blob: 06d7a93f3301c1877ab220207c4b522706f50431 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/volume_control.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/logging/logging.h"
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
// TODO(turnage): Move to FIDL
constexpr int64_t kBacklogFullEpitaph = 88;
// This layer of indirection on VolumeControl just holds a per-client ack count.
// This exists because impls in a BindingSet cannot access their own binding to send events in a
// safe way.
class VolumeControlImpl : public fuchsia::media::audio::VolumeControl {
VolumeControlImpl(::media::audio::VolumeControl* volume_control)
: volume_control_(volume_control) {}
// Counts an event sent to this client among the pending acks.
// Returns the events already sent.
uint64_t CountEvent() { return events_sent_without_ack_++; }
// |fuchsia::media::audio::VolumeControl|
void SetVolume(float volume) override { volume_control_->SetVolume(volume); }
void SetMute(bool mute) override { volume_control_->SetMute(mute); }
void NotifyVolumeMuteChangedHandled() override { events_sent_without_ack_ = 0; }
::media::audio::VolumeControl* volume_control_;
uint64_t events_sent_without_ack_ = 0;
} // namespace
VolumeControl::VolumeControl(VolumeSetting* volume_setting, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher)
: volume_setting_(volume_setting), dispatcher_(dispatcher) {}
void VolumeControl::AddBinding(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::audio::VolumeControl> request) {
bindings_.AddBinding(std::make_unique<VolumeControlImpl>(this), std::move(request), dispatcher_);
void VolumeControl::SetVolume(float volume) {
const auto volume_is_changed = volume != current_volume_;
if (!volume_is_changed) {
// TODO(35581): Generate event async after update from callback.
current_volume_ = volume;
if (!muted_) {
void VolumeControl::SetMute(bool mute) {
bool mute_is_changed = mute != muted_;
if (!mute_is_changed) {
muted_ = mute;
volume_setting_->SetVolume(muted_ ? fuchsia::media::audio::MIN_VOLUME : current_volume_);
void VolumeControl::NotifyClientsOfState() {
for (auto& binding : bindings_.bindings()) {
auto impl = static_cast<VolumeControlImpl*>(binding->impl().get());
if (impl->CountEvent() < kMaxEventsSentWithoutAck) {
binding->events().OnVolumeMuteChanged(current_volume_, muted_);
} else {
AUD_LOG(WARNING) << "Disconnected volume control client because they did not ACK events";
} // namespace media::audio