blob: 70f0929c668bc105127aecaec265918b865a81cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# The vDSO can't be built with instrumentation.
exclude_tags = [ "instrumented" ]
# References from instrumented variants just redirect. This prevents extra
# abigen runs in other toolchains just to get identical generated headers.
if (toolchain.tags + exclude_tags - exclude_tags != toolchain.tags ||
toolchain.environment != "user") {
environment_redirect("headers") {
environment_label = "$zx/public/gn/toolchain:user"
direct = true
shlib = true
exclude_variant_tags = exclude_tags
deps = [
if (toolchain.base_environment == "user") {
# Instrumented variants, and all variants of derived environments,
# link against the uninstrumented library.
environment_redirect("zircon") {
environment_label = "$zx/public/gn/toolchain:user"
direct = true
shlib = true
exclude_variant_tags = exclude_tags
deps = [
} else {
# References from other environments only get the headers. This
# makes it easy to have "$zx/system/ulib/zircon" deps in common
# libraries that need to link against it in userland but that in
# other contexts like kernel or userboot are just using the headers.
group("zircon") {
public_deps = [
} else {
# TODO(mcgrathr): Rename the source files and the abigen switch.
if (zircon_cpu == "x86") {
zircon_cpu = "x86-64"
abigen_cpu = "x86"
} else if (zircon_cpu == "arm64") {
abigen_cpu = "arm"
library("zircon") {
shared = true
static = false
# The vDSO is never installed as a file, only baked into the kernel.
install_path = false
sources = [
configs += [ ":config" ]
deps = [
public_deps = [
# Instruct the linker to preserve the hidden alternate entry points.
# Note, "./" makes GN realize this is a file rather than a -l switch.
libs = [ "./alternates.ld" ]
# Set e_entry so _zx_process_exit is easy to find without reading .dynsym.
ldflags = [ "-Wl,-e,_zx_process_exit" ]
# This doesn't get normal default deps on libc.
no_implicit_deps = true
# This doesn't actually use libc++ at all, really (only header-only use
# would be safe). But the compiler driver implicitly links it in, and by
# default with dynamic linking. So it's crucial to tell it to link it in
# statically instead even though really we shouldn't get it at all. We
# don't just use `-nostdlib++` because we still want the header access.
configs += [ "$zx/public/gn/config:static-libc++" ]
# TODO(BLD-353): The SDK exports this as part of the sysroot rather
# than as an independent library. Legacy integration likewise does not
# use a //zircon/public/lib/zircon buts instead uses libs=["zircon"].
# See //zircon/public/sysroot.
# The stripped binary doesn't even have section headers, so the linker
# can't handle it. Eventually we'll have linker stubs. For now, just
# use the unstripped library to link against. (In the case of the vDSO
# we don't really need to strip it in the first place, since its
# segments are embedded in the kernel and the stripped file is never
# put on a device. But there's no reasonable way to disable the
# standard stripping behavior for a single target.) The legacy build
# needs there to be a -L directory where is the name to
# link against so -lzircon works. So mock up such a directory using a
# linker script to redirect to the actual unstripped file name, which
# is not that.
link_file = "$target_gen_dir/"
debug_file = rebase_path("$target_out_dir/")
write_file(link_file, [ "INPUT($debug_file)" ])
metadata = {
legacy_sysroot = [
vdso =
rebase_path("$target_out_dir/", root_build_dir)
include_dirs = rebase_path([
sdk = {
include_dir = rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir)
headers = [
# Note not included in SDK: "zircon/syscalls/",
sdk = {
include_dir = rebase_path("include", root_build_dir)
headers = [ "zircon/status.h" ]
sdk = {
source = rebase_path("$target_out_dir/",
link = "lib/"
sdk = {
source = rebase_path("$target_out_dir/",
debug = "debug/"
# TODO(BLD-353): This is not actually for the SDK (see above). This
# is special-cased so no //zircon/public/lib/zircon gets made, but
# //build/config/fuchsia:compiler_sysroot can look up the metadata to
# find the right lib_dirs.
legacy_barrier = []
legacy_targets = [
_label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
_zircon_public = "lib"
target_name = "zircon"
libs = []
libs = [ rebase_path(link_file, root_build_dir) ]
# This library is on the allowlist for driver() shared library deps.
# It doesn't cause to fail, and it prunes the
# metadata walk here so our own deps are not subject to the check.
driver_shlib_denylist = []
driver_shlib_denylist_barrier = []
# Everything with ":config" in configs needs ":generate" in deps.
config("config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# This library should not depend on libc.
cflags = [ "-ffreestanding" ]
configs = [
include_dirs = [ target_gen_dir ]
source_set("syscall-asm") {
sources = [
configs += [ ":config" ]
deps = [
if (toolchain.base_environment == "user") {
configs -= [ "$zx/public/gn/config:user" ]
group("generated-public-headers") {
public_configs = [ ":generated-public-headers.config" ]
deps = [
config("generated-public-headers.config") {
visibility = [ ":generated-public-headers" ]
include_dirs = [ root_gen_dir ]
abigen("generate") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
gen = [
# These are the public headers.
args = [ "-user-header" ]
outputs = [
args = [ "-rust" ]
outputs = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): Drop the zircon/ prefix from the remaining files.
# These are private.
args = [ "-vdso-header" ]
outputs = [
args = [ "-vdso-wrappers" ]
outputs = [
args = [ "-${abigen_cpu}-asm" ]
outputs = [