blob: 1aba5df227f7087360ffb52fb46cffcd396ee82f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file specifies a pure virtual interface, `FilterBuilder`, of filter operations the parser
// may emit. This interface is intended to be reflective of the filter language the parser supports,
// rather than be tied to any particular filter implementation. Therefore it should evolve,
// for example becoming more abstract and/or flexible, as the filter language becomes more
// expressive. During parse, the client must pass a concrete implementation of `FilterBuilder` to
// the parser in order to construct filters.
#include <array>
#include <type_traits>
#include "tokens.h"
namespace netdump::parser {
// As a filter string is parsed, functions declared in this interface are called to emit filters of
// type `T`. Parsed data is supplied to `FilterBuilder` in host byte order. It is the job of the
// builder implementations to rearrange the data into the order required by filters. The internal
// state of a `FilterBuilder` is also allowed to change during a parse. The filter operation methods
// are therefore not marked `const`, and the correct way to pass a `FilterBuilder` is by pointer
// rather than `const` reference.
template <class T>
class FilterBuilder {
// During parsing, filter objects will pass between the parser and `FilterBuilder`.
// In general the objects will be moved, and the parser requires `T` to be a move constructible
// and move assignable type. This does not prohibit a copyable `T`.
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<T>::value && std::is_move_assignable<T>::value,
"Parser will move construct and move assign filter objects.");
// Filter operation methods. Parameters to these methods are:
// - Literal data that was parsed from user input, such as a protocol number.
// - The qualifier keyword token encountered that specifies the type of data, such as `src`.
// Frame length.
virtual T frame_length(uint16_t length, TokenPtr comparator) = 0;
// Ethernet II ethertype.
virtual T ethertype(uint16_t type) = 0;
// MAC address expression.
virtual T mac(std::array<uint8_t, ETH_ALEN> address, TokenPtr addr_type) = 0;
// IP version.
virtual T ip_version(uint8_t version) = 0;
// IP packet length.
virtual T ip_pkt_length(uint8_t version, uint16_t length, TokenPtr comparator) = 0;
// IP protocol number.
virtual T ip_protocol(uint8_t version, uint8_t protocol) = 0;
// IPv4 address.
virtual T ipv4_address(uint32_t address, TokenPtr type) = 0;
// IPv6 address.
virtual T ipv6_address(std::array<uint8_t, IP6_ADDR_LEN> address, TokenPtr addr_type) = 0;
// Port ranges.
virtual T ports(std::vector<PortRange> ranges, TokenPtr port_type) = 0;
// Logical operations.
// In general, if a filter operation uses another `T` filter as input, like the case here,
// the input objects are passed by value and implementations of `FilterBuilder<T>` should
// move them as necessary.
virtual T negation(T filter) = 0; // Logical `NOT`.
virtual T conjunction(T left, T right) = 0; // Logical `AND`.
virtual T disjunction(T left, T right) = 0; // Logical `OR`.
FilterBuilder(const FilterBuilder&) = delete;
FilterBuilder& operator=(const FilterBuilder&) = delete;
// In order to facilitate keyword lookup, construction must be with the same `Tokenizer` used to
// lex the tokens passed into the filter operation methods.
explicit FilterBuilder<T>(const Tokenizer& tokenizer) : tkz(tokenizer) {}
const Tokenizer& tkz;
} // namespace netdump::parser