blob: 7c3c015344192293186f921085721e7db8d29fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This header defines internal structures used by the parser to help it manage state during
// a parse.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "tokens.h"
namespace netdump::parser {
using TokenIterator = std::vector<TokenPtr>::iterator;
// Parse state values for when a binary logical operator is encountered.
enum class ParseOp {
CONJ, // Logical `AND`.
DISJ, // Logical `OR`.
class ParseOpState {
// Track if the parse has encountered a binary operation.
ParseOp op = ParseOp::NONE;
// Track how many negations the current parse is under.
// The number of negations is tracked so e.g. `not not` can be differentiated from no negation.
size_t negations = 0;
// An `Environment` object represents the parse environment. It can be seen as a state machine that
// keeps track of the parse cursor, i.e. the token location that the parser has reached.
// The states are positions along the series of tokens that need to be parser. If an error has been
// encountered within the parse, data relevant for reporting the error can be recorded here.
// Exactly one instance of `Environment` should be created at the beginning of a parse attempt for
// use until the end of the attempt. `Environment` is therefore movable but not copyable to help
// enforce this.
class Environment {
// An instance is constructed from a vector of tokens that needs to be parsed.
explicit Environment(std::vector<TokenPtr> tokens)
: tokens_(std::move(tokens)), begin_(tokens_.begin()), cur_(begin_), end_(tokens_.end()) {}
// Movable but not copyable.
Environment(Environment&& other) = default;
Environment& operator=(Environment&& other) = default;
Environment(const Environment&) = delete;
Environment& operator=(const Environment&) = delete;
// Return the first token location to be parsed.
[[nodiscard]] inline TokenIterator begin() const { return begin_; }
// Return the current token location under parse.
[[nodiscard]] inline TokenIterator cur() const { return cur_; }
// Return the location beyond the last token to be parsed.
[[nodiscard]] inline TokenIterator end() const { return end_; }
[[nodiscard]] inline bool at_end() const { return cur_ == end_; }
// Reset the token location under parse to the beginning.
// Does not clear the error data.
inline void reset() { cur_ = begin_; }
// Clear the error data.
inline void clear_error() {
error_loc = std::nullopt;
inline bool has_error() { return (error_loc != std::nullopt); }
// Operators to get the token at the current location, and to change the location.
TokenPtr operator*() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(cur_ < end_, "Dereferencing end token location.");
return *cur_;
Environment& operator++() {
if (cur_ < end_) {
return (*this);
Environment& operator--() {
if (cur_ > begin_) {
return (*this);
// Data for any error that was encountered.
std::string error_cause{};
std::optional<TokenIterator> error_loc{};
std::vector<TokenPtr> tokens_;
TokenIterator begin_;
TokenIterator cur_;
TokenIterator end_;
} // namespace netdump::parser