blob: c346d7df717b3ce4eb996d3e935faef466eee992 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::switchboard::base::{AudioStream, AudioStreamType},
fidl_fuchsia_media::{AudioRenderUsage, Usage},
fidl_fuchsia_media_audio::{VolumeControlEvent, VolumeControlProxy},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
// Stores an AudioStream and a VolumeControl proxy bound to the AudioCore
// service for |stored_stream|'s stream type. |proxy| is set to None if it
// fails to bind to the AudioCore service.
pub struct StreamVolumeControl {
pub stored_stream: AudioStream,
proxy: Option<VolumeControlProxy>,
audio_service: fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioCoreProxy,
// TODO(fxb/37777): Listen for volume changes from Volume Control.
impl StreamVolumeControl {
pub fn create(audio_service: &fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioCoreProxy, stream: AudioStream) -> Self {
StreamVolumeControl {
stored_stream: stream,
proxy: bind_volume_control(&audio_service, stream.stream_type),
audio_service: audio_service.clone(),
pub async fn set_volume(&mut self, stream: AudioStream) {
assert_eq!(self.stored_stream.stream_type, stream.stream_type);
// If |proxy| is set to None, then try to create and bind a new VolumeControl. If it
// fails, log an error and don't set the volume.
if self.proxy.is_none() {
self.proxy = bind_volume_control(&self.audio_service, stream.stream_type);
if self.proxy.is_none() {
fx_log_err!("failed to bind volume control");
let proxy = self.proxy.as_ref().unwrap();
if self.stored_stream.user_volume_level != stream.user_volume_level {
proxy.set_volume(stream.user_volume_level).unwrap_or_else(move |e| {
fx_log_err!("failed to set the volume level, {}", e);
if self.stored_stream.user_volume_muted != stream.user_volume_muted {
proxy.set_mute(stream.user_volume_muted).unwrap_or_else(move |e| {
fx_log_err!("failed to mute the volume, {}", e);
self.stored_stream = stream;
fn bind_volume_control(
audio_service: &fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioCoreProxy,
stream_type: AudioStreamType,
) -> Option<VolumeControlProxy> {
let (vol_control_proxy, server_end) = create_proxy().unwrap();
let mut usage = Usage::RenderUsage(AudioRenderUsage::from(stream_type));
if let Err(err) = audio_service.bind_usage_volume_control(&mut usage, server_end) {
fx_log_err!("failed to bind volume control for usage, {}", err);
return None;
// TODO(fxb/37777): Update |stored_stream| in StreamVolumeControl and send a notification
// when we receive an update.
let proxy_clone = vol_control_proxy.clone();
fasync::spawn(async move {
let mut stream = proxy_clone.take_event_stream();
while let Some(evt) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
match evt {
VolumeControlEvent::OnVolumeMuteChanged { new_volume: _, new_muted: _ } => {
proxy_clone.notify_volume_mute_changed_handled().unwrap_or_else(move |e| {
fx_log_err!("failed to notify volume mute change handling, {}", e);