkScope(realmPath);
for (final target in to) {
if (capabilities.isNotEmpty) {
await realmProxy.addRoute( => c.toFidlType()).toList(),
source.toFidlType(), ref) => ref.toFidlType()).toList(),
/// A class that aids in the building of [RealmBuilder] objects.
/// This class is used to create Fuchsia component tests in Dart, using the
/// RealmBuilder framework.
/// ```
/// final builder = RealmBuilder();
/// builder.addChild(...);
/// builder.addRoute(...);
/// realmInstance = await;
/// realmInstance.root.connectToProtocol...
/// ```
class RealmBuilder {
late final SubRealmBuilder _rootRealm;
late final ftest.BuilderProxy _builder;
/// The realm will be launched in the collection named [collectionName].
final String collectionName;
/// Creates a new RealmBuilder.
/// [relativeUrl]: The path to a manifest to load into the realm.
/// [collectionName]: The collection to add the realm to, when launched.
static Future<RealmBuilder> create({
String? relativeUrl,
String collectionName = defaultCollectionName,
}) async {
final componentRealm = fcomponent.RealmProxy();
await (services.Incoming.fromSvcPath()..connectToService(componentRealm))
final exposedDir = fio.DirectoryProxy();
await componentRealm.openExposedDir(
fdecl.ChildRef(name: realmBuilderServerChildName),
final realmBuilderFactory = ftest.RealmBuilderFactoryProxy();
await (services.Incoming.withDirectory(exposedDir)
final pkgDirHandle =
final realm = ftest.RealmProxy();
final builder = ftest.BuilderProxy();
if (relativeUrl == null) {
await realmBuilderFactory.create(
} else {
// load the manifest
await realmBuilderFactory.createFromRelativeUrl(
return RealmBuilder._(realm, builder, collectionName);
ftest.RealmProxy realmProxy,
) {
_rootRealm = SubRealmBuilder(realmProxy: realmProxy, realmPath: []);
SubRealmBuilder get rootRealm => _rootRealm;
ftest.BuilderProxy get builder => _builder;
/// Adds a child realm and returns a [SubRealmBuilder]. Capabilities can be
/// routed between parent [RealmBuilder] and the sub-realm, and then routed
/// to/from children of the sub-realm.
Future<SubRealmBuilder> addChildRealm(String name, [ChildOptions? options]) {
return rootRealm.addChildRealm(
options ?? ChildOptions(),
/// Adds a new component to the realm by URL.
Future<ChildRef> addLocalChild(
String name, {
required OnRun onRun,
OnKill? onKill,
OnOnPublishDiagnostics? onOnPublishDiagnostics,
OnStop? onStop,
ChildOptions? options,
}) {
return rootRealm.addLocalChild(
onRun: onRun,
onKill: onKill,
onOnPublishDiagnostics: onOnPublishDiagnostics,
onStop: onStop,
options: options ?? ChildOptions(),
/// Adds a new component to the realm by URL.
Future<ChildRef> addChild(String name, String url, [ChildOptions? options]) {
return rootRealm.addChild(
options ?? ChildOptions(),
/// Adds a new legacy component to the realm.
Future<ChildRef> addLegacyChild(String name, String legacyUrl,
[ChildOptions? options]) {
return rootRealm.addLegacyChild(
options ?? ChildOptions(),
/// Adds a new component to the realm with the given component declaration
Future<ChildRef> addChildFromDecl(String name, fdecl.Component decl,
[ChildOptions? options]) {
return rootRealm.addChildFromDecl(
options ?? ChildOptions(),
/// Returns a copy the decl for a child in this realm
Future<fdecl.Component> getComponentDecl(ChildRef childRef) {
return rootRealm.getComponentDecl(childRef);
/// Replaces the decl for a child of this realm
Future<void> replaceComponentDecl(
ChildRef childRef,
fdecl.Component decl,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceComponentDecl(childRef, decl);
/// Returns a copy the decl for a child in this realm
Future<fdecl.Component> getRealmDecl() {
return rootRealm.getRealmDecl();
/// Replaces the decl for this realm
Future<void> replaceRealmDecl(
fdecl.Component decl,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceRealmDecl(decl);
/// Replaces a value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValue(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
fconfig.ValueSpec value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValue(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a boolean value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueBool(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
// ignore: avoid_positional_boolean_parameters
bool value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueBool(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint8 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint8(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint8(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint16 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint16(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint16(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint32 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint32(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint32(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint64 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint64(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint64(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int8 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt8(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt8(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int16 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt16(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt16(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int32 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt32(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt32(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int64 value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt64(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
int value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt64(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a string value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueString(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
String value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueString(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a boolean vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueBoolVector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
List<bool> value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueBoolVector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint8 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint8Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint8List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint8Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint16 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint16Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint16List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint16Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint32 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint32Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint32List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint32Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a uint64 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueUint64Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Uint64List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueUint64Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int8 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt8Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int8List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt8Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int16 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt16Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int16List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt16Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int32 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt32Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int32List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt32Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a int64 vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueInt64Vector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
Int64List value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueInt64Vector(childRef, key, value);
/// Replaces a string vector value of a given configuration field
Future<void> replaceConfigValueStringVector(
ChildRef childRef,
String key,
List<String> value,
) {
return rootRealm.replaceConfigValueStringVector(childRef, key, value);
/// Adds a route between components within the realm
Future<void> addRoute(Route route) {
return rootRealm.addRoute(route);
/// Returns the [RealmInstance] so the test can interact with its child
/// components.
Future<RealmInstance> build({String? childName}) async {
final rootUrl =
final root = await ScopedInstance.create(
childName: childName,
collectionName: collectionName,
url: rootUrl,
return RealmInstance(root);