blob: 1165d786bc35a05c9bd95e0394871a193bcf08f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Comments are ignored
# TODO(fxb/61617) Move these to real tests
# Execute command with no arguments
command { ATTESTEX }
# Extension execute command with no arguments
command { AT+TESTEXEXT }
# Execute command with no arguments and custom name
command TestCommand { ATTESTNEX }
# Extension execute command with one argument, no trailing comma
command { AT+TESTEXEXTFI=field: Integer }
# Extension execute command with one argument, with trailing comma
command { AT+TESTEXEXTFIC=field: Integer, }
# Extension execute command with a nonstandard delimiter
command { AT+TESTNSD>field: Integer, }
# Extension execute command with no delimiter
command { AT+TESTNODfield: Integer, }
# Extension execute command with one argument, no trailing comma
command { AT+TESTEXEXTFS=field: String, }
# Extension execute command with multiple arguments, no trailing comma
command { AT+TESTEXEXTFSI=field1: String, field2: Integer }
# Extension execute command with multiple arguments, with trailing comma
command { AT+TESTEXEXTFSIC=field1: String, field2: Integer,}
# Option type argument
command { AT+TESTIO=field1: Integer, field2: Option<Integer>}
# List type argument
command { AT+TESTL=field: List<Integer>}
# Map type arguments
command { AT+TESTM=field: Map<Integer, String> }
# Paren delimited argument list
command { AT+TESTP=(field: Integer) }
# Paren delimited multiple argment lists
command { AT+TESTPP=(field1: Integer)(field2: Integer, field3: String) }
# Paren delimited multiple argment lists with map and lists
command {
(field1: Map<Integer, String>)
(field2: Integer, field3: List<Integer>)
# Read command
command { ATTESTR? }
# Extension read command
command { AT+TESTREX? }
# Test command
command { ATTESTT=? }
# Extension test command
command { AT+TESTTEX=? }
# Response with no arguments
response { TEST: }
# Response with no arguments and custom name
response TestResponse { TESTN: }
# Extension response command with no arguments
response { +TESTEXT: }
# Extension response with one argument, no trailing comma
response { +TESTI: field: Integer }
# Extension response with one argument, with trailing comma
response { +TESTIC: field: Integer, }
# Extension response with one argument, no trailing comma
response { +TESTS: field: String }
# Extension response with multiple arguments, no trailing comma
response { +TESTSI: field1: String, field2: Integer }
# Extension response with multiple arguments, with trailing comma
response { +TESTSIC: field1: String, field2: Integer,}
# Option type arguments
response { +TESTIO: field1: Integer, field2: Option<Integer> }
# List type arguments
response { +TESTL: field: List<Integer> }
# Map type arguments
response { +TESTM: field: Map<Integer, String> }
# Response with paren delimited argument list
response { +TESTP: (field: Integer) }
# Response with paren delimited multiple argment lists
response { +TESTPP: (field1: Integer)(field2: Integer, field3: String) }
# Paren delimited multiple argument lists with map and list
response {
(field1: Map<Integer, String>)
(field2: Integer, field3: List<Integer>)
# Two responses that differ only in their argument list delimiters.
response SameOne { SAME: field: Integer }
response SameTwo { SAME: (field: Integer) }
# Enum with one variant
enum TestOneVariant {
Variant1 = 1
# Enum with one variant, trailing comma
enum TestOneVariantComma {
Variant1 = 1,
# Enum with multiple variants
enum TestTwoVariants {
Variant1 = 1,
Variant2 = 2
# Enum with multiple variants, trailing comma
enum TestTwoVariantsComma {
Variant1 = 1,
Variant2 = 2,
# Command with an eum argument
command { ATTESTENUM=field: TestOneVariantComma }
# Command with a bool argument
command { ATTESTBOOL=field: BoolAsInt }