blob: f6e4a55c8ec82af7a5b09fceb09c4129ffc3daf6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/array.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/coding.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
namespace {
// Manually define the encoding table for a simple FIDL message.
// These will match the llcpp codegen output.
extern const fidl_type_t NonnullableChannelMessageType;
struct NonnullableChannelMessage {
alignas(FIDL_ALIGNMENT) fidl_message_header_t header;
zx::channel channel;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize =
FIDL_ALIGN(sizeof(fidl_message_header_t)) + FIDL_ALIGN(sizeof(zx::channel));
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &NonnullableChannelMessageType;
const fidl_type_t NonnullableChannelType =
fidl_type_t(fidl::FidlCodedHandle(ZX_OBJ_TYPE_CHANNEL, fidl::kNonnullable));
const fidl::FidlStructField NonnullableChannelMessageFields[] = {
fidl::FidlStructField(&NonnullableChannelType, offsetof(NonnullableChannelMessage, channel), 4),
const fidl_type_t NonnullableChannelMessageType = fidl_type_t(
fidl::FidlCodedStruct(NonnullableChannelMessageFields, /* field_count */ 1,
sizeof(NonnullableChannelMessage), "NonnullableChannelMessage"));
} // namespace
namespace fidl {
// Manually specialize the templates.
// These will match the llcpp codegen output.
template <>
struct IsFidlType<NonnullableChannelMessage> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<NonnullableChannelMessage> : public std::true_type {};
} // namespace fidl
namespace {
// Because the EncodedMessage/DecodedMessage classes close handles using the corresponding
// Zircon system call instead of calling a destructor, we indirectly test for handle closure
// via the ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED error message.
bool HelperExpectPeerValid(zx::channel& channel) {
const char* foo = "A";
EXPECT_EQ(channel.write(0, foo, 1, nullptr, 0), ZX_OK);
bool HelperExpectPeerInvalid(zx::channel& channel) {
const char* foo = "A";
EXPECT_EQ(channel.write(0, foo, 1, nullptr, 0), ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED);
bool EncodedMessageTest() {
// Manually construct an encoded message
alignas(NonnullableChannelMessage) uint8_t buf[sizeof(NonnullableChannelMessage)] = {};
auto msg = reinterpret_cast<NonnullableChannelMessage*>(&buf[0]);
// Capture the extra handle here; it will not be cleaned by encoded_message
zx::channel channel_1 = {};
fidl::EncodedMessage<NonnullableChannelMessage> encoded_message;
[&buf, &channel_1](fidl::BytePart* out_msg_bytes, fidl::HandlePart* msg_handles) {
*out_msg_bytes = fidl::BytePart(buf, sizeof(buf), sizeof(buf));
zx_handle_t* handle = msg_handles->data();
// Unsafely open a channel, which should be closed automatically by encoded_message
zx::channel out0, out1;
EXPECT_EQ(zx::channel::create(0, &out0, &out1), ZX_OK);
*handle = out0.release();
channel_1 = std::move(out1);
bool DecodedMessageTest() {
// Manually construct a decoded message
alignas(NonnullableChannelMessage) uint8_t buf[sizeof(NonnullableChannelMessage)] = {};
auto msg = reinterpret_cast<NonnullableChannelMessage*>(&buf[0]);
// Capture the extra handle here; it will not be cleaned by decoded_message
zx::channel channel_1 = {};
// Unsafely open a channel, which should be closed automatically by decoded_message
zx::channel out0, out1;
EXPECT_EQ(zx::channel::create(0, &out0, &out1), ZX_OK);
msg->channel = std::move(out0);
channel_1 = std::move(out1);
fidl::DecodedMessage<NonnullableChannelMessage> decoded_message(
fidl::BytePart(buf, sizeof(buf), sizeof(buf)));
// Start with an encoded message, then decode and back.
bool RoundTripTest() {
alignas(NonnullableChannelMessage) uint8_t buf[sizeof(NonnullableChannelMessage)] = {};
auto msg = reinterpret_cast<NonnullableChannelMessage*>(&buf[0]);
msg->header.txid = 10;
msg->header.ordinal = (42lu << 32);
// Capture the extra handle here; it will not be cleaned by encoded_message
zx::channel channel_1 = {};
fidl::EncodedMessage<NonnullableChannelMessage>* encoded_message =
new fidl::EncodedMessage<NonnullableChannelMessage>();
zx_handle_t unsafe_handle_backup;
encoded_message->Initialize([&buf, &channel_1, &unsafe_handle_backup](
fidl::BytePart* out_msg_bytes, fidl::HandlePart* msg_handles) {
*out_msg_bytes = fidl::BytePart(buf, sizeof(buf), sizeof(buf));
zx_handle_t* handle = msg_handles->data();
// Unsafely open a channel, which should be closed automatically by encoded_message
zx::channel out0, out1;
EXPECT_EQ(zx::channel::create(0, &out0, &out1), ZX_OK);
*handle = out0.release();
unsafe_handle_backup = *handle;
channel_1 = std::move(out1);
uint8_t golden_encoded[] = {10, 0, 0, 0, // txid
0, 0, 0, 0, // reserved
0, 0, 0, 0, // low bytes of ordinal (was flags)
42, 0, 0, 0, // high bytes of ordinal
255, 255, 255, 255, // handle present
0, 0, 0, 0};
// Byte-accurate comparison
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(golden_encoded, buf, sizeof(buf)), 0);
// Decode
auto decode_result = fidl::Decode(std::move(*encoded_message));
auto& decoded_message = decode_result.message;
EXPECT_EQ(decode_result.status, ZX_OK);
EXPECT_NULL(decode_result.error, decode_result.error);
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_message.message()->header.txid, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_message.message()->header.ordinal, (42lu << 32));
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_message.message()->channel.get(), unsafe_handle_backup);
// encoded_message should be consumed
EXPECT_EQ(encoded_message->handles().actual(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(encoded_message->bytes().actual(), 0);
// If we destroy encoded_message, it should not accidentally close the channel
delete encoded_message;
// Encode
auto encode_result = fidl::Encode(std::move(decoded_message));
auto& encoded_message = encode_result.message;
EXPECT_EQ(encode_result.status, ZX_OK);
EXPECT_NULL(encode_result.error, encode_result.error);
// decoded_message should be consumed
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_message.message(), nullptr);
// Byte-level comparison
EXPECT_EQ(encoded_message.bytes().actual(), sizeof(buf));
EXPECT_EQ(encoded_message.handles().actual(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(encoded_message.handles().data()[0], unsafe_handle_backup);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(golden_encoded, encoded_message.bytes().data(), sizeof(buf)), 0);
// Encoded message was destroyed, bringing down the handle with it
bool ArrayLayoutTest() {
static_assert(sizeof(fidl::Array<uint8_t, 3>) == sizeof(uint8_t[3]));
static_assert(sizeof(fidl::Array<fidl::Array<uint8_t, 7>, 3>) == sizeof(uint8_t[3][7]));
constexpr fidl::Array<uint8_t, 3> a = {1, 2, 3};
constexpr uint8_t b[3] = {1, 2, 3};
EXPECT_EQ((&a[2] - &a[0]), (&b[2] - &b[0]));
} // namespace
RUN_NAMED_TEST("EncodedMessage test", EncodedMessageTest)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("DecodedMessage test", DecodedMessageTest)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Round trip test", RoundTripTest)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Array layout test", ArrayLayoutTest)